SFC Charles Martland; To Free the Oppressed

| March 1, 2016


The Army was supposed to make a decision on whether Sergeant First Class Charles Martland could remain in the Army or not after the 2011 incident wherein he scared an Afghan tribal police chief who was raping a pre-teen boy. First of all, we’re upset that he’s even being considered for elimination from the Special Forces, and secondly, we’re upset that Big Army can’t summon the testicular fortitude to make a decision on the issue at all. Martland was supposed to have known their decision today, but Big Army has pushed it out to May 1st – you know, maybe because we’ll forget about the whole thing, you know, because there’s so much to be angry about these days. From Fox News;

One year ago, the Army conducted a “Qualitative Management Program” review board and called for Martland — among thousands of other soldiers with prior disciplinary issues — to be “involuntary discharged” by Nov. 1, 2015.

Martland appealed the decision and a final ruling on his discharge has been delayed until now. With the deadline rapidly approaching, other legal advocates have come to his aid, and even garnered more than 300,000 signatures in a petition calling for the decision to be overturned.

The motto of the Special Forces is “To Free the Oppressed” and I’d bet that you’d be hard pressed to find someone more oppressed than a pre-teen boy tied to a bed for the sexual pleasure of an older man who beat the boy’s mother because she couldn’t be quiet about the treatment of her son. I guess the Army thought it was a pretty good motto when The Institute of Heraldry approved it decades ago, but now it’s a little inconvenient when soldiers take it seriously.

One way or the other, Martland needs to get on with his life, either in or out of the Army, so the boys at the Pentagon need to sack up and make their choice. Sooner is better than later.

Category: Big Army

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MSG Eric

Everyday that goes by it seems more and more cowards and the apathetic are taking over.

charles w

This is the new pc Army. It no way resembles the Army I served in.

MSG Eric


charles w

Don’t get me wrong, it was starting by the time I got out. I got out before “Don’t ask, Don’t tell, which to me was the beginning of the end.


Ive only been out a decade, and i dont recognize it anymore


And that picture looks like an official DA Photo.


“Disciplinary problem”, kicking a perverts ass and saving a kid is not a displinary problem..its grounds for a medal! WTF is wrong with the Army, a bunch of pussies now?


Hell. This COUNTRY in no way resembles the one I defended for 25 years!


Exactly. Same Era here. And now I’m explaining to my 12 year old Son why he may want to set back and evaluate before he serves. He is already determined to do “at least one hitch” as a 12 year old. Wringing my hands….


It is indeed sad that the ARSTAFF can’t seem to make a decision one way or the other here, given a year’s time.

However, based on what I’ve seen out of the 5-sided asylum over the last few years . . . it’s also not terribly surprising, either.


He should have been commended for the extreme restraint he displayed in making an on scene correction.


This should have been handled by his Company SGM and Bn CSM. Reality is those days are gone and it seems leaders are in full time CYA mode. Hey DOD Professionalism Summit attendees you wonder how to get the troops to trust you??? STOP FUCKING OVER WARRIORS WHO ARE GOING DOWN RANGE (multiple deployments) DOING THE HEAVY LIFTING!! The treatment of this fine NCO is a fucking disgrace and a stain on the entire chain of command from CJSOTF down!


Any chance of you running for congress?


Off topic but IMO congress is 95% of America’s problem. Term limits for those bastards!


I think that is not off of topic. I think it’s directly related to this and the rest of the current “F”-ups this country is facing.

That’s why someone with your common sense is needed. And I agree on the term limits so they aren’t there long enough to be corrupted into the current bunch of jack asses we have.

MSG Eric

Congress outlawed common sense within the Capital Building a few years ago. It was in some midnight legislation that no one read until it was passed.


I struggle with would I even continue to Serve in the Army the way they have treated soldier such as this. Fortunately I can wrap myself up in my DD-214/Honorable Discharge blanket knowing I don’t have to.
Sucks when you have warriors willing to stand up and do the right thing, and politicians in and out of uniform just as willing to crucify them at the alter of political expediency.
I would have shot the fucker in the groin, removing his ability to rape anyone, and watch him bleed out.

MSG Eric



I hold a special place in that dark spot of my heart for rapist, and especially pedophiles. Known too many who were victimized by them.
I do not think I would have an issue doing time, for bringing primal rage upon that type of scum.

MSG Eric

It keeps being said, if they’d have just “disappeared” this guy, no one would be the wiser and Martland wouldn’t be in this situation.

Silentium Est Aureum

There’s no reason to believe the idiot PC dipshits in the Pentagon will do the right thing. That being said, if they were going to let the sergeant go, they should have done so long ago.

Even then, as mentioned above, even if they decided to keep him, who the hell would want to stay in a military where you’ll be second guessed and looking over your shoulder forever?

Perry Gaskill

Something that’s never made sense to me is how the letter of reprimand ended up in Martland’s records to begin with. If there was any justice in this miserable life, he would have been called in for an ass chewing, and the conversation would have gone something like this:

Martland’s CO: Sergeant Martland, I heard you got into a tussle with local law enforcement.

Martland: That’s true, sir.

Martland’s CO: Officially? I am not amused at your lack of professionalism, lack of awareness for the local political climate, and lack of respect for the tribal police. If this happens again, your sorry butt is going to be buffing Hummers in the motor pool until they outlaw fossil fuel. Are we clear on this?

Martland: Crystal, sir.

Martland’s CO: Get out of my face. Oh, and Martland?

Martland: Sir?

Martland’s CO: Unofficially, why didn’t you put the mofo in a full-body cast?

And that would have been the end of it…

MSG Eric

Simple. Someone told someone else on the conventional side and somehow a flag officer found out. That flag officer was worried about getting another star and decided his next star was more important than an NCO.

Right or wrong didn’t matter, only another star matters.

I know because of seeing similar situations occur where someone high up finds out something and shit rolls down hill.


Regardless of whether they retain him or not, the perfumed princes will make damn sure he never sees E8 if he stays in. By now they have FUBARed his life so much that the best he can hope for is to get out from under the ungrateful SOBs and get on with his life, hopefully with some form of severance or pension.

MSG Eric

Even if his file was updated to remove those derogatory items, every future board will remember his face and do just that.

B Woodman

I read the article, did some quick and dirty math, and concluded that SFC Martland had about 15 years in service. Too bad. If he had 20+, I’d recommend that he put in his retirement paperwork.


SFC Martland joined up in the 2004 time frame. Reportedly the death of Pat Tillman was an impetus for him to drop out of FSU for the army (completed the SFQC in 2006).


Interesting….would pushing a decision past 1 May move him beyond 15 years where the Army could permit him to retire under the early retirement authority?

Does the final decision require a confirmed SECARMY sign off? As the new SECARMY’s confirmation still has a hold in place, that might be delaying the process as well.

MSG Eric

QMP’d personnel are not eligible for TERA (Temporary Early Retirement Authority), only QSP’d troops are.

At the same time, “The They” are doing what is most economical. If they kick out troops at the 12-16ish year mark, they don’t have to worry about them getting to sanctuary and being guaranteed a retirement.

Though, I heard from a friend that there was an NCO at Bragg who was tagged for QMP. He had almost 19 years when they told him he’d be getting kicked out. When he said, “Fine, I get my 20 at least” the High Royalty Command (HRC) initially said, “Nope, you’re getting kicked out before 20.”

He had to go to the IG, JAG, everything short of a Congressional before they relented and agreed he could stay for 20.

But then, that’s HRC for you, a “can’t” command. (Nope, that’ll help you and cause me more work, can’t do that.) I’d say HRC has more to do with Martland’s situation and a lack of decision than the ARSTAFF.


Thanks for the clarification.

I had an NCO once with 18 yrs 3 months who was QMP’d. I remember having to present the QMP letter which had the days to the letter that the soldier had served and would serve.

MSG Eric

Technically, if you make it to 17 years and 9 months, you are locked in because you’d need at least 3 months transition/separation time and that means you’d hit 18 years total.

I forget the regulation, but that’s right out of the reg too. But the 18 year mark is the magic number.


What if he were to have a “accident” while he is still on AD and was eligible for a MED. Retirement ?

MSG Eric

I’m sure that’s on the list of options for him. Though, if I read it right, if they make their decision to kick him out 01 May, at that point he is ineligible for a medical retirement. So, that choice would have to be made before 01 May.

Tough call either way.

B Woodman

(continued) Then he could free himself from Big Army’s oppression.


And it was just yesterday that we find out that the ruling (non)elites and bureaucrats at the puzzle palace are concerned that they don’t know “How do we get them to trust us?”. Instead, they call a posh conference and tell each other how “cool” they are. Pass the arugula….

2/17 Air Cav

You may be onto something there. See, the Army instituted its “Not in My Squad” program last year. It contains 24 measurable points. #15 is “Treat everyone with respect.” Presumably, that includes child molesters since “everyone” excludes no one and is not limited to fellow soldiers. So, that’s a problem. SFC Martland did not treat the child molester with respect.

MSG Eric

And in turn, the they are not treating him with respect.

MSG Eric

“What’s an Arugula?”

“Its a Ve-ge-ta-ble.”


Ahhhh. Testicular fortitude ,,,,, those were the days!


The treatment of SFC Martland is shameful enough but to leave him dangling over the decision. Its an Army issue but make no mistake one whisper from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave or a wink from Ash Carter could right this wrong. I’d love to be a fly on the wall to hear whats bantered about regarding this issue between the SMA and the current SEAC. Do they have the stones to do the right thing regarding SFC Martland?


No way. I believe they spend more time talking about tee times than anything of substance.

It is disgraceful how the senior officers and politicians have corrupted the military.

I left the enlisted ranks after 22 years and commissioned as an officer. I’m now an O-3 and thank God I’ll never make it past O-5 (if that far) so that there is less of a chance of politics being involved in my future. Lord knows there is enough of of it below the O-6 level.

Climb to Glory

This is what passes as “leadership” in today’s Army. A bunch of feckless, handwringing, do nothing, pussies.


This is who they are. Old Ray here played the game and fucked over every soldier he could. And now he is being rewarded. I feel so sorry for my buddies that are still in.


Odierno could come to regret associating himself with Teneo if the FBI investigation into possible corruption by Hillary drags in the Teneo leadership. Teneo is so entangled with the Clinton Foundation that they might as well be a single entity and that foundation is an active criminal enterprise.

Not a smooth move, Odierno.


John ,
Thanks for posting this story . For all those reading this story –get those cards , letters and phone calls going out to your Congressmen and any other politician that you can think of . Don’t bother writing to the WH , beige could give a shit less about a real soldier .Remember , this is an election year for a lot of office holders . Hold their feet to the fire on this one .


LRRP2 – if you don’t mind me asking – who were you with and when?


Co F 50th Inf(LRRP) and then Co F 75th Rangers (RVN . Class of 68-69-70)


Nice of you to answer, thank you.

Had a friend and fellow LEO on my job, Frank Gowrie, now deceased was a LRRP assigned to 11th ACR I believe 65-66 (11th was my unit 67-68). First time I met him after getting home he had hair down to his shoulders – was undercover narcotics.

Crazier than a bedbug but a helluva good cop and from what heard a fine LRRP.

A little late in the day, but welcome home brother!


Welcome Home Brother .BTW , I’m a Cop too.


As my long dead Irish Grandmother would say, “Jesus, Mary and Joseph!” What a small world.

Nassau County County PD, Long Island NY (ret)

If you wish – take my username and add 47-at-yahoo-dot-com for the email address I use for posting on blogs.


In addition – worked extensively with ground units of the 25th ID including the 5th Mech. Inf. in early ’68. Got my PH in the Chu Chi basecamp hospital in May….a long, long time ago.


LIRight – completely off topic but, the 11th ACR is holding it’s annual reunion in Slammintonio this year, 16-19 June.
I wouldn’t mind meeting an actual citizen of the TAH Nation….



Unfortunately, nbcguy54ACTUAL I won’t be able to make it. Last one I attended was 2007 in Louisville – went with my oldest son, which was just great.

Tell you what – let’s try for the next one.

Good to hear from you and if you like I kind of cryptically noted my email address a couple of comments above. Shoot me off an email.

Have a good time in June!

2/17 Air Cav

“Don’t bother writing to the WH…”

No shit.


Whew! Thanks for the reminder – almost wasted a stamp! lol


You expect maturity and reasonable behavior from people who are neither mature nor reasonable.

When I enlisted, there was a lot of chicken shit stuff, which eventually was got rid of. It appears to have returned. I cannot think of any good reason to commit any time to being in the military now.

If this soldier is to be punished for doing what any decent human being would do, there is something seriously wrong with the military at its core.

That is what needs to be rooted out, not people like Martland.


“there is something seriously wrong with the military at its core. ”

love ya, darlin’, but – ya think?

Usedta advocate for the military (and have umpteen generations of military in US and Canada behind me – let’s just say that nowadays I see it as a ‘questionable occupational choice’ because I don’t want to see five grandsons led to Hell by politicians more wedded to CYA than anything else. The avian defecatory material seems to rule the roost….

Green Thumb

This is getting stupid.

Really stupid.

I hate to say it, but the Army can go fuck itself.

They are making Mabus look good.

I wonder what the Brass and Politicians would think if it was their son? Culture be damned.

Glad I am out.


I am glad that I am out too brother. I say it to people all the time. Would never trade my service for all the gold in Ft. Knox, but to watch a man of SFC Martlands character get raked over the coals by people that could not carry his field skivvies is sickening.


If SFC Martland gets booted, it proves that all the ‘sexual harassment’ training and ‘prevention’ efforts are just a bad joke and utter waste of time..

MSG Eric

We have determined long ago that all that training is only for lower ranks. Senior leaders are exempt for regulations or rules of decency.

Even if they get caught, they have a different set of rules governing them, like a letter of reprimand, retire now, slap on the wrist, 2 week vacation and come back like nothing happened, etc.


Has he released any of the records from this? It may be instructive to get a glimpse at what the board’s seeing.

MSG Eric

The problem is, no one knows what the board actually sees except the board and some HRC administrators.

We also don’t know what the “administrative guidance” is to the board because that is kept behind closed doors and not released.


Well I’m sure Martland and his attorney have at least a redacted copy of the investigation, including all statements, right? I’m sure he also has the reprimand. It probably got mentioned on his NCOER, so there’s also that. The board will also see any character statements Martland provides to them. My pitchfork and torch are at the ready, but before I display them, I’d like to know a little more than the press releases we’ve seen turned into stories.

MSG Eric

He has his the reprimand and NCOER because they were in his PERM file. If they even did an investigation into the incident, then he “could” get a copy of it.

We don’t know if there was an investigation.

As far as board information, notes, administrative guidance? None of that would be released, even to a FOIA. SECARMY “might” be able to get access to it, if the documents still exist.


JAG wouldn’t have let a GO issue a GOMOR without a 15-6, even if the accused admits everything.

A Proud Infidel®™

He beat a child molester and the perfumed pampered preened Princes of the Pentagon shit themselves over it. WHAT, an unauthorized display of testosterone? Maybe the goat-fucking pedophile should have been dealt with otherwise, training accidents happen, ya know!

MSG Eric

And the High Royalty Command (HRC), the supposed “experts” of HR, administer the boards. They are just as much to blame in this as the pussies who don’t want to make the decision.


It seems to me that the longer this drags on, the better his chances of being retained.

MSG Eric

Its a tough call really. I can’t tell either way because of what’s going on lately.

I’m sure if he gets told to leave, he’ll have 50 jobs waiting for him to choose from. I believe he wants to stay and have a career, but he should have plenty of opportunities available after.

If he gets to stay, the rest of his career will have to be walking on egg shells because any little mistake or error will be turned into a nuclear explosion and become, “See? He’s really a dirtbag! We gave him a chance and he showed his true colors!”

Herbert J Messkit

The afghan rapist is an ally
Rape is a war crime
Covering up war crime is a war crime


He’s staying in! See here: http://militari.ly/1TzscVu


Good to hear!