RSSLiberals suck

A Brief Review of 2nd and 10th Amendments

| November 19, 2018 | 62 Comments
A Brief Review of 2nd and 10th Amendments

That small firecracker storm stirred up by yesterday’s posting of an article about a newly-minted Congress critter from California showed that this incipient Congress critter is ignorant of both Federal and state laws about everything. Here’s my attempt to clear up that ignorance as simply as possible. First of all, the US Constitution has Amendments […]

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Democrat Eric Swalwell: If Gun Owners Defy ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban, ‘The Government Has Nukes’

| November 17, 2018 | 109 Comments
Democrat Eric Swalwell: If Gun Owners Defy ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban, ‘The Government Has Nukes’

AWR Hawkins Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) defended a potential “assault weapons” buyback Friday afternoon, saying that if gun owners defy a legislative ban, “the government has nukes.” The exchange began with conservative Twitter commentator Joe Biggs responding to a story on Swalwell’s Thursday op-ed in USA Today, titled “Ban assault weapons, buy them back, go […]

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Patton Was a Poet? Who Knew?

| November 12, 2018 | 12 Comments
Patton Was a Poet? Who Knew?

Well, if that don’t beat all. It explains a lot, though. From a MilitaryNews article dated 11 Nov 2018 at | By Richard Sisk From the article:   Not everybody was happy that World War I ended on Nov. 11, 1918, possibly least of all an Army colonel named George S. Patton. Patton, then 32, wrote a poem titled “Peace […]

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Tucker Carlson’s Daughter Harassed at Restaurant

| November 11, 2018 | 42 Comments
Tucker Carlson’s Daughter Harassed at Restaurant

Man approached teenage daughter and said: “Are you Tucker’s whore? He then called her a ‘f***ing c**t.” Creepy Porn Lawyer Michael Avenatti wants Tucker or others charged for defending her Posted by Mike LaChance Keep it classy Dems. Caution, NWS language ahead. Tucker Carlson is already dealing with the fact that an Antifa mob showed […]

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Meantime, for you gun nutz:

| November 5, 2018 | 64 Comments
Meantime, for you gun nutz:

This one is for you gun nutz, happening in New York (probably NYC) now. From the article: “Two New York lawmakers are working to draft a bill that would propose a social media check before a gun purchase. But it’s OK. They only want to look at the last three years of your online […]

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Our Plan Is The Best Plan Ever

| November 4, 2018 | 36 Comments
Our Plan Is The Best Plan Ever

I found an article at ‘The Guardian’ that reviewed George Soros’s failures. It’s obvious that the writer likes Soros, but he does not gloss over the failures. One of those failures – Soros’s biggest –  is not understanding that this country is a democratic republic, not a democracy, and that’s why it works so […]

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‘Hitman in a Porno Movie’ Update!

| November 4, 2018 | 78 Comments
‘Hitman in a Porno Movie’ Update!

SNL’s Pete Davidson Mocks GOP Candidate Dan Crenshaw, Who Lost His Eye in Afghanistan I don’t usually post pop culture or social media, but this smarmy little pansy managed to irritate me, taking cheap shots at a much better man. Somehow I doubt this Pete Davidson (who?) person has the stones to mock former Navy […]

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11/6/18 is only 5 days away

| November 1, 2018 | 35 Comments
11/6/18 is only 5 days away

Yes, I knew those Polish soldiers would get your attention. There’s a reason I posted it. Anyone besides me remember Lech Walesa? The Fox News article below is a couple weeks old, but still has validity. Democrats are leaning on divisive rhetoric and encouraging mob rule. Using mob rule to get what you want […]

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