RSSLiberals suck

How To Win a War Started by the Gun Grabbing Fascist Tits

| October 15, 2018 | 43 Comments
How To Win a War Started by the Gun Grabbing Fascist Tits

  I read an article on the “revolution” against gun grabbing/confiscation and the numbers, math, how gun owners could form a civilian army, etc.  And it won’t work well, because – well, lack of subtlety is the response. A few observations on my part. Guerrilla warfare, as anyone who was in-country in Vietnam will tell […]

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She’s Baaaaaack!

| October 14, 2018 | 36 Comments
She’s Baaaaaack!

You all remember Emma Gonzales, don’t you? Lovely young girl, despite the shaved head. Such crocodile tears she wept for as long as she was onstage, and then hey! Presto! They vanished. She was also good at reddening her eyeballs. One can only hope she’ll get glaucoma out of it, or worse. And that […]

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Transgender man demands access to women’s bathroom, but there is more to the story… · Caldron Pool

| October 13, 2018 | 44 Comments
Transgender man demands access to women’s bathroom, but there is more to the story… · Caldron Pool

Jonn posted about our little buddy Charles Clymer  before. Charles Clymer, a transgender man now known as Charlotte, has filed a formal discrimination complaint with the D.C. Office of Human Rights after a Washington restaurant asked him to show his ID before entering a woman’s bathroom. According to the attendant, the women’s bathrooms were reserved for– you […]

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Hillary Clinton loses security clearance

| October 13, 2018 | 38 Comments
Hillary Clinton loses security clearance

The Washington Times reports that Hillary Clinton, also known as Felonia McPantsuit or Das Hildebeast, has lost her security clearance in the wake of the scandal over her handling of secret information on her email server, the Senate Judiciary Committee revealed Friday. Committee Chairman Charles E. Grassley also revealed top Clinton aide Cheryl Mills and […]

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Trouble in Toronto

| October 11, 2018 | 37 Comments
Trouble in Toronto

  It seems as though you can’t even go to a peaceful protest these days without some soyboy latte-slurping nitwit with delusions of self-importance showing up to make a nuisance of himself. At a pro-life protest in Toronto (that’s in Canada), a peaceful protest was underway outside an abortion clinic. As far as I can […]

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Bill and Hill’s Excellent Autumn Tour

| October 9, 2018 | 67 Comments
Bill and Hill’s Excellent Autumn Tour

Bill and Hillary Clinton announce US/Canadian event series tour On Monday, Bill and Hillary Clinton made an announcement. They are going on tour across 13 U.S. cities to close out 2018 and extend it through 2019. The tours will consist of conversation-like series titled, “An Evening with President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State […]

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Is it time to expand the definition of ‘veteran?’

| October 3, 2018 | 109 Comments
Is it time to expand the definition of ‘veteran?’

A certain  Dr. Warren J. Blumenfeld thinks we are being too restrictive with who earns the title “Veteran”. I have long thought, though, about whom our country includes in its socially-constructed category of “veteran.” Currently, that classification remains limited to those honorably serving in our armed forces. And yes, this service and this profession has traditionally […]

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When they start pimping out the corpse of a dead veteran for votes…everyone should lose.

| October 1, 2018 | 24 Comments
When they start pimping out the corpse of a dead veteran for votes…everyone should lose.

The corpse of Jason Simcakoski seems to be popular fodder for political grazing these days.  Jason died in 2014 while in the care of the VA.  Now,  Leah Vukmir and Tammy Baldwin are using his death in their respective campaign adds. The parents and widow of a Marine veteran who died at the Tomah Veterans Affairs Medical Center […]

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