Big Army
The Purple Heart for Fort Hood victims
Derek and MCPO Ret. in TN send us a link to CNN which discusses the reasons that the Department of Defense won’t award a Purple Heart to Nidal Hasan’s victims, and it has to do with lawyer shit; The Defense Department argues that awarding the Purple Heart to the Fort Hood victims would make it […]
Army won’t award Purple Hearts to Fort Hood victims
ROS sends a link from Reuters in which the Army explains why it won’t award the Purple Heart, a medal traditionally given to soldiers and Marines wounded in combat, to the victims of jihadist Nidal Hasan on Fort Hood more than three years ago; The Army in a position paper said that awarding the medal […]
In Memoriam: Ten Years Ago
On 23 March 2003, the US military suffered its first wartime “fragging” incident since Vietnam. On that date Hasan Karim Akbar – then a soldier assigned to A Company, 326th Engineer Battalion, 101st Infantry Division – conducted a grenade and firearms attack on fellows soldiers at Camp Pennsylvania, Kuwait. To execute his attack, Akbar first […]
Senators introduce stopgap to reinstate tuition assistance
Senators Jim Inhofe and Kay Hagan introduced a stopgap budget bill that would reinstate tuition assistance for the troops still on active duty according to Fox News; “The president wants Americans to feel the pain of the arbitrary across-the-board budget cuts from sequestration, but to cut off promised education assistance for our service members when […]
Review of the Distinguished Warfare Medal
Yes, I heard that Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel is reviewing the Distinguished Warfare Medal. From the Stars & Stripes; Pentagon spokesman George Little said Tuesday said the review was prompted by complaints from veterans groups and lawmakers about its ranking above the Bronze Star and Purple Heart. The review, to be led by Joint […]
Army suspends Tuition Assistance
Following in the footsteps of the Navy, the Army has decided to suspend their Tuition Assistance Program – you know out of all of the things the Army could do to save money, enlisted soldiers’ career progression is what they decide to cut. From the Washington Times; The move will suspend financial assistance for soldiers […]
Marines end tuition assistance, other services may follow
A couple of you folks sent me the message from the Department of the Navy on how they planned to make through the sequester. Buried way down near the bottom of the message was the cessation of the Marine Corps’ tuition assistance program. The tuition assistance program is how most folks on active duty get […]
Jeff Denham holds DoD and VA feet to the fire
Someone dropped off a link to our Facebook page to a video of Congressman Jeff Denham, an Air Force veteran representing California’s 10th District in the hearings this past week about the Defense Department and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs inability to gin up a system by which they can seamlessly share veterans’ records. He […]
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