RSSVeterans’ Affairs Department

Clifford Currie, the man who set Army Nurse Katie Blanchard on fire, has been sentenced to 20 years.

| November 5, 2017 | 54 Comments
Clifford Currie, the man who set Army Nurse Katie Blanchard on fire, has been sentenced to 20 years.

In August we reported on the horrific case of Army nurse Katie Blanchard who was attacked by Clifford Currie and set ablaze with gasoline.   This past week the Kansas City Star reports that Currie was sentenced to 20 years in prison after being found guilty of assault with the intent to kill. According to court documents and trial […]

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Beeker on Bergdahl

| October 19, 2017 | 28 Comments
Beeker on Bergdahl

Brandon Friedman, known around TAH as Beeker, has been trying to besmirch the reputation of Bowe Bergdahl’s platoon mates at least since 2014, when we first noticed him doing that. The Daily Caller noticed that he’s back at it. Here's the thing about Bergdahl and the Jump-to-Conclusions mats: What if his platoon was long on […]

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Apostolos Voudouris pleads guilty to ripping off the VA

| August 17, 2017 | 34 Comments
Apostolos Voudouris pleads guilty to ripping off the VA

MCPO Ret. In TN sends us a link to the story of 44-year-old Doctor Apostolos Voudouris who pleaded guilty in New Jersey of billing the Department of Veterans Affairs for $238,000 in medical tests that he never did. From MyCentralNewJersey; In 2006, he began providing services to eligible veterans at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center […]

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Merit Systems Protection Board forces VA to rehire Hawkins

| August 9, 2017 | 61 Comments
Merit Systems Protection Board forces VA to rehire Hawkins

BNG sends us a link to Stars & Stripes which reports that the Merit Systems Protection Board has forced the Veterans’ Affairs Department to rehire Brian Hawkins, the disgraced former director of the VA’s DC hospital system that the VA just fired last month. Hawkins appealed that he was wrongfully terminated, and MSPB is requiring […]

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Brian Hawkins canned at VA

| August 3, 2017 | 31 Comments
Brian Hawkins canned at VA

Back in April, we talked about Brian Hawkins, who at the time was the director of the Washington, DC Veterans Affairs Medical Center. He was cached to a desk somewhere, still drawing his pay. Today we get the news from Fox that he’s been canned after a deeper investigation; The report also noted that approximately […]

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Mack Cole Jr.; convicted of defrauding VA

| August 2, 2017 | 22 Comments
Mack Cole Jr.; convicted of defrauding VA

According to KSAT, retired Master Sergeant Mack Cole Jr. was convicted in federal court of defrauding the Veterans’ Affairs Department for more than seven years. Investigators took video of Cole mowing his lawn and walking around his home unassisted in spite of his claims that “he no longer had “any ability to walk” and “dreams […]

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Cassandra Koscak rips off vets

| July 24, 2017 | 29 Comments
Cassandra Koscak rips off vets

The Rapid City, South Dakota Journal reports that Cassandra Koscak was sentenced for stealing about $45,000 from veterans for whom she was acting in the role of fiduciary in South Dakota and in Minneapolis. Koscak told the court she would pay back the federal government for the amounts she took from the veterans, including before […]

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VA removes officials from Manchester hospital

| July 18, 2017 | 14 Comments
VA removes officials from Manchester hospital

The Boston Globe reports that two officials of the Manchester, New Hampshire VA hospital have been canned after the paper’s investigation of conditions there. The hospital’s chief of medicine, Dr. Stewart Levenson, said he had “never seen a hospital run this poorly.” The staffers, who reported the Manchester hospital to a federal whistle-blower agency, described […]

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