Usual Suspects
Need more protest pictures?
Our buddy Zombie sent a link to the latest from the anti-war protest in San Francisco last weekend. The best and brightest turned out to exercise their right to assemble and be as ritardit as possible; You can see the rest at Zombie Classic or at Pajamas Media.
I guess we all have PTSD, then
IVAW member, Jeremy Bergren, has a blog post up on the IVAW website in which he defends his bout with PTSD. Like most of the IVAW members, Bergren never deployed. His unit deployed, but he was legally absent – and that, apparently is the source of his PTSD; I will not get too much into […]
Matthis and Agosto: flag burning is cool
Two new blog posts at IVAW, one by Victor Agosto another by Matthis Chiroux, explain why they’re cool to like flag burning and you’re not. First, Victor rolls out a list of terrible things Americans have done – none of them anything done by people we know, but things that happened before we were all […]
The DC protest video highlights
Here are some of the videos I’ve found and were sent to me about the protest this last weekend. A young reporter gets a lesson from a tea partier on wardrobe selection;
Matthis’ Big Weekend Adventure
A little bird called to tell me that Matthis Chiroux was arrested this weekend for making mud stencils in front of the White House. Sure enough, I found a photo of the arrest at Al Jazeera. Notice the cane on the ground – he’s still playing the sympathy card for his broken leg from A […]
VFP’s DC theater
I ran into Concretebob at the Code Red rally yesterday and he pointed me to the VFP’s theater in DC yesterday. Anemic doesn’t begin to describe what was going on at their little theater yesterday; The display, of course is supposed to be markers of every soldier killed in Iraq. Some of the markers have […]
Kokesh won’t quit (Updated)
As I predicted, Adam Kokesh, IVAW diva, announced that, although he could only attract 16% of the delegates in new Mexico’s 3rd District GOP pre-primary race, he won’t quit; “Our campaign is energized, and we’re committed to winning the primary election,” Kokesh said in a news release. “We are a grassroots campaign, and over the […]
ACLU, law community undermine our security
If you haven’t read Debra Burlingame’s article at the Wall Street Journal entitled “Gitmo’s Indefensible Lawyers “, you really need to read the whole thing. Ms. Burlingame recounts the story of lawyers from Paul, Weiss legal firm’s distribution of Amnesty International-manufactured propaganda to their clients in order to undermine order and discipline among their clients […]
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