Monroe Jackson; military poser arrested

| November 9, 2015


OLD98Z sends us a link to the brief story of Monroe Jackson who is currently cooling his heels in a Pikeville, Kentucky hoosegow;

Pike County sheriff’s deputies say Monroe Jackson also accepted donations that were intended for the MCCC veteran’s center. He has, in fact, no military ranking, and none of the donations that he accepted were sent to the veteran’s center.

It’s a good thing that lying about your military service is a victimless crime.

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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Green Thumb

Thus guy is as worthless as a box of Phildos.


Scams and fraud can be lucrative for those who can stomach it. And if someone can figure out how a scam might be executed, eventually someone will try to profit from same.

However, often those who try get caught. Hope this j-hole enjoys the state’s hospitality for a looooong time.

A Proud Infidel®™

I had to laugh at the look on his face, he looks like he wants his Mommy!! That or he knows that Bubba & Thor have already auctioned him off of some anal fibrillation!!

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Nah, bro… he saw that his first meal in the “pound him in the ass” lockup was cockmeat sammiches with hearty helpings of manmayo…




Turd Wrangler!

A Proud Infidel®™



Scrot’ licker.

B Woodman

Tube Wrangler.
That is all. Out.

Carlton G. Long

He has a perfectly military-sounding name, but his homemade hair cut and soft, round shoulders lead me to believe that the closest he ever came to combat was playing Stratego at his “bachelor pad” (the basement of his parents’ home of course).


I have a question for y’all.
I know of a young man who is a reservist in the army, he claims that he is a scout ranger.
I just found out that he is NOT a scout ranger, but private first class in the reserves.
My question is is there a penalty for lying about your rank?

Carlton G Long

What rank did he claim? “Scout Ranger” isn’t a rank.


If you’re in the military and you lie about your rank (particularly if, say, you are lower enlisted and you claim to be an officer) it could well be a trip to Leavenworth and a dishonorable discharge.

Keep in mind though, “scout range” ain’t a rank. Are you sure he’s claiming to be something he isn’t?

A Proud Infidel®™

It sounds like he’s still wet behind the ears and trying to impress someone. He sounds like a “Joe” that needs a good “smoke session” before he really fuxxes himself!


I was a junior Captain Lieutenant with a two star rank designation !!!
But that was in the play US Army we had in Eldon Iowa with all my friends !!!
I was like 9 or 10 at the time…
I left that there and went on the real adventure !!!
And I missed the sharp part of the deepthroat comment I made a couple days ago.
What is the definition on that, if you please.

John "Faker 6" Giduck

I like this Monroe Jackson fellow. I’ve used the redirection strategy before except I used a non profit grant destined for halfway house prisoners to the Sudan.

I also like this guy because, from what I learned right here on this website, prison seems better than the my normal truckstop workouts and relatively dreamy. Three hot(tie)s and some cock! or something like that….


John “Faker 6” Giduck