Iraq Veterans Against the War
Kokesh and Rand Paul – BFFs
TSO phoned me from the road yesterday about a Rand Paul/Adam Kokesh video. I hope I found the right one, because it appears that there are several on Youtube. This one is from last summer and filmed in Kentucky; It’s funny, but I agree with everything they said – but it’s what they don’t say […]
Crossing the streams
The grand queen of all moonbats, Cynthia McKinney has been deemed worthy of receiving the “Peace through Conscience” award from the European Moonbat organization Munich American Peace Committee, a group of disaffected Americans in Germany; Included in McKinney’s program is a meeting with the Munich American Peace Committee (MAPC – www(dot)mapc-web(dot)de) which will present to […]
WTH is a demilitarized Superbowl?
That giant urine-hoarding freak Geof “Stolen Valor” Millard is hosting a “Demilitarized Superbowl Party at the DC IVAW house on Super Sunday, I guess it’s for people who really don’t like football and don’t have any real friends; I’m not a big sports guy (after high school and spending half of my military career overseas) […]
The bravery of anonymity
Ever wonder how you can call yourself brave without having to identify yourself? Well, James Branum, lawyer to more imprisoned soldiers than anyone else would be proud to represent, has it all figured out. He puts a prospective client on YouTube wrapped up in some really snazzy duds; Of course, Branum begins the video with […]
Today’s “WTF?” moment
My buddy, Bev Perlson, sent this video this morning. Fox News’ Judge Napolitano interviews Adam Kokesh as if Kokesh is just another guy off the street running for office without mentioning that Kokesh was/is a member of IVAW; Watch the latest news video at If Napolitano had done his research, he’d know that his […]
For anyone under the mistaken impression that IVAW and VoteVets are Veterans Organizations
From House Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Bob Filner comes this via email: Washington, D.C. – On Wednesday, January 20, 2010, with both Democratic and Republican Members of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs in attendance, Chairman Bob Filner held a meeting with 40 veterans service organizations to discuss priorities for the second session of the […]
AWOL Mom charged
A lot of you sent us links back in November about Alexis Hutchison, the mom who went AWOL instead of deploying because her family care plan was weak. Our buddy, GI Korea, wrote a lot of good background in November. Well, the Army filed charges against her today. The story goes like this; Specialist who […]
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