Real Soldiers
Awards ceremony at Fort Benning, GA
The Columbus Ledger-Enquirer reports that my personal hero, MG H.R. McMaster, the commander of the Maneuver Center of Excellence and Fort Benning, Georgia had a busy day pinning awards on heroes there the other day. Not all of the recipients survived their bravery; Six months after they were killed by an IED in Kandahar, Afghanistan, […]
Ranger Regiment to Honor EOD Soldier
SPC Samuel Crockett, assigned to the 20th Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosives Command, will be awarded the Silver Star today at For Benning, GA. He will receive the award for his actions on 5 October 2013 in Zharay District (west of Kandahar), Afghanistan. He was recommended for the award by personnel from the 75th […]
About That USAFR Lt Col With A CIB . . . .
Multiple TAH commenters have raised questions about the guy in this photo: The man in the photo is the late Lt Col Paul A. Bailey, USAFR (Ret). He passed away last year. You’ve probably heard about him from this (or a similar) article. The specific question most had about him was, “A CIB?? In […]
Doug Hegdahl; The incredibly stupid one
Mary sends us a link to “Cherries – A Vietnam War Novel” and a story written by Vietnam veteran and a POW, Dick “Beak” Stratton, Retired US Navy Captain about a sailor by the name of SN Doug Hegdahl. It seems that one night SN Hegdahl was pulling watch at oh-dark-thirty while his ship, the […]
Admiral Jeremiah Denton passes
SJ sends us a link to the sad news that Admiral Jeremiah Andrew Denton has passed at the ripe young age of 89. More than seven years of his life were spent in a Vietnamese prison. From Wiki; Denton served as United States Naval Aviator during the Vietnam War and was the Commanding Officer (CO) […]
2LT James Lamoreaux; saving the world
jerry920 sends us a link to WTVM which tells the story of 2LT James Lamoreaux who was walking with his wife along the Chattahoochee River in Columbus, GA, when they saw a commotion; “The crowd was pointing at this little boy drifting down the river. He was yelling help. At that time, it gained my […]
LCpl. Tad Steadman; saving the world
From the Beaufort Gazette comes the story of Lance Corporal Tad Steadman who is credited with risking his own life to save more than 20 people from an apartment fire last month; Steadman said he had noticed a small fire on a second-floor balcony, but Hassan told him the fire was in a contained pit. […]
Medal of Honor Ceremony today at White House
Twenty-four folks will be awarded a Medal of Honor today, only three of the recipients are still with us. According to the White House, the ceremony will take place at 3:40 PM (1540 hours for some of you). That’s where TSO is today and he’s promised us some live photos. The Army has a nice […]
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