Famous Democrat War Hero Attacks Fellow Warriors…Again
John Kerry is up to his old tricks, doing what he’s done all his sorry, sleazy Democrat life, attempting to discredit American warriors. This time around, John Fraud Kerry is smearing our special operations forces on behalf of probably the only man alive who is a more deplorable commander-in-chief than Kerry himself would have been. Kerry missed that opportunity because of the courage of the men he served with in Vietnam, officers and enlisted, who stood shoulder-to-shoulder and denounced him as unfit to command. They so thoroughly torpedoed the political scow Kerry was trying to sail up the Potomac that they have entered the political lexicon in the form of the term swiftboating, a pejorative to the left and a term describing distinctly courageous and honorable behavior to those on the right.
The lapdog media always claimed that Kerry was smeared because the SBV campaign supposedly spread vicious lies about his service. Hiding behind the media, Kerry swore he would release his complete military records, proving the Swiftees to be liars and then would sue them for libel, slander, defamation etc, etc. Funny thing about those records and that suing business: he never did sign the Form 180 to release his records nor did he sue the Swift Boat Veterans, did he? And why do you suppose that is? The man was denied the highest political position in the world, supposedly by defamatory lies, and yet he neither provided proof of those lies nor did he sue the miscreants who so horribly damaged his political career and all the future enrichments that promised. Those are quite fertile grounds for a major damages suit. But, ask any lawyer you know why Kerry didn’t sue and you’ll find out that the most obvious reason is that a rock-solid defense against libel, slander and defamation is purely and simply the TRUTH.
Kerry dropped all the phony protestations and promises of lawsuits and slunk back into the Democrats’ crowded-to-overflowing ethical swamp as soon as the media lost interest. For a man who had been denied so much greatness because of these supposed liars, it was an extremely, tuck-tailed, timid exit. How many Americans, having been so grievously injured by such cruel and evil liars, would have sued to redress their damages? I’ll tell you how many: None, nada, zero, zip; just as soon as they consulted with a lawyer and he explained the unkind truth about the TRUTH and the legal protections it affords those defendants who happen to be telling that truth. Think for a moment of the wealth, fame and acclaim that would accrue to any attorney who took Kerry’s case and prevailed against those evil Swiftees. The media would have had a slobbering wonderful time demonizing those traitorous sailors in very public virtual hangings and would have rejoiced orgasmically at every guilty verdict.
But none of that happened did it? No prominent lawyer stepped up to defend John Kerry’s besmirched honor and the media went back to normal whimpering. Reason for that, folks: the TRUTH.
There is an additional corollary to Kerry’s quick folding of the litigational tent: The 2004 campaign generated new interest in an old claim that Kerry had been less than honorably discharged for his near-traitorous treating with the North Vietnamese enemy in Paris. There were claims during the campaign that Jimmy Carter, as a part of his amnesty for Vietnam era draft dodgers, had Kerry’s discharge status converted to honorable. That was never more than speculation but it could have been a very embarrassing revelation were it to be proved true in any legal discovery associated with any Kerry-instituted lawsuits. but, again, we’re talking about the TRUTH, aren’t we?
So we have John Kerry reporting for duty again, stepping forward, with his military armor and credentials even more tarnished than when he reported in 2004. Kerry should think twice before he gets too involved in this current battle between Obama and the military. This time the dissident warriors aren’t all old men as were the Swiftees. Kerry and Obama are taking on the special operations community, both active and past service, a bunch of really tough guys who do not take it lightly when their professional reputations are trashed to promote the political reputations of Democrats who never served. There is probably no more formidable community in the world nor is there a military entity more worthy of the admiration of the American people. These people truly are the tip of America’s military spear. It is doubtful that a limited-experienced, foolish Democrat politician, like Barack Obama, has any idea of just how sharp the tip of that spear can be, until it pierces his political jugular and bleeds him out…as John Kerry should have learned by now.
Who’s up next to attack these warriors on Obama’s behalf, Senator Blumenthal?
Truth be told, ol’ Poetrooper owes his very existence as a writer to the Swift Boat Veterans. I hadn’t written anything but business reports in the thirty years since I’d left college until John Kerry raised his big ugly head in the 2004 campaign. I was one of those Vietnam vets who despised Kerry for his lies about us, but figured as long as the morons in Massachusetts wanted him to represent them, that was their right. But when it suddenly became clear there were enough morons in this country to make this phony bastard the CinC, I realized I had to do something.
I heard about the SBV guys shortly before their first press conference and knew that the media would either ignore or crucify these guys, which of course turned out to be right on both counts. I began writing on their behalf and their webmaster and media guy, Scott Swett, welcomed me and posted my pieces. I am very proud that Scott included snippets of my poems in his post election book, To Set the Record Straight, an accounting of “How Swift Boat Veterans, POW’s and the New Media Defeated John Kerry.”
I am equally proud of the fact that Wey Symmes, treasurer for the Swift Boat Veterans organization, included my post-election, laudatory poem to those brave warriors, The Last Battle of Vietnam, in his own book, This is Latch, about Rear Admiral Roy Hoffmann, leader of the group, both in Vietnam and the 2004 campaign. Here’s that poem:
The Last Battle of Vietnam
It never occurred to me, ever before,
That our Navy would win the Vietnam War.
When they took to their boats in this year of elections,
With the mission of making some major corrections
I shared their belief, John should not be elected,
And their view overdue, truth should be resurrected.
Yet I questioned the course they’d set themselves for,
Knowing how John was loved by the media whore.
Ignored and dismissed by the media queens
Being shrewd, savvy sailors they still found the means
To reach out to the people, to open their eyes
To a phony John Kerry and his war story lies.
With their very first ad, they torpedoed his boat,
A Cambodian Christmas would no longer float.
His heroics unraveled, his stories fell flat,
Especially that one ‘bout his magical hat.
John called on his lawyers and media whores,
And threatened the Swiftees with vile legal wars.
But these warriors kept charging back into the fire,
And made the folks wonder, “Is Kerry a Liar?”
Till the question of whether he’s telling the truth
Was still in their minds in the election day booth.
So the brave Swiftees gave us what we’d not had before,
They gave us our victory in the Vietnam War.
Those brave, stalwart sailors, falsely labeled as liars,
Stood firm and stood tall, kept directing their fires,
Steadfast, unrelenting, they served once again,
And defeated John Kerry, these honorable men.
All Vets can take pride, yes all, not just some,
That we won the last battle of Vietnam.
It took far too long to bring an end to our war
But we did, November Second, Two Thousand Four.
To our Brothers, forever on that long black Wall,
You’ve been vindicated now, one and all.
Category: 2012 election, John Kerry
Goosebumps on that poem, PT. Goooosebumps. I am no combat vet…but like you, I couldn’t be silent anymore with people lying and getting away with it. I bought 4 of the SBV booka and passed them around to the idiots who believed J effin’ Kerry’s lies. 2 of them came over to the side of truth. The other two have voted for the “first black man” in the WH. Haven’t had a chance to ask them how that’s working for them, now. Ha. The truth will set you free, won’t it!
There’s always the ketchup industry. Wait, that’s not even his.
Liberal outrage over violent rhetoric in 3… 2… 1…
I heard he got his first purple heart for a minor injury, and his second and third were for “self inflicted wounds”, which were finally awarded to him so he would stop whining about them. Yeah, he sounds legit.
Kerry pissed me off when he called us all stupid by saying “get an education or you’ll end up in Iraq”.
Poetrooper, not everyone in the people’s republic of Massachusetts votes for Kerry…I am in western mass, and it’s a tough sell being a Republican in this state. When I registered to vote and the nice lady at the desk asked which party you could have heard a pin drop when I said Republican…
John Kerry is gigolo, and a pretender…but this state thought Ted Kennedy was a great man for decades…I don’t make a lot of friends here talking about these turds, it’s nice to see you will keep the pressure on a j4goff like this whenever it’s needed.
It will be interesting to see if we can keep Scott Brown in office or if he loses to the Elizabeth Warren the first professor of color at Harvard (she is an American Indian apparently, although no one seems to be able to back up her claims)…
Now now, VOV–don’t be so hard on Fauxcahontas. Apparently she wants us to be like China, according to her latest commercials.
Yeah, that’s gonna work out well.
Someone ought to remind him that he’s still delinquent on his taxes for his boat. He has it stored down in Rhode Island even though it’s registered there now to try and get out of paying several hundred thousand in back taxes because he keeps it “out of state.”
@8 That’s Massachusetts for you, they’ll never pursue it. But try and have a tag sale without a permit in Western Mass….I paid my $5 for my tag sale permit and for the three days of the tag sale TWO officers in a squad car came each day of the sale to check my paperwork…probably cost a couple of hundred dollars to check on my $5 permit for compliance.
@9: Oh, I know. I live up in Maine and get to see similar stuff all the time.
How do ya think I feel wedged between the both of ya’s?
Thanks for giving a little retrospective on the SBV. I’ve always wondered about that because I wasn’t as connected during 2004 (so I just had the word of Time to go by…yeah). I’ve searched this site for them and haven’t turned up much, but maybe I’m using the wrong keywords.
I bet everyone on Martha’s Vineyard is thankful they no longer have to dodge Ted Kennedy driving on the sidewalks…
@13 I’d rather go hunting with Dick Cheney than go for a ride with Ted Kennedy.
@14 Agreed, birdshot is easier to pick out of your 4ss than a Buick….
@ #12-Yoshi: Ask and ye shall receive. http://www.swiftvets.com/
VOV: it’s also easier to swim with a few pieces of birdshot in your butt than when you’re strapped into a large automobile and injured, too. Though as I recall the late Ted Kennedy apparently managed the latter feat quite nicely in August 1969.