RSSJimmy Carter

Obama White House denies entry for Iranian terrorist

| April 13, 2014 | 12 Comments
Obama White House denies entry for Iranian terrorist

Iran tried to send a former terrorist who had been part of the invasion of our embassy in Tehran in 1979 as a UN ambassador. Jimmy Carter rushed to his defense while the White House discussed it’s dilemma. According to the BBC, it’s just been announced that Hamid Aboutalebi has been denied a visa; President […]

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Carter’s disappointment; Obama doesn’t call

| March 24, 2014 | 21 Comments
Carter’s disappointment; Obama doesn’t call

Jimmy Carter, the last fellow for whom I cast a vote for Democrat for president, is a bit miffed because President Obama doesn’t call him for advice, the Washington Times reports; He was asked on NBC’s “Meet the Press” if Mr. Obama ever reached out to him for advice on various policy matters. His response? […]

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Draft dodgers in South Korea

| January 17, 2014 | 21 Comments
Draft dodgers in South Korea

For those of you out there who think that draft is the answer to the problems facing national security as service in our all-volunteer military becomes less attractive, this look at South Korea’s conscription woes in the Stars & Stripes might alter your perception; South Korea is better known for its catchy K-pop songs, tech-savviness […]

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Carter says he was targeted for assassination

| July 24, 2013 | 26 Comments
Carter says he was targeted for assassination

I saw the title of this article in the Washington Examiner and thought they were going to offer some kind of evidence that Jimmy Carter had been the target of assassination since he left the White House, but apparently the only source for the story is the peanut magnate himself; “I have had two or […]

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Lindsey Graham; the new Jimmy Carter

| July 17, 2013 | 23 Comments
Lindsey Graham; the new Jimmy Carter

I remember in 1980 that our grand strategy for defeating the Soviet Union after their invasion of Afghanistan the year before, was to boycott the Moscow Olympics. Remember how well that worked? Yep, it hit the Soviets so hard that they were forced to withdraw from Afghanistan eight years later. It was a close won […]

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Norks are coming!

| April 4, 2013 | 127 Comments
Norks are coming!

According to the Associated Press, the North Korean leader, Needle Dick; the Bug F*cker, has given his military the equally impotent permission to attack US and South Korean militaries in South Korea; North Korea warned early Thursday that its military has been cleared to attack the U.S. using “smaller, lighter and diversified nuclear” weapons, while […]

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Argo; Jimmy Carter ruined it for me

| March 18, 2013 | 38 Comments
Argo; Jimmy Carter ruined it for me

So, yesterday I watched Argo on Amazon and I have to admit that I was pleasantly surprised by the entire movie. It represented Americans, generally, and the CIA, in particular, very well. I’ll admit that I never knew much about that operation, but then I was in the 82d at the time and I was […]

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Iran claims right to close the Persian Gulf

| January 23, 2012 | 17 Comments
Iran claims right to close the Persian Gulf

Yes, the whacky nutjobs in Tehran are threatening to close the Straits of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf as retaliation for economic sanctosn which have taken Iran’s oil off of the global market says Associated Press; The remarks by Heshmatollah Falahapisheh came as EU nations on Monday agreed in Brussels on an oil embargo against […]

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