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Biden in Watertown

| November 2, 2009 | 6 Comments
Biden in Watertown

Joe Biden, one of the Democrat leadership who had a hand in tossing Joe Lieberman from the Democrat Party, chastized Republicans for running Dede Scozzafava out of the race for Congress in New York’s 23rd District this morning, as told by the Washington Times; “They may not have any room for moderate views in the […]

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Scozzafava to NY23: Vote for the establishment

| November 1, 2009 | 7 Comments
Scozzafava to NY23: Vote for the establishment

Yeah, I kinda figured that Dede would be that sort of prick who is vindictive rather than the bigger person. Apparently, her decision to drop out of the New York’s 23rd District race was selfish – if she couldn’t win, she didn’t want to lose – so she decided to throw her voters to Bill […]

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James Branum; incompetent boob

| October 28, 2009 | 13 Comments
James Branum; incompetent boob

I spent some time on the phone with one of the IVAW refugees last night and he verified some of the stories I’d heard from other places about our favorite lawyer, James Branum (more Branum background at this link). The person I talked to last night isn’t a lawyer, but he advocates for soldiers – […]

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Obama’s MoveOn proxies target Toyota

| October 27, 2009 | 5 Comments
Obama’s MoveOn proxies target Toyota

Since Obama can’t bring himself to attack a large employer like Toyota for belonging to the Chamber of Commerce, he’s turned his pawns at loose on them. On their website, they proclaim; Toyota claims to be “green” but supports anti-climate lobbying by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Companies like Apple have quit the Chamber […]

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Avoiding the rush to the exit

| October 27, 2009 | 6 Comments
Avoiding the rush to the exit

While the President claims he won’t “rush” to a decision on Afghanistan, and John Kerry carries his water for him, others don’t see the need to put off the application of more force to the region. Senator Richard Burr of South Carolina talked to Patti Ann Brown today on Fox news Channel; Senator Burr was […]

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Feeling played, Oly?

| October 27, 2009 | 8 Comments
Feeling played, Oly?

Earlier this month, Olympia Snowe, the pretend Republican from Maine caved to Democrat pressure on the healthcare bill while it was in committee because she got assurances from her fellow Democrats that there would be no single-payer (government-paid) option in that bill. She was heralded by the Democrats as a wonderful person – the only […]

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Who wants to be the last to die for Kerry’s lies

| October 26, 2009 | 16 Comments
Who wants to be the last to die for Kerry’s lies

The Washington Post reports that John Kerry is satisfied to maintain the status quo in Afghanistan. Kerry is perfectly happy to let the Taliban and al Qaeda run around the country raising Hell and lowering Afghans’ trust in the US commitment to their security; “We do not yet have the critical guarantees of governance and […]

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Branum protests Fort Lewis

| October 21, 2009 | 8 Comments
Branum protests Fort Lewis

One of the IVAW refugees sent me this video last night of legal leach James M. Branum, the lawyer responsible for the imprisonment of several high profile deserters and general malcontents. The other day, TSO wrote about Branum’s complaints and followed up with a call to the Fort Lewis Public Affairs Office. He found many […]

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