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Lazy Day Roundup

| July 4, 2011 | 3 Comments
Lazy Day Roundup

Because of the July 4 weekend, the mainstream media and the interwebs seem a little more interested in the military and America than they normal are.    Here’s a compilation of some interesting things going on out there. The last draftee retired from the Army after 39 years of honorable service. Who doesn’t know someone who married for […]

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Buffalo Republican phony

| June 16, 2011 | 14 Comments
Buffalo Republican phony

I apologize for not doing my due diligence on this one. I thought by reading the number of articles from several sources (including the New York Post) in my search before hitting the “publish” button would be enough. Apparently I was wrong. But it will remain posted for the next bozo who believes the Buffalo […]

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Duckworth resigns. Meh, so what?

| June 14, 2011 | 4 Comments
Duckworth resigns. Meh, so what?

The Chicago Sun-Times reports that double amputee veteran Tammy Duckworth has resigned; Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki told the Chicago Sun-Times in a statement, “Assistant Secretary Duckworth has submitted her resignation. She has served the Department of Veterans Affairs with distinction. Her unwavering dedication to Veterans and their families has strengthened VA’s ability to perform […]

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IVAW’s Daniel Fanning for Congress

| May 1, 2011 | 14 Comments
IVAW’s Daniel Fanning for Congress

Dave Thul of True North sent us link to his post about Daniel Fanning, an IVAW member, and an Al Franken staffer, who is contemplating a run at the Minnesota 8th Congressional District seat now occupied by Chip Cravaak, a Republican – the first Republican in that seat since 1947. There’s a “Draft Daniel Fanning […]

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VoteVets endorses Sanchez for Texas Senate seat

| April 19, 2011 | 9 Comments
VoteVets endorses Sanchez for Texas Senate seat

That nonpartisan organization, VoteVets, which routinely refers to Allen West as a “war criminal” has put aside it’s usually high and stringent moral standards to endorse retired Lt. General Ricardo Sanchez. “General Sanchez has such a compelling story, and already served this nation honorably and ably,” said Ashwin Madia, an Iraq War Veteran, and Interim […]

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Bellavia updates

| March 24, 2011 | 17 Comments
Bellavia updates

Like I wrote yesterday, David Bellavia has turned in enough signatures to get on the ballot for the special election for New York’s 26th Congressional District in order to replace the half-naked millionaire Chris Lee who resigned from the seat earlier this year. However the $800/hour lawyers of his Republican opponent, Jane Corwin, also a […]

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Bellavia updates

| March 23, 2011 | 1 Comment
Bellavia updates

TAH’s official candidate in the NY’s 26th District turned in enough petitions to get on the ballot Monday according to his campaign. Now of course, the lawyers are pawing through the petitions in order to eliminate the signers. I haven’t heard a final number, yet. You can find more pictures and the odyssey of our […]

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Stumping for Bellavia part II

| March 18, 2011 | 8 Comments
Stumping for Bellavia part II

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