
Time reprints my criticism

| November 22, 2011 | 12 Comments
Time reprints my criticism

Some of you may remember the review I did last week on Time magazine’s cover story about the widening gap between the military and the protected classes of our society. Well, Harriet Barovick, one of the journalists over there acknowledge my criticism in this week’s edition of the magazine; ‘Yes, there is a divide ­between […]

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Armando Cordoba busted

| November 19, 2011 | 50 Comments
Armando Cordoba busted

Back in September, we mentioned a Stolen Valor case that our buddy, JD at Professional Soldiers, was working on, in regards to Armando Cordoba (sounds like a cabana boy, doesn’t he?). Armando claimed in a local newspaper that he had been a POW of the North vietnamese Army. Average NCO sends us a link to […]

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Time: An Army Apart

| November 10, 2011 | 17 Comments
Time: An Army Apart

That’s the cover of this week’s Time magazine. TIME’s Mark Thompson reports: “Never has the U.S. public been so separate, so removed, so isolated from the people it pays to protect it….. Most Americans have not served in uniform, no longer have a parent who did and are unlikely to encourage their children to enlist…. […]

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…and beer for my horses

| November 9, 2011 | 20 Comments
…and beer for my horses

The Stolen valor posse mounted up and rode after another bad guy again last night and it was a beautiful thing to behold. The article was here until the posse, including our buddies Doug Sterner and Don Shipley started questioning the article and the several details that made it unbelievable – things like earning eight […]

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To my face

| November 8, 2011 | 20 Comments
To my face

Thanks to Mr Wolf for sending a link to my interview with Columbia Journalism Review. Not all veterans are in agreement. Jonn Lilyeah blogged about Scott Olsen on his This Ain’t Hell page: Now, the hippies get to hide behind Olsen’s broken body and make a martyr of him…someone they would have spit on a […]

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Write your obit before you die

| November 1, 2011 | 5 Comments
Write your obit before you die

You don’t want the media to write your obituary, so you’d better do it now. I say that because of a link that CavRick sent us to a final report on Jim Forrester, a retired State Senator and legislature from North Carolina. He was a flight surgeon during the Vietnam War and then flew medical […]

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FBI: Gang infiltration of the US military

| October 26, 2011 | 25 Comments
FBI: Gang infiltration of the US military

Old Trooper sends a link from the Washington Examiner in which they report that the FBI has issued a report which accuses the US military of harboring street gang members. TSO and I agree that this report has SPLC’s fingerprints all over it – like their wild goose chase for Neo Nazis in the military […]

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Maryland court steals more valor

| October 16, 2011 | 7 Comments
Maryland court steals more valor

In the case of Aron lawless, the Maryland former Marine who scammed Glock out of a free trip to Las Vegas meant for a real hero. Maryland’s federal Disrict Court ruled the Stolen Valor Act unconstitutional, on the grounds that the law was too broad. From the Journal-Star; The law was so broadly written, they […]

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