RSS2012 election

Their Lives, Their Fortunes and Their Sacred Honor: Spec Ops Warriors Stand Tall

| August 23, 2012 | 26 Comments
Their Lives, Their Fortunes and Their Sacred Honor: Spec Ops Warriors Stand Tall

In yet another instance of what is becoming a steady series of incredibly stupid misfires, the clueless Obama campaign has decided to adopt the tactics of that memorably successful Kerry campaign in dealing with criticism from the nation’s military. Rather than man-up and admit that he perhaps went a bit overboard in taking credit for […]

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Complacent America

| August 22, 2012 | 20 Comments
Complacent America

Well, we could call it a win, that America doesn’t talk about the war against terror, I suppose, because complacency comes from a sense of security and no one is really worried about terrorist attacks, well, unless you live in DC near the Family Research Council, or go to the movies in Colorado or to […]

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Criticism for OPSEC video

| August 22, 2012 | 28 Comments
Criticism for OPSEC video

SO, it had to begin; folks are beginning to come out to criticize the people at OPSEC who released a video last week complaining that the Obama Administration is releasing secrets for political purposes and that Obama is taking personal credit for things that the military and intelligence community has done over the last decade. […]

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Transparency? Here’s some Real Transparency

| August 21, 2012 | 9 Comments
Transparency? Here’s some Real Transparency

Good grief! How stupid does the Obama campaign think Americans are? How much contempt do those Chicago elitists have for those of us out here clinging to our guns, our religion and because of them and their incompetent leader, our livelihoods? I’m referring, of course, to this latest bit of preposterousness emanating from the White […]

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Jon Soltz swiftboats OPSEC

| August 20, 2012 | 12 Comments
Jon Soltz swiftboats OPSEC

I really dislike Jon Soltz of VoteVets and if you don’t dislike him, you won’t not dislike him after watching this video from MSNBC in which he faces off with Navy Seal, Gabriel Gomez, from the OPSEC folks. Gomez actually gives credit to President Obama for making the decision to go after bin Laden at […]

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OK, you can rest easy now

| August 20, 2012 | 17 Comments
OK, you can rest easy now

All of you folks still in Afghanistan who might have been worried that you’d be a target of “insider” attacks can breathe easy now, the president is on the job, finally. The Associated Press reports that he told the media today; “we have got to make sure we are on top of this”. I don’t […]

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I can’t wait for the movie

| August 20, 2012 | 32 Comments
I can’t wait for the movie

Sparky sent us this video. It proves that the OPSEC folks are on the right track. Introducing President Obama at a campaign event in New Hampshire, Democrat Senator Jeanne Shaheen said that the president “led the mission that brought Osama bin Laden to justice”: And the bobbleheads in the audience just clapped and cheered on […]

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Famous Democrat War Hero Attacks Fellow Warriors…Again

| August 20, 2012 | 17 Comments
Famous Democrat War Hero Attacks Fellow Warriors…Again

John Kerry is up to his old tricks, doing what he’s done all his sorry, sleazy Democrat life, attempting to discredit American warriors. This time around, John Fraud Kerry is smearing our special operations forces on behalf of probably the only man alive who is a more deplorable commander-in-chief than Kerry himself would have been. […]

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