Dallas Wittgenfeld

| April 23, 2012

This guy’s records are a big question mark. He’s wearing a CIB, but according to his records, he was a commo guy in Vietnam, so there is no way he’s authorized to wear a CIB. He’s also wearing infantry brass with the blue background and a blue rope which he’s also not authorized to wear. But his FOIA says he was awarded a CIB;

But then I’ve never seen a FOIA that listed Letters of Commendation and Certificates of Achievement, either. So all of that makes me suspicious. Here’s his record of assignments from his Form 2-1;

The dates of his assignments coincide to the history of his two Ranger units, according to the 75th Ranger Regiment Association. But like I said, if he altered his military records to add the CIB, there’s no reason to believe he didn’t alter his assignments, too. The fact that he’s listed as a 05B20 while he was in Advanced Individual training is suspicious, too. I’m sure he wasn’t a Sergeant E-5 after four months of service.

And here’s a picture of him wearing a green beret at the Wall, and that’s a Purple Heart and Ranger scroll on his chest;

According to the Special Forces Association membership rules, he’s not eligible to be a member based on his assignments to Ranger units, so the green beret thing is right out.

You and I both know from looking at these records that he’s not authorized all of the infantry stuff, but how that CIB got in his records, I’ll never know, well, unless he gives up the ghost and tells us the truth. Not holding my breath.

Thanks to the folks at Scotty’s Hideaway, for the stuff.

Category: Phony soldiers

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People still use myspace? Weird.


Over there for the drinky girls, huh, Ramey?

Ang pangit mo! Inutil ka!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Don’t fault him he’s just a love machine apparently….



Holy fuck…700 by midnight?

And Tim…Dullass, as the saying goes, had it all going for him, but then he had to open up his mouth and fuck it all up. Read his comments in this and other threads here. Read up on how he threatened and tried to get one of the posters/contributors here fired from his job. Read up on how he has threatened and harassed Mary Schantag to the point he’ll claim at showing up at a private event uninvited.

You really wanna piss away your goodwill and credibility defending this POS? Seriously?


Well ain’t that precious, VOV? Guess our boy ain’t as smart as he claimed after all.


Those pictures just prove that with the right amount of money pretty girls will pose with anyone……..


I isn’t no rocket surgin or nothin, but Tim is good for TAH budniss. Since o930 am twoday. Dullass Wigetfield has racked up 62 addishunal hits. Wit friends like Timmy Boy who needs enemees!


@599 I called for someone to break 600 and God sent us a gift. Thanks Lord Jesus on High! I love TAH!


@599 I called for someone to break 600 and God sent us a gift … Little Timmy Boy came bearing gifts of good failth about a man who … well about a … Thanks Lord Jesus on High for bringing joy and purpose to our day! I love TAH!


This is the song that doesn’t end.
Yes, it goes on and on my friend.
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
And they’ll continue singing it forever just because…

This is the song that doesn’t end.
Yes, it goes on and on my friend.
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
And they’ll continue singing it forever just because…

BUT, see it could end. Dallas should simply admit to his lies and continue on with his business based on his real service.

Unfortunately, I don’t think that’s going to happen.


@ Timmy Boy Ramey:

Good job: Google the following three words and see what pops up. –> Tim Ramey assclown


You made the big time.

BTW. I looked at your photos from PI. One question. Was that long time or short time?

Just curious!


Still hasn’t answered my question about Khe Sanh hash.



Now that’s just precious!



I believe I have a valid theory as to why this post erupted out of nowhere again, like fungus after a heavy rain. It goes like this:

Dullas Witlessgelding has not been getting any attention from us, and wanted to be the only one with the most posts, so he got some poor shmoe in the P.I. to come in here and try to start a fight over nothing.

That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.


This hurt my brain.


Raney’s style of writing seems slightly familiar. I’m wondering if maybe Raney travels to Thailand from time to time and might be “good buddies” with a certain well-known individual hanging out there.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

PPT Ranger, I feel your pain….

Here Timmy puts on a good starting show and I’m think USCF 2000 based on his opening moves and all the chatter…a couple of moves later and next thing you know I realize he’s a chess.com 900 player at best….

It happens at all the good tournaments, 4ssclowns playing online at chess.com beating up 12 years olds, then they go to a live tournament and get 4sswhooped in front of a crowd. It never ends well….

The first few pawns only tell us what books you’ve read, the mid-game lets us know if you’ve retained something from those books. The endgame lets us know if you understand the concepts behind the book.


Master Chief–so we’re in his “kill zone” now? Ooooh, I’m shakin.

What’s he gonna kill us with? Pictures the doc took of him when he caught the “black gonk?”

Nearly three decades after that little slide show in Great Lakes and I still cringe at the mention of, “WHO WANTS BLUEBERRY PIE???”

Tim Ramey

I do travel to Pattaya, Thailand from time to time. Nice place.

I sent an electronic request to NPRC this morning (asia time). I requested any unit CIB orders from September 1969 to January 1970. If and when they arrive, someone tell me who to send them to and in what format.

Gonna hold my judgement till I see the proof.


Hang on a sec…you’re 48 years old, and have a CIB from 1969-70? Really?

Wow, I guess that’s what happens when we’re in your kill zone.

Tim Ramey

Most CIB orders were published as unit orders for multiple members on one page. I requested unit CIB orders for D/151 for from Sep 1969 – to January 1970.

I believe that Dallas was assigned to D/151 in Sep ’69, so I’d like to see if his name is on any of the unit CIB orders. It’s a shot in the dark, but well worth a try. It doesn’t cost anything to send in a request other than faxing the authorization.

I don’t see how this will ever be resolved until we see the orders.

Haven’t seen anything from me stating that anyone was in my kill zone. Can’t you please publish where I said that?

Oh and Master Chief, short time only, I’m a cheap charlie…


Boy, you sure are going to a great length to defend this guy, considering some of the shit he’s pulled.

Curiouser and curiouser.

But edit my previous comment regarding YOUR having a CIB. I see where you never claimed such, only that you’re going to the time, trouble, and expense of hoping against hope that DullASS might appear on one of the unit lists.

Again, if someone I supposedly never knew/met claimed to be on a boat and claimed dolphins but couldn’t produce his Dolphin Certificate, I’m not sure I’d give a shit enough to pursue the issue.

So what’s in it for you, Timmah?

Tim Ramey

My Dad served in Dallas’ unit. One of the most decorated, most famous and probably one of the most obscure units in the history of the Vietnam War. The armory itself, the company headquarters plus one platoon are/were located in the town I was born. Stepping away from the Dallas’ issue for a second, the combat record of this unit is amazing.

You’re God Damn right I hope I can find his CIB and MOS orders, if this goes the wrong way this will be a major black eye for D/151 and some of those guys will probably blame yours truly if that comes to pass. “Those guys” are all people I know. In some cases, guys I’ve known since before D/151 was activated in 1968. If he turns out to be a fraud then I am truly fucked.

I’m doing this for no other reason than to uphold the prestige, honor, and high esprit de corps of the Indiana Rangers. I’m doing this to honor the memory of a dead father who was my best friend. Nothing more, nothing less.

This ain’t got shit to do with Dallas Wittgenfeld.

I’m sorry for some of the stupid shit I wrote. Not sorry for everything I wrote. Some of the shit I wrote is spot on but you get the gist of what I mean, I’m sure.

Just gonna wait until I see the orders or no orders. Fuck the FOIA, I really do have some connections at NARA II and at St. Louis.

By the way, if any of you are serious history buffs as I am, Shelby Stanton is a great source of info regarding this matter.

Good day to you all.


2-17 AirCav


I disagree that the nonexistence of order’s for DW’s CIB or MOS will be a black eye on his unit. The unit’s history in RVN belongs to the unit. DW’s tomfoolery is his alone. You don’t need my or anyone else’s seal of approval but, for what it’s worth, I think your okay and I wish you well.


Tim Ramey, Dallas has a photo on his F/B profile claiming it to be your father. He also claims that your father went to serve with him in the IIFFV HHC on Bear cat too. In order for this to happen would mean that your father was NOT one of the original members of the 151st Indiana National Guardsmen . But was Regular Army that was a replacement for the unit while they were in RVN. Hence , He didn’t leave RVN when the orig. members left ..Please confirm..


Ramey: you travel to Thailand periodically? That’s a surprise. I must commend you on your excellent memory, however. If you’re currently 48 years old and can remember any of the folks who departed Camp Atterbury with D/151st in May 1968 from days prior to their departure, that means you have a very good memory of events occurring when you were 3 or 4 years old. I’m also a bit curious how a unit can be simultaneously “famous” and “obscure”, as the terms seem somewhat mutually exclusive to me. But maybe that’s just me. As I’ve said previously (above and elsewhere on this site) – I will continue to have questions about Wittgenfeld’s CIB even if orders eventually surface. Criteria for the CIB in 1969-1970 were virtually identical to those today: (a) have an infantry (11-series) MOS; (b) be assigned to an infantry unit of brigade or smaller size; (c) perform duties as an infantry soldier (e.g., have a duty assignment as an infantryman); and (d) personally engage the enemy in ground combat. If all 4 conditions are not met simultaneously, one does not qualify for a CIB. (The Vietnam era did have two specific exceptions to the infantry MOS requirement, but Wittgenfeld qualifies for neither exception.) Wittgenfeld’s official records at NPRC show no assignments to an infantry duty position. All of his assignments in Vietnam were as a Radio Operator in MOS 05B. Therefore, even if he held an 11-series secondary or additional MOS it seems doubtful that he meets the regulatory criteria to receive a CIB. He never had a duty assignment as an infantryman. Were I a former member of his unit, frankly I would be more ashamed of his outrageous conduct here than I would be to find out his CIB wasn’t legitimate. Most decent people don’t consider the following acceptable: public, blatantly racist remarks using the N-word; misogynist and degrading comments directed towards a female vet who’s served in Afghanistan; intentional public harassment of a recently-widowed lady; and multiple occasions of misrepresentation of prior SF status/assignments and/or decorations for valor (BSM w/V, noted by at least… Read more »


Hondo, when you point out the use of conflicting terms, as in ‘simultaneously “famous” and “obscure”’, you’re confirming what I suspected in the beginning: this guy defending DW’s person is just another blatherskite, especially since he’s ignored what you and others have pointed out repeatedly, that DW is and has been verbally abusive towards various groups and people, in writing, and prone to making false claims based on his own personal mythos. DW has, in fact, made himself the villain of the piece by his personality disorder.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Some folks just like defending the indefensible it appears….


When he used the term “valor vultures” I am pretty sure that made everyone realise his real purpose. That is if they hadn’t already figured it out.

Tim Ramey

Hondo and Scotty I’ll do my best to give you my memories. I was at Indianapolis international Airport (Weircook Airport back then), and I remember quite well when my Dad and many of the men of D/151 left on their final leave to return to Ft. Benning. I had my arms around my Dad’s legs and wouldn’t let go. It is one of my strongest childhood memories. My uncle Ed-PFC Ed Downey(my Mom’s brother), my uncle Charlie-SGT and then SSG Charles Ramey, (my Dad’s younger brother) several of my Dad’s best friends – SSG Charles Keeney, SSG Dave Mallory, SSG Bruce Sherwood and SSG Dave Keith were all people who came by my house-all I remember are these guys in green uniforms that would come by the house when I was a little kid and my Dad would car pool with them to the armory. Hondo as to your comments that Dallas Wittgenfeld never held the duty position of an Infantryman, before he died, my father’s Ranger Buddy in Ranger School, SSG Mad Max Anderson confirmed to me that a Dallas Wittgenfeld was a replacement in September 1969, and he did in fact serve as Max’s RTO in Ranger Team 4-1 (4th Platoon, 1st Patrol)from September 1969-to November 1969, when the National Guard Members of D/151 went back home to Indiana. As a replacement, Dallas had to have completed the unit’s Ranger replacement training program. Dad, Max, and many others have told be on numerous occasions that many of the replacements did not hold an Infantry MOS. Upon completion of Ranger replacement training, however, they ALL were awarded the MOS 11F (Infantry operations and intelligence specialist) along with the appropriate skill level:2,3 or 4 along with the SQI P as every single man who served in D company had to be Airborne qualified to serve in the unit. If you read Shelby Stanton’s book about the LRP/Rangers in Vietnam, his section on D/151 states that the unit was one of only ones that maintained it’s all Airborne status throughout its entire deployment. I have no reason to doubt Max Anderson.… Read more »



Subect provides answer to question posted in # 668.

Question was: “BTW. I looked at your photos from PI. One question. Was that long time or short time?”

Answer was: “Oh and Master Chief, short time only, I’m a cheap charlie…”


My name is Tim Ramey (at least that is what some believe). I am 48 year old self taught military historian and activist, I live in the Phillipines and travel to Thialand occassionly (wink wink … if you know what I mean), I enjoy short intimate interludes with indigenous populations, and I am a cheap bastard!

My favorite web site is: asianvacationpackagesforsexcrazedloons.com


Note: The previous comment was not ment to harm, harrass, belittle, test the sensitivities of, make-fun-of, offend, fold, spindle, or mutilate any one person, group of persons, nation, or groups of nations. No animals native to the Phillipines were harmed in the drafting of this post.

Tim Ramey

Me luv u long time GI…


Well, Timmy boy, if you were in the military, then you’d know that MCPO is a rate or job designation for someone in the NAVY.

So MCPO NYC USN (Ret) is NOT a G.I.


Not Marines. Not Coasties. Not sailors. Not Air Force.

S-O-L-D-I-E-R-S = Army


Raney: I thought the sarcasm at the beginning of my last comment above would be obvious.

A certain popular writer reportedly now spends his days in Thailand while writing stories about a different place – one where he’s no longer welcome. One of the places in Thailand at which he spends some time reputedly is Pattaya.

In earlier comments here you used one of his current favorite terms (“milkooks”), as well as one of Wittgenfeld’s (“valor vultures”). There’s also a rumor out there that the individual in question has been contacted by Wittgenfeld. Don’t know if there’s any truth to the rumor or not.

So I can’t exactly say your admitting you spend time in Thailand, and in particular Pattaya, and have friends there exactly surprised me.

Tim Ramey

This is from the Army Board for the Correction of Miltary Records: http://www.boards.law.af.mil/…/2002080674C070215.rtf This case was filed by a member of D/151 who had the MOS 05B (Radio Telephone Operator) and his CIB wasn’t on his 214. He won his case. PROCEEDINGS IN THE CASE OF: BOARD DATE: 20 February 2003 DOCKET NUMBER: AR2002080674 I certify that hereinafter is recorded the true and complete record of the proceedings of the Army Board for Correction of Military Records in the case of the above-named individual. Mr. Carl W. S. Chun Director Mr. William Blakely Analyst The following members, a quorum, were present: Ms. Joann H. Langston Chairperson Mr. Lester Echols Member Mr. Allen L. Raub Member The applicant and counsel if any, did not appear before the Board. The Board considered the following evidence: Exhibit A – Application for correction of military records Exhibit B – Military Personnel Records (including advisory opinion, if any) FINDINGS: 1. The applicant has exhausted or the Board has waived the requirement for exhaustion of all administrative remedies afforded by existing law or regulations. 2. The applicant requests, in effect, that his military records be corrected to show that he was awarded the Combat Infantryman Badge (CIB), his military occupational specialty (MOS) as 11B (Infantryman), and his correct unit of assignment. 3. The applicant states, in effect, that his DD Form 214 incorrectly shows his MOS and does not show the CIB as an authorized award. Also his military records incorrectly list his unit of assignment as Long Range Patrol (LRP). In support of his application, he submits a copy of unit orders that awarded him the CIB and his separation document (DD Form 214). 4. The applicant’s military records show that he entered the Army for a period of 3 years on 10 July 1967. He was trained in, awarded, and served in military occupational specialty (MOS) 05B (Radio Operator). He continuously served on active duty for 2 years, 5 months, and 14 days, until being honorably released from active duty (REFRAD) on 23 December 1969, by reason of permanent disability retirement. 5. The applicant’s… Read more »

Just Plain Jason

When this hits 700 I am going to post a pic of a zombie, because this will be a Return of the Living Dead with so many sequels it is funny threads…


Timmy my advice to you is to quit while you are ahead. Perhaps it would be best for you to learn to READ and thus COMPREHEND what some of the folks here are trying to tell you. They have FIRST HAND knowledge of the Military that you only have through second hand information.

Let me break it down for you Timmy…

Dallas was NEVER an 11B despite what he claims. He never earned a CIB despite his claims. If he had ANY balls at all he would have posted his OFFICIAL orders that awarded him this MOS right away and thus this little “game” would not be a recurring theme.

Dallas LOVES the attention he receives from this almost as much as he loves you under his desk Timmy. He can use it to “enhance” his “reputation” and his imagination can run wild with ideas on what he can tell people.

Dallas is a Doucherocket of epic proportions so whatever he chooses to do just remember you sided with him and you will have to deal with the consequences of that choice when he is proven, once again, to be a lying POS.

Just Plain Jason

Man, I thought sippy was bad.

Tim Ramey

Ex-PH, “Me luv you long time, GI” was a pretty common phrase and it was (and still is in certain parts of Asia) used generically to all branches of service.

I could be a dick and say something fucked-up like, “If you were military you’d know that,” but I’ll take you at your word that you were, and leave it at that.

Tim Ramey

OEF_Veteran: Since I served in the Army as an 11B10, how is that I have information second hand?


Jason, The Walking Dead on AMC starts again on the 14th. This is the topic that just won’t die. On a side note, what is the longest topic on TAH? I’d be willing to put money on this one.

Tim Ramey

United States Army Vietnam Regulation Number 672-1 (Awards and Decorations) contained the policy guidance on awarding the CIB in the RVN. Appendix 3 to Annex A of this regulation listed positions which qualified for award of the CIB. It stated, in pertinent part, that the CIB was authorized for award to members serving in MOS 05B as Radio Operators provided their primary duty was to accompany infantry or infantry type units on tactical operations.


“However, notwithstanding the MOS of 11B shown in the Unit Orders provided by the applicant, the record clearly shows that the only MOS he held during his active duty tenure was 05B (Radio Operator). Thus, the Board finds insufficient evidence to support changing his record to show he held the MOS 11B (Infantryman).”

Ok, so that says that the RTO in question never was granted the MOS 11B since the only MOS he held was 05B. Which would mean this RTO WOULD NOT be authorized to wear the blue cord and disks of an Infantryman correct?

Now if I were to apply this to Dumbass, we could say he was awarded the CIB but WAS NOT awarded the MOS 11B therefore making him ineligible to wear the blue cord and disks of an Infantryman.

Youre not really helping him any dude. Go back to playing slappy tickle with Yawn and his Thai ladybois…..

Tim Ramey

Darrell Holder just sent me a scan of Wittgenfeld’s orders for his ARCOM w/V how do I put in this blog or is there a email address I can send it to?


Ohhhhh, I was #700. Put your money where your mouth is. I wanna see a zombie.

Tim Ramey

Its not my job to help him, DUDE. It’s not my job to pad shit or change shit to help Dallas. And it’s not my fucking job to HELP him. I don’t give a shit how this ends up. The only fucking thing I care about is that the truth is revealed, is that too fucking hard for you to grasp A-BOB?


No, whats hard for me to grasp is why a seemingly intelligent person such as yourself feels the need to prop this asshat up and fluff his ego here and on his FB page. You have totally disregarded the fact that this sack of feces brings discredit upon himself, D/151, The United States Army and Veterans of all branches of service.

And if its not your job to help Dumbass why did you insist on necroing this thread? Its all good, keep posting it just ensures that everyone who googles his name (and yours now) can see what kind of a colostomy bag Dumbass really is.