RSSGovernment Incompetence

Donald Trump willing to be jailed vice complying with gag order

| April 7, 2024 | 28 Comments
Donald Trump willing to be jailed vice complying with gag order

The Judge in one of the cases that Donald Trump is involved with placed a gag order on the latter. This gag order was extended to also include statements about the judge’s daughter. Trump is not willing to remain silent. Taking to Truth Social, he described the judge as violating the Constitution as well as […]

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Rich elites think that we have too much personal freedom, they also trust government

| April 6, 2024 | 33 Comments
Rich elites think that we have too much personal freedom, they also trust government

Scott Rasmussen conducted online surveys of 1,000 members of the elite. These are individuals with postgraduate degrees, earn more than $150,000 a year, and live in a zip code with more than 10,000 people per square mile. The results indicate that this group of people lean further to the left than the public. They are […]

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Gas cars today like land lines of the 20th Century

| April 4, 2024 | 82 Comments
Gas cars today like land lines of the 20th Century

Pete Buttigieg rebuffed criticism against shifting to electric vehicles. He compared that criticism to people who, during the turn of the millennium, assumed that landlines had a secure future as the main phone communication. However, one key reality is missing from this assumption. Consumer demand took off for cell phones. Demand for electric vehicles has […]

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Cars are being stolen because manufacturers make vehicles easy to steal

| March 26, 2024 | 146 Comments
Cars are being stolen because manufacturers make vehicles easy to steal

Keith Ellison, Minnesota’s attorney general, shifted part of the blame for auto thefts on the auto manufacturers. He complained that the way that manufacturers make their vehicles contributes to vehicle theft temptation. Ellison said that vehicles should not be tempting and easy to steal, and that addressing crime should be comprehensive rather than just putting […]

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Most voters believe that Biden wants Trump in prison before the election

| March 25, 2024 | 43 Comments
Most voters believe that Biden wants Trump in prison before the election

A McLaughlin and Associates poll showed that most voters believe that Joe Biden hopes that Donald Trump would be imprisoned. Respondents believed that this would be the case should Trump be convicted of any of the criminal cases against him. Broken down by party line, most Democrats do not believe that this is the case. […]

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Joe Biden’s electric vehicle mandate helps China at the expense of Americans

| March 24, 2024 | 69 Comments
Joe Biden’s electric vehicle mandate helps China at the expense of Americans

Team Biden is proposing a mandate that requires approximately two-thirds of vehicles sold in 2032 to be electric vehicles. In addition to the challenges individuals face at charging their vehicles when it gets too cold, the American power grid is not yet able to support the resulting demand. Given that China holds most of the […]

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Illegal alien involved with police officer’s death is released

| March 17, 2024 | 33 Comments
Illegal alien involved with police officer’s death is released

Virgilio Aguilar Mendez, 19, resisted arrest and caused a scuffle that required a few law enforcement officers to address. One of the officers, Michael Kunovich, died because of the incident. Mendez was charged related to the officer’s death, but those charges were dropped. The reasons for dropping the charges involved Mendez’s lack of English comprehension, […]

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Team Biden approves $500 million for oil drilling-in Bahrain

| March 16, 2024 | 40 Comments
Team Biden approves $500 million for oil drilling-in Bahrain

Team Biden’s enthusiasm for shutting down non-green energy production in the U.S. appears to not extend to overseas development in this area. The U.S. Export-Import Bank approved $500 million in loan guarantees for gas and oil development in Bahrain. This bank approved the loan to increase oil production and gas availability. From The Daily Caller: […]

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