Jimmy Carter
Castro; Clinton/Obama endorsement

According to Reuters and CNN, Tio Fidel is endorsing a Clinton/Obama ticket for next year; Ailing Cuban leader Fidel Castro is tipping Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to team up and win the U.S. presidential election.Clinton leads Obama in the race to be the Democratic nominee for the November 2008 election, and Castro said […]
Chavez is suddenly news

Apparently the newswires finally noticed that Chavez is working to rewrite Venezuelan Constitution this morning; President Hugo Chavez called for changes to Venezuela’s constitution Wednesday night, delivering a key address pitching reforms that are expected to allow him to be re-elected indefinitely. Â Chavez, speaking to the National Assembly, said the changes affect “less than […]
Ban ki-Moon; Hope at last for Haiti

The UN’s Secretary General Ban ki-Moon wrote a piece this morning in the Washington Times celebrating that there’s “Hope at last for Haiti“. I hate to remind the new Secretary that there’s always been a lot of hope for Haiti, but not much progress. Ban writes; There may be worse slums in Haiti, but none […]
How the inmates began running the asylum

What a nutty week, huh? We have Palestinians from the Gaza Strip begging the Isralis to let them into Israel so they can get away from other Palestinians and human rights organizations demanding that Israelis treat injured and ill Palestinians. From the AP by way of the Wall Street Journal; Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak […]
Democrats; the party of car salesmen

Yesterday’s Democrat radio address told us that Republicans don’t care about our gas mileage, according to the Washington Examiner; In their weekly radio address, Democrats on Saturday called for a new direction in energy policy, away from gas-guzzling automobiles and reliance on foreign oil. “America deserves more fuel efficient cars,” Sen. Maria Cantwell of Washington […]
Communist Victims Memorial unveiled

 Yesterday, President Bush dedicated the new memorial to Victims of Communism here in Washington, DC. From the Washington Times‘ Kristen Chick; President Bush yesterday told hundreds of people whose countries had emerged from the grip of communism that their sacrifices would not be forgotten as he dedicated the Victims of Communism Memorial to the […]
Bolivarismo failing before it barely starts (Updated)

 Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez subscribes to a Latin American version of the British “Third Way” politics (it’s supposed to be an alternative between capitalism and socialism – but it’s really just a step towards socialism) called “bolivarism” – meant to recall Simon Bolivar’s revolution against Spain which led to the liberations of that continent. […]
Jimmy, Cindy, Joe and Hugo (Updated 5-29)

Fox News is broadcasting that Adam Housely (who live blogged the protest), on the scene in Caracas, Venezuela is reporting that the crowds fairly peacefully protesting Chavez’ decision to shut down the popular, dissenting RCTV television station are being fired upon by federal troops with rubber bullets, tear gas and shot guns are being fired over their heads. The […]
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