Liberals suck
Biden might deploy NG to ease supply chain issues
With dozens of ships sitting waiting at ports, shipping containers being dumped in residential neighborhoods, and a missing in action Secretary of Transportation, Biden was asked at a CNN Town Hall if he would activate the National Guard to help. Naturally, the now perennial favorite solution of the Democrats for any imaginable contingency, he’s considering […]
Democrats in Connecticut tweet cartoon showing parents as evil villains
The cartoon shows a group of evil characters from horror films. A woman asks these characters if they are going trick-or-treating. They respond that they are going to a school board meeting. Leftist cartoonist Nick Anderson portrays parents this way and apparently Connecticut’s Democratic Party agrees with him. From Fox News: The official Twitter account […]
NYC removing Thomas Jefferson statue from City Hall
More revisionist history and erasure from the tolerant left. This time New York City is following in the footsteps of places like Madison, WI and voted unanimously to remove a nearly 200 year old statue of author of the Declaration of Independence, third US President Thomas Jefferson. Breitbart reports; Public art officials in New York […]
College student triggered over cisgender male work crew
Oberlin College in Ohio announced the installment of radiators in dorm rooms. This announcement went out to those who would be impacted. This is similar to landlords announcing, to tenants, that a service would be done in their homes. It’s fall, it’s getting cooler, and winter is getting closer. Having radiators installed and tested […]
Leftist journalist wants the media to criticize Republicans like they do Democrats
Jackie Calmes, former New York Times reporter, penned an opinion piece in the Los Angeles Times. She claims that when journalists and writers talk about “both sides”, with regards to an issue, she stops reading the article or listening to the news segment. In her article, she complained about how the conservatives are “ignoring truths”, […]
Whatever happened to West Point’s Commie Cadet?
When last we heard from communist adherent and fan of murderous totalitarian Che Guevara Spenser Rapone, he was drummed out of the service under other-than-honorable conditions for his “protest” at his West Point Graduation. That’s taxpayer money on a first-class education well spent. You’ll recall he had been reported years earlier for anti-American posts. The system failed […]
Loudoun county superintendent denied the allegations that females were assaulted
The Loudoun Country School Board approved policy that allowed students to use the bathroom of the gender that they identified with. After this policy went into effect, a male wearing a skirt was accused of committing sexual assault against a female student in the bathroom. This was not the only case. The Superintendent denied the […]
Released Supreme Court Commission discussion materials upsets the left
Joe Biden set up a commission to review the US Supreme Court with the view of making updates. One of the things expected from this commission was the potential to add justices. The released discussion materials, from the commission, does not suggest that the left will get this wish. They feel that if more progressive […]
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