RSSDefense cuts

“Today, the vast majority of Marine Corps aircraft can’t fly.”

| April 15, 2016 | 30 Comments
“Today, the vast majority of Marine Corps aircraft can’t fly.”

Fox News today has an article discussing USMC aviation readiness.  Bottom line:  not so good.  The article’s “money quote”: Out of 276 F/A-18 Hornet strike fighters in the Marine Corps inventory, only about 30% are ready to fly, according to statistics provided by the Corps. Similarly, only 42 of 147 heavy-lift CH-53E Super Stallion helicopters […]

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Previewing our post draw down world?

| January 29, 2015 | 19 Comments
Previewing our post draw down world?

NPR is reporting that with the increasing levels of escalation by Russia that countries in Europe are finding their military forces wanting. Last month a Russian military aircraft flying in stealth nearly crashed into a commercial passenger plane taking off from Copenhagen. In April, Russian fighter jets carried out a simulated bombing raid on Stockholm. […]

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Regarding USAF Personnel Cuts

| August 22, 2014 | 12 Comments
Regarding USAF Personnel Cuts

One of our readers of the USAF-persuasion recently provided a link regarding USAF personnel issues.  So thought I’d write about that too. As has been the case with the Army and Navy, members of the USAF are also being scrutinized for involuntary separation. The USAF recently completed a records review of 7,121 individuals in the […]

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Continuation Boards – Coming Again to a Navy Near You!

| August 18, 2014 | 21 Comments
Continuation Boards – Coming Again to a Navy Near You!

It appears as if the US Navy – like the Army – is about to engage in some “force shaping” efforts.  The Navy has announced that almost 8000 Chiefs (E7/8/9) will have their records screened for continuation in service, starting on 27 October 2014. The board will consider both active duty and reserve personnel.  Acitve […]

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Along With the A-10, Wanna Guess What Else The Air Force Wanted to Ax?

| May 12, 2014 | 38 Comments
Along With the A-10, Wanna Guess What Else The Air Force Wanted to Ax?

If you guessed the U-2 – formerly the TR-1 – give yourself a pat on the back. Yes, you read that correctly.  Although I don’t remember hearing much about it at the time, buried in the USAF’s fleet retirement proposals back in February was a proposal to retire the U-2 along with the A-10.  The […]

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YRGBSM!! (the “R” Stands for “Really”)

| May 8, 2014 | 21 Comments
YRGBSM!!  (the “R” Stands for “Really”)

I wish I were, and that this article of mine was fiction.  Sadly, I’m not – and it isn’t. DoD is buying “green fuels”.  We all knew that.  Hell, it’s one of this administration’s   obsessions    apparent means of political payback    wealth redistribution mechanisms    truly stupid ideas   pet projects. But this time, what DoD’s […]

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More About the Current Army Cutbacks

| May 5, 2014 | 46 Comments
More About the Current Army Cutbacks

Many have probably heard that the Army is cutting 10 Brigade Combat Teams (BCTs) this year and next .  It’s doing this in order to reduce end-strength to 490,000 (active component) by the end of FY 2015. For those interested, here’s the list of which units have/are scheduled to inactivate. Already inactivated: 4th BCT, 1st […]

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To Support Our Patriots–Privatize the Military

| April 19, 2014 | 32 Comments
To Support Our Patriots–Privatize the Military

It occurred to me in the last blog I put together, “Why So Few Choose to Serve,” that the government has a distinct advantage over American patriots, and because we have a Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps talking about why marines should be paid less. The reason for this is that the US government, […]

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