War Stories
“Such is how folk heroes are born.”
“Eh, p!ss on him!” I’m sure we’ve all heard a variant of that muttered by someone, directed towards someone in authority – when they’re out of earshot, of course. (smile) But one time, it literally happened. In that case, the “whizzer” was a relatively junior officer – and the “target”, a GO. And the junior […]
Another Purple Heart story
Hack Stone sends us a link to the story of Nancy Sasson who was cleaning out a closet in her parents’ house when she discovered a Purple Heart medal on the floor. It was engraved on the back with the name Irvin S. Grindrod, who had been a captain nearly a hundred years ago with […]
A soldier’s story in his dog tag
Cultural historian Genevieve Cabrera found a soldier’s dog tag in a field where more than 70 years ago, American soldiers fought against the the 43rd Division of the Imperial Japanese Army on the island of Saipan. One of the American infantry divisions doing battle there was the New York National guard’s 27th Division. One of […]
Carl Reiner talks with Conan about his WWII service
I guess that I grew up on Carl Reiner’s comedy, or at least the comedy that he influenced, so I feel fortunate that our friends at the Conan Show sent us this link to an interview that he did with Conan talking about his service in the Army towards the end of the Second World […]
Purple Heart reunites family
The Associated Press tells the story of how our buddy, Zach Fike who founded Purple Hearts Reunited, an organization that returns medals to families, set out to reunited a Purple Heart with a family and ended up reuniting families who had never met. The story centers around Eugene Victor Call, a soldier from New Hampshire, […]
[Insert clever Veteran’s day title Here]
Ok I admit, I cannot think of a good enough title for this post. Call it a off day. BUT, what I am not out of is stories of things going on these Veterans day. The first one I want to start out with is the airing of the reunion that I talked about a […]
Simply an amazing day
Before I begin I want to thank Jonn Lilyea, for allowing me to write here. It was this access that allowed all of the things below to happen. Yesterday was simply an amazing day. I do not think that one could have planned it any better from start to finish. It started at the 12th […]
A Well-Lived and Honorable Life
I’ll go out on a limb and say we’ve all known a certifiable badass or two along the way. That is, someone who – when push came to shove – kept their cool and performed an incredible, dangerous feat at the risk of their own life. Those kind of people seems to be relatively common […]
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