RSSReal Soldiers

“I just felt like someone would want to know when these people had died”

| January 2, 2014 | 16 Comments
“I just felt like someone would want to know when these people had died”

Not all heroic acts occur on a battlefield.  And not all are recognized at the time; some are not observed, or otherwise slip through the crack.  Some are even ignored or forgotten for a while – sometimes permanently. Sixty-plus years ago, an act of heroism occurred.  It was one among many that occurred during the […]

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Corporal Paul Cusack saving the world

| December 20, 2013 | 8 Comments
Corporal Paul Cusack saving the world

2/75th Ranger’s Corporal Paul Cusack is to be awarded the Soldier’s Medal for his actions at the Boston Marathon bombing last April according to MyNorthwest; Corporal Paul Cusack, with the 2nd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment had just finished the 26.2 mile race. Instead of finding safety, he ran toward the trouble. “He was right there […]

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SSG Peter Woken awarded German Medal of Honor

| December 20, 2013 | 9 Comments
SSG Peter Woken awarded German Medal of Honor

Parachutecutie sends us a link to the story of Peter Woken who was awarded the Medal of Honor for Gallantry in Action of the Federal Republic of Germany in the German ambassador’s residence for his part in rescuing German Corporal Tim Focken in Afghanistan on October 17, 2010. Woken was the last of eight Americans […]

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NRA Life of Duty; Patriot Profiles; Highest Honor Part II

| December 18, 2013 | 0 Comments
NRA Life of Duty; Patriot Profiles; Highest Honor Part II

The folks at NRA; Life of Duty send us the second part of their profile video trailer about Dakota Meyer; At only 21 years old, Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer had experienced combat, but nothing like on the morning of September 8, 2009. Dakota remained behind with Staff Sergeant Juan Rodriguez-Chavez while the day’s […]

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Lone Survivor featurette

| December 17, 2013 | 14 Comments
Lone Survivor featurette

The folks at Lone Survivor wanted you to see this couple of minutes of the movie and some of the people involved in making the movie. It includes Marcus Luttrell along with Daniel & Maureen Murphy (Lt. Michael Murphy’s parents), Corky & Donna Axelson (Matt Axelson’s parents) and Dan & Cindy Dietz (Danny Dietz Jr.’s […]

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Another aircrew honored

| December 6, 2013 | 3 Comments
Another aircrew honored

Eggs sends us a link to another story of aircrew bravery from a few months ago which resulted in the Distinguished Flying Cross for Staff Sgt. Joshua Reid and Master Sgt. William Fritsch and the Air Medal with Valor for Staff Sgt. Jason St John and pilots 1st Lt. Patrick Mount and Capt. Ryan Prince; […]

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Six NYANG troops awarded Bronze Star for valor

| December 6, 2013 | 10 Comments
Six NYANG troops awarded Bronze Star for valor

The Republic reports that a rescue crew from the New York Air National Guard’s 106th Rescue Wing’s 103rd Rescue Squadron are to be awarded Bronze Stars with a Valor device for their rescue of three Americans and an Afghan who had been injured by an explosive device. the rescue took place under intense fire; The […]

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Karyna Douglass, new recruit

| December 6, 2013 | 41 Comments
Karyna Douglass, new recruit

Stuart sends us a link to the story of Karyna Douglass who wanted to join the Army, but she was overweight, according to the Army, so she started on a new mission – be Army Strong; “My physical activity consisted of me walking to the store to get candy,” Douglass said. So she decided to […]

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