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What James Branum won’t tell you

| October 15, 2009 | 34 Comments
What James Branum won’t tell you

Yesterday, TSO wrote about Travis Bishop’s and Leo Church’s lawyer, James Branum and his claims that the Fort Lewis Regional Detention Facility is Guantanamo-on-Sequalitchew Lake. Like we do here at This Ain’t Hell, TSO followed up with an email to the Fort Lewis PAO to get the answers that Branum won’t provide to the media; […]

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More Nobel Prize news

| October 13, 2009 | 17 Comments
More Nobel Prize news

According to the Associated Press, the Nobel Prize jury commented on the prize they gave to President Obama last week – and it turns out that their reasoning is even more intellectually vacant than we thought; “Alfred Nobel wrote that the prize should go to the person who has contributed most to the development of […]

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Moscow Matthis on Russia Today

| October 12, 2009 | 22 Comments
Moscow Matthis on Russia Today

Matthis Chiroux, our favorite punching bag, is sticking his face out in public again. Russia Today seems to be stalking the IVAW these days and since Adam Kokesh doesn’t see the value in anti-war propaganda anymore, Chiroux is their new darling. Chiroux does what Chiroux does best – he uses the language to pump up […]

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The vacuous intellect of the anti-war Left

| October 6, 2009 | 28 Comments
The vacuous intellect of the anti-war Left

In this morning’s Washington Post, Dana Milbank writes about yesterday’s protest at the White House; If the commander in beef had been watching from a window, he would have had reason for concern. Not the demonstrators themselves: They were Green Party types with some self-proclaimed socialists thrown in, and they had never been enthusiastic Obama […]

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Sorry, Ward, I couldn’t do it

| October 5, 2009 | 26 Comments
Sorry, Ward, I couldn’t do it

While I was at the protest today, I got a chance to talk to Ward Reilly and Bill Perry. Bill told me that if there weren’t so many witnesses around, he’d have punched me. I laughed. Then he complained that I posted the video of him admitting that his testimony at Winter Soldier I was […]

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Code Pink/VFP/WCW at the White House (Updated w/video)

| October 5, 2009 | 24 Comments
Code Pink/VFP/WCW at the White House (Updated w/video)

Not feeling the hope and change, a coalition of anti war groups marched on the White House. I’ve got some pictures and videos to put up for now – but I’ll be adding more tonight. There was no IVAW presence today, so the Geezers For Sitting On Our Hands was at the front of the […]

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Think the media will report this? (Video added)

| October 5, 2009 | 2 Comments
Think the media will report this? (Video added)

Here’s one of the first signs I encountered this morning Here’s the video; Bill Perry and I aren’t friends any more. He introduced to his crowd of Vets For Peace as “That lying SOB from This Ain’t Hell”. Ward Reilly was polite, though, so was Michael MacPhearson. Jim Goodnow told me to keep up the […]

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Frank: ACORN is Bush’s fault

| September 24, 2009 | 11 Comments
Frank: ACORN is Bush’s fault

Reversing the statement that was put out by his office yesterday, Barney Frank has suddenly decided that what ACORN did was bad in regards to helping hookers and pimps set up houses of ill-repute in low income neighborhoods and staffing those houses with underage immigrants. However, he’s not ready to accept responsibility that he and […]

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