RSS2012 election

It’s the Jackass Party’s Way, My Boys…

| August 6, 2012 | 11 Comments
It’s the Jackass Party’s Way, My Boys…

With sincere apologies to Mr. Kipling We registered in precincts, so’s to have a place to vote, When we served in far off Afghan, or somewhere’s far afloat. We asked ’em for a few more days to ensure we made the count, But Democrats tryin’ to block us, a lawsuit did they mount. Yeah it’s […]

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Tenn. Democrats disavow their Senate Candidate

| August 4, 2012 | 9 Comments
Tenn. Democrats disavow their Senate Candidate

This isn’t really related to the military, but it does illustrate how out of touch voters are with their candidates. In Tennessee, Mark Clayton won the nomination of the Democrat Party for their Senate seat. But the State Party got a bad taste in their mouth about him after they found out that the only […]

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Yes, there’s still a war going on

| August 4, 2012 | 12 Comments
Yes, there’s still a war going on

(Photo courtesy of SFC Holland) The Washington Post has an article from Rajiv Chandrasekaran entitled “Remember the war in Afghanistan? Obama and Romney don’t seem to” about how both major candidates in the presidential campaign are basically ignoring the continuing war in Afghanistan. I kind of agree with him. Chandrasekaran quotes Romney in his most […]

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We Have It from Excellent but Anonymous Sources…

| August 4, 2012 | 14 Comments
We Have It from Excellent but Anonymous Sources…

An excellent confidential source, whom we refuse to disclose for obvious reasons, has revealed that during the last congressional recess, Harry Reid was observed entering a rural Nevada brothel with a small flock of very attractive, heavily made-up, Rhode Island Red hens, all of whom were provocatively attired in teeny French garter belts and matching […]

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Veterans for Obama

| July 30, 2012 | 37 Comments
Veterans for Obama

JP sends us this picture from Obama For America in which “Jocelyn” who says she’s a veteran and she’s voting for Obama because he keeps his promises. The picture sits atop this caption Jocelyn knows President Barack Obama is looking out for veterans and their families—join Veterans for Obama today. As JP said, I thought […]

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I don’t think “gutsy” means what you think it means

| July 30, 2012 | 76 Comments
I don’t think “gutsy” means what you think it means

Yeah, I’m going to pile on this one, too. For some reason, my work computer tells me that The Daily Caller is an attack website, so I have to rely on our buddy, McQ at Blackfive for the details on the story that Caller is reporting, that being; Obama cancelled the Osama bin Laden mission […]

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How to be a media dip$#it

| July 25, 2012 | 25 Comments
How to be a media dip$#it

You may have seen the latest breathless reporting about how some guy named Romney said something to the effect that the UK and the US understand each other because of our shared Anglo-Saxon heritage. It set off a media frenzy (what doesn’t these days, actually?) as all of the false outrage built up over the […]

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When will they stop being the “Bush tax cuts”?

| July 10, 2012 | 12 Comments
When will they stop being the “Bush tax cuts”?

The president has recently called for extending the “Bush Tax Cuts” for lower income Americans – you know, when President Bush cut the Clinton tax hikes back and probably saved the post-9-11 economy. The last of the cuts was more than nine years ago. So, I’m wondering when the president and the media are going […]

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