Valor Vultures
Peter Charles – Fake Ranger, Fake Green Beret
The folks at Military Phony sent us their work on Peter Clay Charles, a professor that has students that think he was a Green Beret. On his LinkedIn account, he claims to have been in every hell hole in the world. Apparently, he still deploys at a moments notice, but not before he snaps a […]
Albert Gunnard Linne, An Army of None.
It seems there are a few people who are under the impression that this Albert Gunnard Linne guy was in the Army. It might have something to do with things like this posted at Rally Point. The Army does not seem to know anything about this guy. He does have some records out there on this […]
Donald Kimball; Still claiming a Silver Star and Purple Hearts
Donnie Kimball is still running about the mouth. We posted about him back in March. He is still a member of the Marine Corps League. We have tried to contact them several times, as recently as yesterday. I am getting no response. Can anyone explain how someone without a Silver Star in his records gets […]
Sean Baldacchin, aka Sean Hilts was never in the Canadian Airborne Regiment
Our Brothers north of the border send us their case on Sean Baldacchin or Sean Hilts as he sometimes likes to be called. “I was a member of the reserves from 1988 to 1990 as a Private in the Toronto Scottish Regiment holding qualifications of Infantryman, Machine gunner, and Basic Parachutist. I then joined the regular armed […]
Herb Severson – Phony Combat Wounded
The folks at send us their work on Herbert Roland Severson Jr, who claims he served in the Army for 22 years, was Airborne, a Ranger, was with Special Forces, was with the 75th Regiment, was in Grenada, and was awarded two Purple Hearts. When talking with someone about a M67 fragmentation grenade, he […]
Goofy Bastards, grabasstic clusterphucks that should have been spit out.
We get all kinds of reports. There is always that small band of Mental Masturbators who seem to want to do little more than diddle their life away being scumbags. Here is an example: Some people take pride in being Integrity Retarded, they get their kicks by seeing how much of their own flatulence they […]
Homeless Veteran Claims couple raised $400,000 for him but they are spending all the money themselves.
They raised $400,000 for a homeless man — who claims they spent it on vacations, casinos and a BMW. She was a motorist on Interstate 95 in Philadelphia who found herself stuck on an off-ramp, scared and out of gas. He was a homeless veteran who told her to lock her doors, then spent […]
James Jeenou Thao – Phony Soldier
Military Phony sends us their work on James Jeenou Thao, who also goes by Jee Nou Thao, and who claims to be a U.S. Army veteran of Afghanistan. James recently won a pageant and was crowned “Mr. Hmong Royalty.” The title came with hours of community service and James was given $1500 in award money. Here is […]
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