Moscow Matthis on Russia Today

| October 12, 2009

Matthis Chiroux, our favorite punching bag, is sticking his face out in public again. Russia Today seems to be stalking the IVAW these days and since Adam Kokesh doesn’t see the value in anti-war propaganda anymore, Chiroux is their new darling.

Chiroux does what Chiroux does best – he uses the language to pump up his image. He calls himself a deserter now – even though he’s just a coward who wouldn’t answer the Army when they called him to duty. He isn’t even as brave as a deserter.

In the opening scene of him on the porch of the IVAW club house in DC, there are at least two people with him that have since repudiated him as a messenger of veterans.

He says the Army “dehumanizes” foreigners, yet he does the same thing – he dehumanizes the military like it’s not full of people who are doing their best to defend the interests of the country. He claims that we’re only in Afghanistan for the resources – I guess we’re running out of sand and rocks. He calls the US military a “public relations hoax” that spreads death around the world. Two competing concepts, in my opinion. I’m guessing that the folks in Samoa are pretty happy to see US forces there.

Chiroux claims that the military taught him to approach all foreigners as potential enemies – I guess that’s why he raped the underaged Filipino girl and why he kicked his German girlfriend to the curb when she ran out of money supporting his useless ass.

By the way, yet another IVAW refugee sent me this video – one who has never participated here before. I wonder if I have 1700 IVAW members yet.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Usual Suspects

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That boy should become a farmer. He’d never need to buy fertilizer.


No kidding.


So, we’re “altering nations we’re actively destroying”? That would explain the bulldozing of all those mosques to build McD’s and Burger Kings? The only thing butthead got right was that the army is “trained to blow things up and kill bad guys”. He didn’t sleep through everything during training.

A Heros Friend

I believe that this a**hole will say ANYTHING to get noticed/laid and to stay in the spotlight! What a sad excuse for a human being much less a “man”! BTW…it’s about time for him to lay off the coke or audition for the “Dawn of the Dead”,seriously,the dude looks like shite.


Matthis is an assmonkey who should have been a shitburner not a Army Journalist. But you know what, Cocaine is a hell of a drug. eventually it’ll get his useless ass and he’ll be trickin for a snort.


This is the first I’ve really looked at him. My God, he looks like a girly man! That little boy needs to grow up.

A Heros Friend

Maybe Jonn or TSO can come up with some before and after pictures of Matty to show the effects of his lifestyle on his health and on his looks…


Just don’t post that pic of Matthis and Ward Reilly after their same sex wedding, or whatever that disaster was a few months ago. Some horrors don’t need to be revisited!


I didn’t know that Shaggy was in Iraq…where is Scooby Doo?


Could take only 1 minute of Moscow Matthis and my head was hurting. What a waste of oxygen. Hope he can afford to buy up some of those carbon credits cause he may have to permit and cap his emmissions. They’re foul.

Juarez Piece

I see you have a little pro-war clique going on here. How many foreigners do I have to execute under the guise of “soldier” to join your big bad men club? And when I come home, how long do I have to be in denial that what I did was not only morally wrong but I was a sucker that got played to sign up in the first place? After all, “soldiers are just dumb animals to be used as pawns in foreign affairs,” as Henry Kissinger was fond of saying.



You got played, did you? Did you not understand the word “volunteer”?

Did you sign up while the war was going on? Own your mistake and do something productive about it instead of whining you “got played.” And don’t buddy fuck your friends, while you’re at it.

Sorry you don’t like that the collective here think that Chiroux is getting the short end,um, not really.

I could give a rat’s ass that Chiroux was a chicken shit, but he buddy fucked his comrades and for that, he gets all backlash, especially since he cannot seem to do anything worthwhile other than piss and moan about what people say about him.

Actions speak louder than words, don’t you think?


At least the video has a happy ending with good ol’ Nick getting one to the dome.

The only positive in all of this is that I live close enough to DC to hopefully run into these fools one night out on the town. I’ve managed to master the ability to get one good “lights out” punch in on someone and get away before security arrives…


JP, stay out of the military. There are alot of sharp, pointie objects and you could hurt yourself.

Robert Chiroux

I saw this video yesterday before it posted here. Matthis does not look well. Perhaps he is ill. Matthis’ gift for eloquence also seems to be missing. He stammers, repeats himself and has resorted to vesicant rhetoric. Even the interviewer is keeping her distance. Additionally he has begun attacking the left. Matthis attacked the right, the center, savaged his own family privately and publically and now is attacking his own base. I am not surprised members of the IVAW are forwarding alerts on Matthis to Jonn. Being elected a “Director of IVAW” may have given Matthis some sense of validity but it also brings greater scrutiny and that is never good for Matthis. As far as him being interviewed on “Russia Today” anti-American propoganda is always best served by showing Americans at their worst. Matthis has allowed himself to be used to show Americans in a bad light to a foreign audience. He has become that which he first attacked.

It is a hard thing to watch your own son self destruct. Please keep in mind our family, other than Matthis, is very pro-American and have served in our country’s armed forces in every generation we have been Americans. We are all, on all sides, best served when Matthis is ignored. His 15 minutes are almost up and he likely knows it.


You’re a good man, Dr. Chiroux.


YatYas Says:
October 13th, 2009 at 9:32 am

JP, stay out of the military. There are alot of sharp, pointie objects and you could hurt yourself.

Nice. I like it!


JP must be IVAW………


Mr. Chiroux,

I speak for myself and say how sorry I am that your son is in self-destruct mode. It is not a pretty thing as a parent to see. I hope it never happens to me.

Your insight and compassion comes through and I hope your family comes out on the other side.


“He has become that which he first attacked.”

Dr. Chiroux, you’re not the only one who has noticed.


You have a typo…Matthis didn’t say the Army dehumanizes foreigners, he said that the Army dehumanizes their soldiers.

He didn’t lie…the army does spread death-that is what happens in wars. people are killed. people die.

Why are people preoccupied with what he does in his private life? who cares…and how can we comment on his looks…that isn’t the point of all this is it? I mean honestly, look at most full time college students with an internship and job…it certainly isn’t the most glamorous time in one’s life. Plus; didn’t he recently have a serious injury?

Thanks for posting this story! Good day!


Get a screen shot of JP’s “You are babykillers” schtick for the next time the leftists claim nobody says shit like that.