More Clintoon “Private” Email Surfaces

| August 23, 2016

Remember those roughly 30,000 work-related emails on Clintoon’s unsecured private email server?  You know, the ones that were turned over to State for review by Clintoon’s lawyers in 2014?   The batch of emails turned over by Clintoon’s lawyers was supposed to consist of “all of them” – right?

Well, it turns out that 2014 bunch wasn’t exactly “all of them”.  Rather, it turns out that that first batch of 30,000 was only about 2/3 of the total.

State Department lawyers confirmed recently that the FBI has uncovered another nearly 15,000 emails sent by or to Clintoon at that “private” address while she was SECSTATE.  This new batch of emails wasn’t previously disclosed.  And they haven’t yet been reviewed.

State is currently “prioritizing” the appraisal of this new batch of email to see what can be released to the public.

This story at The Hill has more details.  It’s worth a read.

Sheesh.  If you or I had pulled this stunt, we’d be in jail awaiting trial.  And we’d have been there for months already.

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Crime, Legal, WTF?, YGBSM!!

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Combat Historian

Hildebeest lying and covering up stuff? THAT CAN’T BE TRUE !!!…///


Naaah,, the vice prez of the LIARS CLUB OF AMERIKA wouldn’t do that!!

Hack Stone

Just go ahead and release all of them. Hillaryvhas already said that she did not send not receive any email marked classified, so there is no need for review.

NR Pax

If any of us had done this, we’d be buried under the prison and future Thou Shalt Not briefings won’t even say our names.


I heard that was only one disk worth of material that they FBI or State has or recently found and that there are 6 or 7 more and some are work related and some may not be and some may be classified and some may not be.


I betcha the Rooskies and their ilk already know everything in there.

Why is it still classified? Why do they need to review it? To keep US citizens from finding out what our enemies already know?

/snark off.
I know, there is an outside chance that something in there did not get skimmed by the foreign intel folks.
About the chance of a snowball lasting more than an hour on the sidewalk on a Texas August day.


Just more wedding emails, a few cookie and brownie recipes, yoga routines(how she does the downward dog and shades everyone else), no reason to be worried.
//sarcasm meter just broke//

Island of Misfit Toys

If I our anyone else did this the defense counsel would be saying take the plea deal your screwed. Accidental spillage can get you screwed and this was intentional but hey what does it matter…

Silentium Est Aureum

Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ. At what point are the American people going to wake up and realize this craven bitch will sell her soul for power, and fuck over anyone or anything that gets in her way?

See kids, this is why I voted “not Donald” in the primaries. If the GOP nominee was Cruz, Kaisch, Rubio, Walker, or even “Front Butt” Christie, she’d be down by 20 points.

Trump is going to guarantee a Clinton presidency. And too many fucking idiots who are allowed to vote don’t even care.


Oh sure. Because Presidents Dole, McCain and Romney did so swell.

The Trumpminator is the only one talking about the real problems our nation is facing, therefore i am voting for him.


Just one more reason for voting for Trump. If Hillary wins, all this treachery on her part disappears forever with all traces of her guilt erased and buried by complicit government agencies.

If Trump wins, the investigations will be ramped up with the full force of government brought to bear on this bitch with indictment likely and prosecution a very real possibility.

Now on your way to vote, ask yourself, “Which would I rather see happen?”

Roger in Republic

Now we find out that FBI interviews on the Webb Hubble suicide? are missing from the national Archives. There is nothing these people won’t do to gain and keep power. My pappy used to say that anyone that wanted power that much should never have any.

Roger in Republic

That should be Vince Foster not Webb Hubble. I get them confused. Both lawyers and both shitbirds. By definition, anyone that associates with the Clintoons is a shitbird.

Hack Stone

And usually dies under mysterious circumstances. I am surprised that Monica Lewinsky never “choked to death on a ham sandwich”. Of course, it would take a large bone to choke Monica.


Maybe Sandy Berger got more from the archives than was known? If one is sanitizing things in the Clinton past, how does only one person even begin?

Roger in Republic

Somebody get a rope!!!!!

Herbert J Messkit

I’ve given up any hope that any investigation can lay a hand on the reptilian Clinton family. It’s all just the ruling class investigating itself. I don’t care if they go to jail or not. It’s up to the American people to banish these repulsive, corrupt people from our daily life. Our form of government requires a moral virtuous electorate. We will find out if we are such a people soon enough

2/17 Air Cav

“Our form of government requires a moral virtuous electorate. We will find out if we are such a people soon enough.” Based upon the first line, the second is answered. Hail to the Chieftess!


If Trump wins I predict Hillary will be having a massive seizure or some other medical problem that will put her in the hospital. That way her lawyer can say “She’s too sick to go to jail”. It will be the last stand of this scoundrel.


I’ve seen people fry for less WTF is the issue with charges being filed


Fox and BBC are just now reporting that over half of Hillary’s official meeting at the state department where with Donors. !!!!!

Perry Gaskill

Skip, to be accurate, Hillary apparently met with 154 private individuals while she was SOS. Of those, 85 were donors to the Clinton Foundation. It’s not the complete list of donors, which also included representatives of foreign governments, nor does it include meetings with non-donor members of the U.S. government.

It seems to me a logical next step in this would be to continue to follow the money. What was the background of donors, and what did they want that would cause them to donate $156 million in order to expedite whatever it was they wanted to do? It’s a stretch to believe the motives were entirely altruistic.

A Proud Infidel®™

GEE WHIZ, what a surprise!

Hack Stone

Any chance that this latest batch of emails mentions Elaine Ricci? I have exhausted all other options on locating my coworker.


The Chicago is still not talking or Hillary or the DNC Mob for that part

A Proud Infidel®™

She tried to throw Colin Powell under the bus and he said “OH, HELL NO!” to her allegation. I wonder if she’ll try to throw “Blowjob Willie” of Chelsea there next?


Capone got popped for taxes.

Wanna bet on some sort of “glitch” in the taxes on all that “foundation” money, or on any of it “wandering” across tax code lines into private pockets?

If she gets burned, it will be for something absolutely stupid. Or, for assuming she is Teflon to folks -outside- the USA and its rules.