RSSMedal of Honor

Valor Friday

| August 30, 2024 | 5 Comments
Valor Friday

Sometimes when conducting research for this article I come across a story that’s really unbelievable. I knew the story of Desmond Doss before the Hacksaw Ridge (2016) brought his epic bravery to wider audiences. I highlighted the story of a personal hero of mine a while back; Captain (Doctor) Ben Solomon. Today’s subject is similar […]

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Valor Friday

| August 16, 2024 | 4 Comments
Valor Friday

Longtime readers will know that I have a soft spot for the heroism of those in the chaplain and medical corps. Today’s feature hits both. A recent Military Times article highlights some of the incredible battlefield bravery of Doctor Orlando Petty. While serving at an aid station at the front, Petty, a Navy doctor attached […]

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Valor Friday

| August 2, 2024 | 5 Comments
Valor Friday

It’s the end of September, 1918. At about the same time that the German high command is trying to tell the Kaiser that they will lose to war and it’s best to capitulate now, an American all-black infantry regiment is attempting to take Hill 188. Hill 188 is a tall, well defended German post overlooking […]

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Valor Friday

| July 5, 2024 | 7 Comments
Valor Friday

It’s the spring of 1862. The United States has been cleaved in two, with the southern states secceeding from the Union a year previously. With Lincoln in the White House, the Union is waging a war to reunite the country. The Civil War was in its infancy, but already the war had claimed more American […]

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Biden to award two MoHs tomorrow

| July 2, 2024 | 29 Comments
Biden to award two MoHs tomorrow

On Wednesday, 3 July, two of Andrews’ Raiders will receive posthumous Medals of Honor for their role in the successful Union raid. Prior to this, Lieutenant (Brevet Lieutenant Colonel) Alonzo Cushing was the Medal of Honor recipient most divorced from the date of action (3 July 1863) and date of award (19 December 2014), at […]

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Valor Friday

| May 24, 2024 | 17 Comments
Valor Friday

We discussed yesterday the recent passing of Brigadier General Clarence “Bud” Anderson. He was the last American triple ace still living. He shot down 16 German Luftwaffe planes in the skies over Europe between 8 March and 5 December 1944. He earned five Distinguished Flying Crosses for his successes. Read them here. Post-war, Anderson remained […]

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Valor Friday

| May 3, 2024 | 9 Comments
Valor Friday

Don’t let the bookish looks of this bespectacled man deceive you. This guy was a straight up badass. Benjamin Wilson enlisted in the Army before WWII. He was at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. Schofield Barracks wasn’t a prime target of either of the two waves of Japanese aircraft. It was […]

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Valor Friday

| April 26, 2024 | 10 Comments
Valor Friday

August 1917. The US has now been a part of World War I for months. Vast numbers of men and war materiel have been mobilized. The US Army grows to a size unheard of in the history of the country. As part of that, whole new divisions were being created seemingly every day. Among the […]

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