Code Pink/VFP/WCW at the White House (Updated w/video)

| October 5, 2009

Not feeling the hope and change, a coalition of anti war groups marched on the White House. I’ve got some pictures and videos to put up for now – but I’ll be adding more tonight.

There was no IVAW presence today, so the Geezers For Sitting On Our Hands was at the front of the march. For some reason, anti-war protesters think they need veterans in the front to give them legitimacy.

That’s retired Colonel Ann Wright carrying a mock-up coffin with Jim Goodnow behind her. Goodnow drove the Impeach Bush bus which caught fire in a New Jersey rest stop and Goodnow claimed he was firebombed by right-wing extremists;

Code Pink.VFP Protest 021

Listen to the speaker in the first portion of this video as she equates the war in Afghanistan to Southeast DC. The moonbattery runs deeply in this one;

Code Pink.VFP Protest 025

Code Pink.VFP Protest 023

Cindy Sheehan was there – but I didn’t need to say that because you know there were cameras.

Code Pink.VFP Protest 028

Code Pink.VFP Protest 030

Code Pink.VFP Protest 063

A couple of Guantanamo prisoners chained themselves to the fence – I volunteered to help the cops beat them, but they only chuckled and told me they could handle it.

Code Pink.VFP Protest 072

Code Pink.VFP Protest 069

They waterboarded one old hippie and when I shouted for them to behead him instead of bathing him, they called me a “Nazi”.

I guess you could take this sign a hundred ways, but anyway you parse it, it’s a slap against the troops;

White House Protest 10-5-2009 (77)

It’s not a protest against Bush anymore.

White House Protest 10-5-2009 (75)

They needed more cowbell;

White House Protest 10-5-2009 (66)

Cindy and Medea have made up apparently;

White House Protest 10-5-2009 (59)

The National Lawyers Guild tried to intimidate the Free Republic folks;

White House Protest 10-5-2009 (28)

Probably because they were getting more interviews than the hippies;

White House Protest 10-5-2009 (23)

If you need more pictures, I have about a hundred at My Flickr Photostream. I kept the photos of the comely news ladies over there.

I talked with Dana Milbank from the Washington Post and gave him my (unsolicited) impression. He told me that he’s writing this like it’s the “canary in the mine”. I told him that it’s more like a desperate play for donations. All of the “big guns” were there; Cindy Sheehan, Media Benjamin, Jody Evans, Michael MacPhearson (VFP’s ED) and some minor guns like John Grant (VFP in Philly and Hugo Chavez fan). They were there because they’re hurting for money what with the Democrats at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue and MoveOn sucking up the Left’s money.

By the way, no MoveOn today, either.

I’m really surprised that IVAW wasn’t there. I wonder if it’s a policy shift or a lack of participation. Since they recently officially condemned the Afghanistan War, it seemed the perfect venue.

UPDATED AGAIN: Apparently, some of the protesters got arrested after I left for not keeping the sidewalk clear. I saw a couple of them giving crap to the Park Police and told them to quit being dicks and let the cops do their job. Of course, i got called a “Nazi” for that, too. So these bozos deserved to be arrested.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Code Pink, Protests/Rallies, Usual Suspects

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What a group of A-holes, but at least their consistent unlike most of the previous anti-war protesters. Where’s Medea; wonder if she’s afraid they might call her a racist for protesting The One.


I don’t think Cindy and Medea are getting along anymore are they? I seemed to think they had a falling out.

B Woodman

Damn! Some people have ALL the fun! I wish I could’ve been there. Not much fun happens out this way (SLC UT).


From a distance one would only read “STOP US CLOSE US” on that sign. Where do I sign up to Stop and Close the hippies? I’d be more than happy to put a beat down on any number of them…


aha, that’s what was happening at the McPherson this morning… I saw a bunch of people gathering, some in the orange suits and then they started singing something about drugs and how next billion dollars are not going to fight drugs but to fight wars…


Yeah, at Gitmo’ the torture included Korans, prayer rugs, clothes and respect for their religious dietary restrictions…wonder if they had that at Cabanatuan?

AW1 Tim

B Woodman,

Maybe you could head up to Logan and deal with this idiot:

Marshall Thompson and some of his hippie friends hang out in front of the Tabernacle in Logan almost every day. It’d be nice to see these toadies get a comeuppance.

My dad lives over to Hyrum, and he’d go himself, but at 90 years, the old Veteran’s legs aren’t what they once were.



There was a good article in the Post this past Sunday where it described how the Gitmo detainees have excellent quality of life in terms of prisons, and that if they are to go to Supermax, their lives will basically suck. Currently, they lounge outside, have access to DVDs, converse with other inmates, and do well. Supermax means confined to a small cell for 23 hours.

AW1 Tim

Supermax means confined to a small cell for 23 hours.

Sounds like what they OUGHT to be doing. Right now, they’re more like typical US Welfare slackers.


Two questions:

1. Why does John seem to have all the fun?

2. Can you strip a retired Col. of his/her pension for the crime of asshatery in the first degree?


Good grief, went back through the photos and there’s Medea talking to Cindy. Instead of showing water boarding, why don’t they do electric shock. I have a couple of extra 12 volt batteries and jumper cables they can have for free.

Amazing stuff here

Great Work Jonn. Those people are wasting their time. Obama is part of the system now.

I hate the left as much as the right. All extremist are pathetic.


“Obama is part of the system now”

Hmmm..wouldn’t know that by the signage carried by these geezers.

I was half expecting an updated version of this sign to make its rounds in DC:

B Woodman

AW1 Tim,
Thanks for the notice. I see that Our Protesting Man Marshall is/was also a journalist during his time in service. What is it about these military journalists? Do they see something that everyone else misses? Or is it just part of their sensitive nature (wave limp wrist)? I wonder just WHERE he served in Iraq?


Was that black woman serious? First, she’s bitching about Black Panther oppression and then what, black solidarity for the black soldiers catching hell in war in all areas of the world? WTF?

Talk about moonbattery!!! Holy Cow! And this is how the Pied Piper got elected…by preaching to the uneducated choirs.

Brown Neck Gaitor

Did anybody else notice that Mother Sheehan appears to be in a Family way?

Just sayin…


Ok, Jonn, that’s just wrong! There isn’t enough beer to get me in the mood with Mother Sheehan. I don’t care what ya say, that’s just wrong.

Junior AG

“Great Work Jonn. Those people are wasting their time. Obama is part of the system now.”

ASH, republicrats and demicans are statists, not much difference between the opposite sides of the oligarchy coin they are part of, one side tends to obfuscate certain issues better than the other, that is all.


JAG, and one side seems to have much better press agents.


Not to worry, gents, IIRC, Sheehag was in the hospital for a hysterectomy a couple of years back. No plumbing to facilitate spawn of Chiroux on the world, thankfully.


I only saw John Grant about 4 times in the video. Did anyone get what the opening remarks were? Did that crazy racist women say “brothers and sisters” in Afghanistan?

Marshall Thompson

AW1 Tim and B Woodman,

Despite your contempt for my service and your jokes about my “sensitivity,” I am still proud of my service in Iraq. If you want to ask me any questions or give me my “comeupance,” I’m at the same place almost every Friday. 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. in front of the Tabernacle on Center and Main in Logan, Utah. I don’t know why you would ask people on this site for answers about me when you could come and speak to me yourselves. I’d be happy to answer any questions and doubts you have about my service in Iraq, Kosovo, and South Korea.