The Fantasy Life of an Armed Anti-Immigrant Militia Leader: A Portrait of a Grifter
Larry Mitchell Hopkins aka Johnny Horton, Jr., self-appointed five-star general and commander of the New Mexico based United Constitutional Patriots vigilante militia. Military Deserter; Country Music Star Imposter; Law Enforcement Impersonator; Bigamist; Career Criminal; Dead Beat Dad Award-winning investigative journalist Nate Thayer has done an exhaustive investigation of Valor Thief Larry Mitchell Hopkins, and is […]
Estonia Is Getting New Guns
Estonia is getting new guns. The Cold War really is over, dead and buried. No, that is not one of the guns they’re getting from LMT, but it’s a shoot-shoot-bang-bang thing, isn’t it? Per the article: As the Estonian Defence Forces continue a lengthy move away from their Warsaw Pact roots to full parity with NATO […]
Feel Good Stories
There has been a disturbance in The Farce. A coconut stuffed into an empty Jamaican Rum bottle washed up on my shores. In it empty bottle was the following message carved on the coconut: Due to conditions beyond our control, TAH’s daily FGS articles have not been recently posted. Your FGS Staff regrets this, and will […]
Update on Sanctuary Counties
Sanctuary counties for gun owners – now when did that become a thing? It started last year with Iroquois and Effingham Counties: Now, it is spreading. This is back in the news, now on the front page of my morning fishwrap, but it is an article done without an opinionated slant to it. […]
New Lighter Ammo Under Testing
This bit of news may or may not gladden the hearts of Marines everywhere; The ammo you all carry and load is destined to become lighter, thanks to modern technology. For example: One of the first polymer case ammunition rounds for wide production in the Marine Corps will be for its heavy duty machine gun, […]
Rhino Poaching Not A Recommended Career Choice
Stomping poachers is thirsty work. Here’s our own Perry Gaskill adding some depth to the poacher’s story, who if you’ll recall wound up having a very bad day. Circle of Life by Perry Gaskill (author’s note – This is a longer updated version of a brief item that ran in Sunday’s Feel Good Stories. Sorry […]
Sailor wounded, alleged gunman dead after shooting at Naval Air Station
Not a banner day for the Navy. Drugs, meltdown former Lab Techs, and now this. by Tribune Media Wire VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. – Naval Air Station Oceana was no longer on lockdown after a security incident at the base where one sailor was shot and another was killed by security personnel, WTKR reported. The shooting […]
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