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John McCain on SNL

| May 18, 2008 | 2 Comments
John McCain on SNL

John McCain made a campaign stop on Saturday Night Live last night and made his case to folks not known to be big Republican supporters;

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“Hope” for “Change”

| May 9, 2008 | 7 Comments
“Hope” for “Change”

So Barak Obama pulled his snotty little kid act because John McCain, in a conference call with bloggers last month, hinted at the fact that Obama is endorsed by Hamas (USAToday link);  “I think it’s very clear who Hamas wants to be the next president,” the Republican nominee-in-waiting said. “If Senator Obama is favored by […]

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Muslims want to distract McCain and voters

| April 21, 2008 | 1 Comment
Muslims want to distract McCain and voters

In this morning’s Washington Times, Rowan Scarbourgh writes that the Islamic Society of North America is attempting to change John McCain’s descriptions of the terrorists against whom we’re fighting;  A coalition of American Muslim groups is demanding that Sen. John McCain stop using the adjective “Islamic” to describe terrorists and extremist enemies of the United […]

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PJ O’Rourke on John McCain

| April 20, 2008 | 2 Comments
PJ O’Rourke on John McCain

Don Carl sent me this article, 24 Hours on the ‘Big Stick’ from PJ O’Rourke, about his 24 hours as a guest on the USS Theodore Roosevelt. It seems he discovered reasons to vote for John McCain while he watched a night launch of F-18s from the deck of the nuclear-powered carrier;  We went back […]

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Vets for Freedom Rally for troops

| April 8, 2008
Vets for Freedom Rally for troops

About 480 veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan assembled beginning at 8:30 this morning just across the street from the Senate wing of the Capitol. The temperature was about 45 degrees – global warming had struck. In their sand colored polo shirts, emblazoned across their broad chests with “Vets for Freedom”, they renewed […]

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What I’m reading today

| March 30, 2008 | 4 Comments
What I’m reading today

Stolen from The Jungle Hut I must be getting old – I’m only reading other people’s brilliant thoughts today from the blogs that link here. People like Van at Kesher Talk who is convinced that McCain will tap Lieberman for VP. People like my friend Kamangir the Archer – the most visible moderate Iranian I […]

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Why the PhD won’t vote McCain

| March 29, 2008
Why the PhD won’t vote McCain

Doing my evening patrolling around the internet, I stumbled over a post by Deebow at Blackfive entitled “One Reason I Will Vote For McCain“. Deebow links to an opinion piece on entitled “Why I Will Not Vote for John McCain“, written by Phillip Butler, a former Naval Academy classmate and fellow POW of John […]

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Mischaracterizing McCain

| March 28, 2008 | 0 Comments
Mischaracterizing McCain

The Democrats, Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama, between jabs at each other have been squeezing out shots at John McCain. Today, Charles Krauthammer deals with one of their more disingenuous claims – that McCain wants to fight a war in Iraq for another 100 years; Asked at a New Hampshire campaign stop about possibly staying […]

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