Joint Chiefs of Staff-Matter of time before NATO trainers sent to Ukraine

| May 18, 2024 | 41 Comments
Joint Chiefs of Staff-Matter of time before NATO trainers sent to Ukraine

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Charles Brown, said that it was a matter of time before we see NATO military trainers in Ukraine. This claim comes from the New York Times. Ukrainian officials have reached out to their NATO counterparts with a request to train 150,000 new recruits. They want this […]

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French President Emmanuel Macron sticks with the idea of sending troops to Ukraine

| May 4, 2024 | 24 Comments
French President Emmanuel Macron sticks with the idea of sending troops to Ukraine

Emmanuel Macron continues to entertain the idea of sending French troops to Ukraine. In an interview, he stated that he was not ruling anything out given the actions taken by Vladimir Putin and by Russia. He described Russia as a power of regional destabilization and declared that Russia cannot win in Ukraine. From Breitbart: French […]

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UK Navy fallen on hard times

| February 21, 2024 | 21 Comments
UK Navy fallen on hard times

Been some disparaging articles about the Brit Navy. From the 12th: A UK Royal Navy aircraft carrier canceled its launch to join a NATO exercise on Sunday, the second similar failure in a week. A UK carrier was meant to be a centerpiece of NATO’s Steadfast Defender exercises taking place off the coast of Norway. […]

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Gun stuff

| January 29, 2024 | 17 Comments
Gun stuff

Been a little while since we did much in the world of guns – with the SHOT show wrapping up I suspect we will be bombarded with the NEWEST!  GREATEST!! LATEST!! for several months to come. I did see a couple of interesting stories though: First off, in Maryland they are blowing straight past “infringed” […]

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Terror Leaders Flee to, NATO?

| December 13, 2023 | 89 Comments
Terror Leaders Flee to, NATO?

Report: Hamas Leaders Flee Qatar, Turn Phones Off Hamas leaders who had lived in luxurious exile in Qatar have left for unknown destinations as of Tuesday and have switched off their phones, according to the Israeli Kan channel’s Arabic news service, Makan. According to Makan (via Google translate), a “number” of Hamas leaders have left […]

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Luftwaffe embarrassment

| August 16, 2023 | 18 Comments
Luftwaffe embarrassment

Apparently the Luftwaffe is giving up on a couple of its planes and retiring them immediately ahead of schedule. Aircraft 16+01 and 16+02 get a rest – seems they have a bad habit of breaking. The kicker? They are  Germany’s equivalent to Air Force One and Air Force Two.  Well, it’s not like they are […]

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Germans, Brits, Swedes intercept Rooskis over the Gulf of Finland

| April 19, 2023 | 15 Comments
Germans, Brits, Swedes intercept Rooskis over the Gulf of Finland

In a nice piece of international cooperation,  Typhoon fighters (above) from the RAF and Luftwaffe intercepted a Russian IL-20 Coot-A intel platform over the Gulf of  Finland, and escorted of it and its two Su-27 escorts to Kaliningrad. One of the planes was a Russian Air Force IL-20 Coot-A intelligence plane which was flying from […]

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New NATO Member

| April 3, 2023 | 58 Comments
New NATO Member

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is a military alliance established by treaty on 4 April 1949. NATO was created to counter the Soviet Union forces present in post-World War II Europe. Original NATO members included Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and the US. Other nations […]

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