IVAW should confront their future

| March 27, 2009

I know there are some folks at IVAW who truly believe in what they’re doing – who believe that they can make a difference. But history is not on your side. Take a look at who’ve you’ve associated yourselves with;

MacPhearson Perry

Odd Squad

I snagged these photos from someone’s Flickr account.

This is your glimpse at your future. These clowns never accomplished anything in their lives. Ward Reilly is the butt of every joke imaginable – he not only never went to Vietnam, he protested the war by going AWOL nearly a year after combat troops were withdrawn from Vietnam. Bill Perry admitted to me that his testimony at the first Winter Soldier was BS, that the only reason he told that story was to score some hairy-legged hippie chicks. His last remark to me about his actions in Vietnam was “We really kicked ass that day”.

Mike MacPhearson is trying to make VFP a Democrat Party organization. He wouldn’t cross President Obama if his life depended on it. The same President Obama who just today announced that there’d be no withdrawal from Afghanistan. That kind of runs counter to your whole message, doesn’t it?

What have they changed? They were successful in making everyone think that all of the veterans who returned from Vietnam were baby killers, dopers and thugs. They gave Hollywood a whole new class of villains for their idiot movies. They probably ruined more lives than PTSD did after that war. That’s your future. And they did it trying to make themselves sympathetic characters for their own selfish reasons. You know people just like them in IVAW and they’re the ones who are leading you over a cliff.

Some of you went and did what you were ordered to do, but others, for their own selfish reasons, couldn’t summon the testicular fortitude to do the same – and they’re the same people who belittle the job you did. Chiroux calls himself an Afghanistan veteran, and then tells all of you in his secret letter that there are no heroes in this war against terrorism. Don’t you find that a bit hypocritical? Some of you did the right thing – you did your business and then protested. The cowards are protesting so they don’t have to do their business – and they’re hiding behind your service.

Thirty years from now, you’ll be a punchline like Ward Reilly. If you really care about the troops, if you really want to help, there are so many other things you can do. If you really need help, there are more organizations than IVAW that can give you real help without making you so dependent on the camaraderie of prima donnas who’ll screw you at every turn. I know, because I’ve heard the stories from your membership. I know that it’s like Lord of the Flies sometimes. Join the world of the grown-ups and make lives for yourselves instead of being pawns and propping up the pretty-boys and the geezers who destroyed so many lives of so many others over the last few decades.

Oh, and to Bill Perry; it was Raoul that had your SUV towed last weekend. That’s funny shit right there.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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“Towed” is such a harsh term. Think of it as “Valet Parking” for the stupid.


1,300 VFP members and 24 million veterans.

Do the math. They represent the absolute fringe of the veteran community.

I bet there are more vets who claim a UFO abduction and an anal probing than there are VFP members. And it’s less embarasing to admit that.


Very good summary Jonn.


I shake my head from side to side and wag my index finger and proclaim with a big shit-eating grin, “Oh no you di’nt!!”
You rock.


“I bet there are more vets who claim a UFO abduction and an anal probing than there are VFP members. And it’s less embarasing to admit that”.
Too funny Raoul, and sadly, probably too true. But tell us about Perry’s Suv?


The guy(?) on the left in the second photo sure looks like Tiny Tim, but he died in ’96, I think?

Nah, closer examination doesn’t show his ukulele anywhere.

TSO Wrote: You mean THIS Tiny Tim?



The road on the other side of the circle leads to the Arlington Cemetery entrance. A memorial service was being conducted at the SeaBees monument, one of many along that road. Normally, you can’t park there and it’s clearly marked RESTRICTED PARKING. But cars associated with that service were permitted to park.

Perry parked his “Bug Out Mobile” along the road with the distinguished visitors. Typical drug addled hippie logic that the rules don’t apply to them is really responsible.

What made it particularly offensive is when I returned later, I saw that the participants had placed wreaths and a Vietnam ribbon at the memorial.

No Vietnam Veteran Against the War should have been permitted to be withing sight of that memorial and ribbon given what VVAW liars did to the honorable veterans of that conflict.

Two dumb ass teenaged chicks with Revolutionary Communist Party supplied signs posed for pictures in front of it. Mercifully, it was over in seconds. They probaly were clueless as to what had occured there just prior.


Well then, thank you for your service, Raoul. He should be happy it was just impounded, and not burned/trashed. But then, with the typical hippy-mobile, who would notice?


TSO: Nope THIS Tiny Tim.

The resemblance is amazing, don’t ya think?


Sorry – link broke you’ll have to cut and paste.



Wade sometimes weres these 60s Easy Rider sunglasses. The kind that are sort of a bubble.

They make him look like an bug.

Ringo the Gringo

There were a number of IVAW members at last week’s anti-war demonstration in Hollywood, Ca. They marched along with Code Pink, The World Can’t Wait and other far-Left groups, and shared the stage with International ANSWER speakers who praised “Iraqi insurgents” as “the true heroes” of this war.

You can see them near the end of my recent posting.



Excellent Raoul! Perry is not only totally disgusting, but a liar. Most combat Vietnam vets know he’s a POS.

Marooned in Marin

I’m assuming the towed car in question was the one whose photo I posted on my write up of Saturday’s event.



Black Tahoe with a sheet load of stickers front and back.


Way to, Raoul! Damn, that’s worth at least a six pack, lmao!


I raise one more voice and one more glass in Raoul’s honor!
Well done,sir! Effin’ A!!! Here’s to ya!!!

Tony Neal

And just what have you accomplished Jonn? You’re “accomplishments” are all a matter of opinion and are just as irrelevant as everyone else’s. You’re pathetic.

Jonn wrote: Coming from the likes of you, that’s quite a compliment.

Tony Neal

Good one.

Tony Neal

Noticed how you dodged the question?