Coupla things

| March 27, 2009

My inbox is filling up again, so here’s some stuff folks want you to read;

Sporkmaster is rightfully upset that the VA billed a wounded soldier for the 13th operation to save his leg. It took a Senator to convince the VA to suck it up.

If you can’t find tankerbabe, she’s at Fort Benning ceremonies to present some of her Skytroopers with Silver Stars. One posthumously.

Tom the Redhunter sends us a link to BO’s Teleprompter’s Blog. Uh-oh, it looks like Tom’s blog has been hacked by a Turkish hacker.

1stCavRVN11B sends a link so we can keep track of what stimulus money is being spent in our particular state.

Mr Wolf from Blackfive sends that Brandon Friedman actually looks more like this (if Friedman had the hormones required to grow facial hair);

Rurik fills up my inbox everyday. Stuff from yesterday includes Don Rickles roasts Congress, Congresswoman Bachmann introduces legislation to bar the dollar from being replaced by any foreign currency. Rahm Emanuel’s $320k year at Freddie Mac. George Soros says he’s having a good year making a $ billion on your misery.

The guy who sat next to me in our Bradley turret a few years back sends this about a guy who followed his GPS’s instructions to the edge of a cliff. West Virginia considers drug tests for welfare recipients (well, duh). North Korea has it’s own version of Hope and Change.

Feel free to add your own links in the comments if you think we’ve missed something.

Category: Link fest

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Glenn Cassel AMH1(AW) USN RET

The Kansas Legislature is working on the Welfare/Public Assistance whiz quiz thing. But if it gets to Kathleen before she get the HHS job, it will get vetoed. She’s just as bad as the rest of the obambozo’s nominees.


AP Reports: Obama’s war strategy, which will he announce on Friday, includes no timeline for withdrawal of troops.

WHAT??? Hehehe…