Real Soldiers
Sergeant Anders Olafson’s Soldier’s Medal
Last year, we wrote about “Sergeant Anders N. Olafson saving the world“. He charged repeatedly into a burning apartment complex and is credited with rescuing eight other tenants in the Black River, New York building near Fort Drum, moments before the roof collapsed. Sergeant Olafson sends us his Soldiers Medal citation as well as his […]
Major Chuck Kettle’s Medal of Honor
We’ve been writing about Chuck Kettle’s Medal of Honor since last year. Today it happened that his Distinguished Service Cross was moved up a notch in the White House. TSO is there taking pictures for us and I’ve already informed the Secret Service of the danger that comes with him. I’ll update this post as […]
Captain Zach Fike; Army Times’ Soldier of the Year
Our buddy, Captain Zachariah Fike, a Vermont National Guardsman and founder/CEO of Purple Hearts Reunited has been named Soldier of the Year by Army Times. The prior-enlisted infantry officer is the officer strength manager for the Vermont National Guard’s recruiting and retention battalion. He commands the company responsible for Officer Candidate School in the state’s […]
Charles Kettles to receive Medal of Honor
Last October, we talked a bit about Lieutenant Colonel Charles Kettles and his Distinguished Service Cross being upgraded to the Medal of Honor. Today, we hear from the White House that the President will award Kettles the Medal on July 18th; Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Kettles will receive the Medal of Honor for his actions while […]
Sergeant First Class Richard Harris awarded Silver Star
Devtun sends us a link to and the story of Sergeant First Class Richard Harris who was caught in an ambush with his special forces team sergeant Master Sgt. Danial “Slim” Adams; Almost immediately, Adams took a burst of PKM fire — suffering wounds to his wrist, thigh and neck – and was thrown […]
Army Sergeants First Class David Cooper and Gracie Vaughan saving the world
CWORet sends us a link to the story of a pair of Army Sergeants First Class who happened to come across a bus accident on the George Washington Expressway near Fort Belvoir, Virginia the other day. The bus was packed full of Chinese tourists and it had turned on it’s side after skidding on the […]
Bretagne, Last 9-11 search dog passes
I hate these stories. But, Bretagne, a Golden Retriever rescue dog who happened to be used at Ground Zero in New York City passed recently, the last of that group, according to Today. Bretagne (pronounced “Brittany”), a whip-smart golden retriever with feathery fur and a sunny smile, lived an adventure-packed life until the very end. […]
Coronado Turns Out to Honor SOC Keating
Last week, Coronado turned out to honor SOC Charles Keating IV. Twice. The first was on Thursday. On that day, in excess of 1,000 turned out for a memorial ceremony for SOC Keating. At that ceremony he was posthumously awarded the Silver Star. He was also posthumously promoted to Chief Petty Officer. The second occurred […]
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