Iraq Veterans Against the War
IVAW’s Josh Simpson can’t keep his story straight
Just cruising through my feeds this afternoon, I came across this YouTube video from Venezuelan Television. It’s an interview with IVAW’s Josh Simpson who tells harrowing stories of interrogations while he was a US Army interrogator. Keep in mind that this the first of a series of four interviews by VZTV, the government-owned Telesur, attempting […]
Attention whore overload
It seems that Cindy Sheehan and Matthis Chiroux met at Martha’s Vineyard this week and while no one was paying attention, they made a video together. Whoever took the video should have adjusted the audio – old guys like me can’t hear what they’re saying. Probably lucky for them. Here’s the video – I’ll leave […]
Jamail and Vasquez; why stop lying now?
This is a real smoldering turd of a video starring TSO’s favorite journalist, Dahr Jamail, and my new penpal, Jose Vasquez, the Executive Director of Iraq Veterans Against the War. To Vasquez’ credit, when the reporter introduces him as an Iraq veteran, he admits that he never served in the war. Like Carl Webb, Matthis […]
Too little, too late
Uh-oh, they noticed; Yes, Chris, there is a leak. In fact it’s more like a wide-open floodgate. There are people in IVAW that aren’t happy with the direction you’re taking the organization. In fact, I noticed that half of the members at the Houston Chapter have had their profiles removed. The most prominent being Brandon […]
Caption this photo
I don’t know what I can say about this photograph of Congressional candidate who is still an IVAW member, Adam Kokesh, so I’ll let my readers provide the commentary; The Santa Fe Reporter has already decided who they want to represent them, I guess;
IVAW in Stars and Stripes
For some reason, the Stars and Stripes thinks the opinion of 70 people who call themselves “Iraq Veterans Against the War” (in my opinion, they should change the name to “Random People Off the Street Who Want You to Think They Are Iraq Veterans Against the War“) is important enough to report to our troops […]
IVAW gives advice to State Dept. then promptly ignored
Yes, according to junior space cadet, and newly-elected board member TJ Buonomo, he tried to give advice to the State Department earlier this month. Keep in mind that Buonomo spent a few months in the Army as a second louie (after soaking the US tax payers for an Air Force Academy education), so he introduces […]
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