Iraq Veterans Against the War
An open letter to New Mexico voters
There’s a letter going around the internet that’s an open letter to the voters of New Mexico warning them of IVAW’s Adam Kokesh. I’ll lend my voice to it. Bubba of What Bubba Knows sent it to me first – he posted it on the Gathering of Eagles website. Our buddies ConcreteBob and DanNY posted […]
As if you need another reason to dislike Matthis
Someone sent me this video of Matthis Chiroux talking to a group of snooty kids in some Long Island educational organization. It’s actually the Woodhull Institute for “ethical leadership” so, boy is Matthis out of his depth. This is from their “About” page; The Woodhull Institute for Ethical Leadership is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, nonsectarian educational […]
Carl Webb news
He probably enjoys this kind of publicity, but I’m going to do my best to continue to remind IVAW why they booted Carl Webb last year. Their membership punishments tend to be brief. So here’s some screen shots of a conversation Webb had with some veterans somewhere that someone sent to me just to hold […]
What the Hell do you know about Afghanistan?
I caught wind of a little presentation that the Chicago chapter of IVAW was giving in the Windy City next month entitled “What the hell do you know about Afghanistan?“. Apparently, it’s designed to inform us woefully ignorant Americans about Afghanistan. But here’s their press release about the event; Iraq Veterans Against the War present […]
Hall’s lawyers try to block his move to Kuwait
Marc Hall, the Stop Loss Rapper had his lawyer file in a US District Court in Savannah, GA to prevent Hall’s unit from taking him to Kuwait for a court martial; Hall’s attorneys say the Army would violate his right to a fair trial by moving his case to a “war zone” where few civilian […]
Kokesh takes a page from the Obama campaign
Remember during the 2008 election, the Obama campaign had to put up a web page to fight the so-called mistruths about their candidate? Well, former or current IVAW member Adam Kokesh thought he ought to do it, too for his campaign in New Mexico. Let’s take a look at it; 1. “Adam Kokesh never served […]
The post in which TAH defends IVAW’s Kokesh
I really hate to do this – defending Adam Kokesh, member of IVAW and congressional candidate in New Mexico is probably my least favorite thing. But, I also hate it when people don’t tell the truth inadvertently or otherwise. Free Republic and American Patriots Against Kokesh have a thread questioning Kokesh’s Iraq vet creds. They […]
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