Iraq Veterans Against the War
More Abdo and IVAW
My ninjas tell me that ex-IVAW members are flocking to the FBI with information on Under the Hood Cafe in Killeen – the folks I suspect of hiding the AWOL child pornographer Naser Abdo, the latest Islamic terrorist in the Killeen/Ft Hood, TX area. What would former IVAW members have to tell the FBI? I […]
The radio show, if you missed it
I had a lot of fun doing a mind dump. Thanks for inviting me, Eric. I hope you have as much fun listening to it as I had doing it. My portion of the show starts about half way through. Listen to internet radio with Andre Controversa on Blog Talk Radio
IVAW and Abdo
One of my ninjas reports that IVAW has gone silent…period. Not just with the outside world but among themselves. Matthis’ Facebook page has come down. Silence can be incriminating. James Branum, on the other hand, was quick to post this on his Facebook page; It seems to me that everything Branum does is selfish and […]
Arrest in new Fort Hood terror plot
Another soldier was arrested in a new terror plot against the Fort Hood facility – the largest US military post according to Fox News; Pvt. Nasser Jason Abdo, an AWOL soldier from Fort Campbell, Kentucky, was arrested by the Killeen Police Department near Fort Hood and remains in custody there. Authorities, however, will not say […]
Phony soldier Rick Duncan\Strandlof resurfaces
You may remember the phony we helped uncover in Colorado Springs who had fooled IVAW and VoteVets and going by the name of Rick Duncan, but was actually Richard Strandlof. He was charged with Stolen Valor Act violations and the Ninth Circuit Court gave him a pass saying he had the right to free speech […]
IVAW Money
Last month we looked at how the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America spent their money according to IRS filings. We felt like we were slighting some other organizations by not highlighting their expenditures. So today we’re looking at the Iraq veterans Against the War. There’s nothing really earthshaking in their filings – except how […]
If You Want To Win Elections, Adam Kokesh Isn’t Going to Help You
The Pima County Sheriff Office’s handling of the Jose Guerena killing could have been something that Pima County Republicans could have used against the despicable Sheriff Clarence Dupnik in the 2012 election. I say “could have” because the incident has instead sparked infighting among Pima County Republicans and has devolved into what one local news […]
Ann Wright: Those Jooos tried to kill us
You probably remember Ann Wright whom I’ve written about before. She’s a major drama queen and member of Code Pink, Iraq Veterans Against the War and Veterans For Peace. She also sat on the board of OpTruth, the precursor of Paul Rieckoff’s Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. Well today she’s in Greece awaiting her […]
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