Lieutenant Colonel Kate Germano fired

| July 13, 2015

Kate Germano

Old Trooper sends us a link to Fox News about this Lieutenant Colonel Kate Germano who fired from her job at 4th Recruit Training Battalion on Parris Island, S.C. According to the article, she was fired for making female recruits better Marines;

She got bounced June 30 after a command investigation accused her of “toxic leadership” by berating and showing contempt for subordinates in public. The 300-page report found her to be “hostile, unprofessional and abusive “ and told recruits that sexual assault was preventable, and that those who drank put themselves in a position to be assaulted.

She also told recruits male Marines would never take orders from them and would see them as inferior if they couldn’t meet men’s physical standards.

In May, Germano filed a complaint against her supervisors claiming that they were undermining her efforts to push female Marines to be as well-trained as their male peers. So, in June she gets fired. I remember a letter that Sage Santangelo, a Marine Corps lieutenant who failed the Marine Officers’ Infantry Course when she wrote a letter to the Commandant of the Marine Corps accusing the Corps of not training female Marines to be as good as their male counterparts. I guess that was not taken seriously by Marine leadership.

From the New York Times;

When Lt. Col. Kate Germano took command of the Marine Corps’ all-women boot camp, the failure rate of female recruits at the rifle range was about three times higher than that of their male counterparts, and she said there was no plan to try to improve it. “The thinking was girls can’t shoot, so why bother,” she said in an interview.

So she worked with trainers to give women better skills instruction, and soon passing rates soared, according to Marine Corps records. In June, 95 percent of women passed initial rifle qualification, equaling the rate for men. Colonel Germano made similar gains in strength tests and retention…The corps said that Colonel Germano’s removal had nothing to do with gender, and that an investigation had found that she disobeyed her chain of command and berated and embarrassed subordinates when they did not meet her standards.

“This whole thing started when her Marines — her female Marines — were telling us they were being mistreated,” said Col. Jeffrey Fultz, the chief of staff for Parris Island. “She was telling them their male counterparts will never respect them if they don’t get good physical scores. You just don’t do that.”

For the record, I’ve been telling my subordinates for decades that soldiers don’t follow leaders who can’t exceed their standards, in regards to their technical proficiency and physical fitness, male or female. So what’s new about telling females the truth?

According to the Fox News and the New York Times articles, Germano’s Marines, as a whole, were performing better than most recruits, I guess that’s something we just can’t have. The United States Marine Corps wants to be more like the Army in regards to political correctness and sacrifice standards for feelings.

Category: Marine Corps

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The problem was that she didn’t have a problem telling the special snowflakes that they were soupy and needed to get squared away. As usual, the snowflakes ran to someone and tattled and the CoC didn’t have the balls to do the same thing that Ltc. Germano was doing.


Welcome to The pResident in Chief’s new Marine Corps. regards, Alemaster


Sounds more like she was breaking the Progressive plan to lower standards for females by making them stronger rather than weaker.

My best friend graduated PI last year, and she scored higher on the PT Test at her AIT (whatever Marines call it) than any of the other recruits.


I read it that way too; that the colonel was hard because it was needed.

Then again I knew officers who were similiar but did it in a very degrading way. There’s a way to tell someone to sack up and there’s a way not too.

I don’t know which way this colonel was, but from her record it looked like it was working. I also think this colonel’s head was on the block and they were looking for a reason to drop the axe but her record was too solid. Then someone complains in a sensing session. Excuse recorded. Bam.


no reelz, only feelz

2/17 Air Cav

The better approach nowadays is to say to under performing subordinates, “Golly, I just know you can do better if–and, please, don’t take this the wrong way–you just tried a little harder. Now, how ’bout a hug and a smile?”


Bet she and Gunny Highway would have gotten along great!


Apparently one of LTC Germano’s unforgivable sins was telling her young female Marines that getting blacked-out, sloppy drunk in the presence of horny young men is an invitation to trouble and they shouldn’t do it. This, of course, is one of those things that simply can’t be said, a horrible “microaggression” that enables “rape culture.”

Even though any idiot can see that it’s true.


There was also the comment that the female Marines wouldn’t be respected by the males if they were marginal PT performers. The special snowflakes were upset that meeting the female PT standard wasn’t good enough for the colonel.


See, that’s “blaming the victim”. Which is ridiculous, of course. If a man rapes a woman who is incapacitated by alcohol, the rapist is still just as guilty, and deserves the same punishment. But, there shouldn’t be anything wrong with telling people to avoid behaviors that leave them more vulnerable to crime. I once had a car stereo stolen, after I’d left one of my doors unlocked. Did I “have it coming”? No, the thief was still a thief. Did I kick myself for making it easier for the thief? You bet I did.

farmgirl with a mosin nagant

This is something I just have never been able to understand, no matter who tries to explain it to me. WHY would ANYBODY want to go get blackout drunk, with all the risks that go with it, and then when something bad happens to them, not recognize that there is an element of responsibility in it for themselves?

The decision to rape (abuse, molest, assault, whatever – so many crimes that can be done to someone in a helpless position, it really doesn’t matter the exact nature of the crime in the abstract) is definitely not the ‘fault’ of the victim. But if it lies within someone’s power to AVOID having this happen to them, since when is recognizing that ‘because I did this, this was able to happen’ somehow a critical assault on the victim’s morals, ethics, value as a human being?

People screw up. I think we all get this. It’s still horrible when something like this happens (and it happens to men as well as women, even if it gets talked about less). Not drinking until you pass out is a good way of avoiding having it happen. Same as not wearing designer clothes and looking openly like a target while walking through anything which looks less like a well-lit, well-policed mall and more like Bartertown.

Telling people ‘don’t do this so that bad things won’t happen to you’ is NOT abuse. Maybe they’re upset because she didn’t tell the same thing to the guys? Just, argh.


I just don’t understand. She told recruits the truth. They may not have liked it but it remains the truth. She pushed them beyond their perceived limits and it worked. The issue, she berated and embarrassed recruits. I am trying to remember a day in boot camp when I was NOT embarrassed or berated. There were none. it was push, drive, push more and drive harder and if you can’t keep up…quit. Embarrassed and berated recruits, I assumed was still a given in boot camp. I guess things have changed in 40+ years. Now it’s as much about a recruits feelings as their competency as soldiers. I bet after they blow taps at night, they then play “Feelings, Nothing More Than Feeling” over the barracks PA system to ease everyone to sleep.

william groce

amen brother


Two words: Bradley Manning.

Green Thumb

My best guess is that she also was prejudiced against men in the Army.

Being that she was in a position of direct authority, she probably marginalized the shit out of them.

I have seen it before. Its called “payback”.

Green Thumb

Army. My bad.

I meant Marine Corp.

Oh the Staff Officer flashbacks…..


I once told a SHARP counselor in front of a about 200 Soldiers, that any female getting sloppy ass drunk to the point of passing out at a party is the equivalent of me going out the wire without my weapon or Body Armor and getting injured by SAF or IED. It doesn’t mean I deserve it but I would be a fool to not expect it.


Then I guess I need to go back and complain about my drill sergeants in Basic from over 20 years ago. They told us the same thing a lot. We were called any and all sorts of “degrading” names as well. (Was anyone else in an all male basic training company called “ladies” and/or told there are women out there who PT better than you do?)

Even had a 1SG who told the whole company not to go to sick call because they’ll cause you to miss training.

Funny though, when I brought up a true toxic commander to the chain, they were afraid she’d call EO when they fired her so they let her do whatever she wanted to and she knew she could and went even more overboard with her bullshit.

A Proud Infidel®™

That sounds like some of the PC bullshit that convinced me to ETS from Active Duty in the early 90’s!

Al T.

As a former Army type, I’d like to hear what Marines think about this – something seems “off”….


Agree – this woman should be a poster child for Marine female career progression. I would like to know a few more details – telling women “male Marines will not respect you if you don’t meet their standards” and “you fucking fat whore, no real marine is gonna listen to you, cunt, if you can’t slap your incompetent flabby tits on the deck as many times as him – gimme 200!” I was blessed with drills who could have said the first and made it sound much worse than the second – but as an O-6? Unless she voted Republican, there sounds like there is more to this than meets the eye.


I am torn on this one. The Marine Corps usually does not relieve officers unless there is truly a problem. Everything I have read leads me to believe that she was getting results, but rubbed people the wrong way.

Without hearing from her drill instructors what working conditions were like, it is hard to judge who is right.

Now if she was just tough on her DI’s, then they need to suck it up. But if she was leading through threats and intimidation, she had to go.

I really don’t want to believe that her telling her Marines not to get sloppy drunk and hazard themselves was enough to get her fired. That is pretty much a standard libo brief if you ask me. It could work for males or females.

There are comments in the new issue of Marine Times from people who worked with her in the past who are surprised it took this long for her to get fired. That is why I am thinking it was justified. This is just a hard one to figure out.


Master Guns, it was her officers — not Drill instructors who turned on her. Her own XO and two company grade officers (who are all low performers) went to the Regimental XO and complained. That’s all that was needed to start the investigation. The prior CO did nothing — the poor command climate was inherited. If they want you gone, you’re gone….

Ron McBarnicles

I knew her when she was a Captain. I am one of those who Master Guns mentioned, surprised it took this long for her to be put out. She was poison.

By the way, I really don’t like the fact she was, according to some articles, moto on marksmanship, but she’s double pizza box in all the official portraits. I could see her being double pizza box and ripping in to a Recruit for not shooting so well, or something like that, even though such an encounter between a Recruit and Battalion Commander is unlikely, with her, it would not surprise me.

Just an Old Dog

She is also a JAG officer, so shes a VERY smart cookie. Smart doesn’t mean she was a good leader.
Looking at her record She was the CO of an RS then got command of a recruit training Bn.
She is someone who knows exactly how to work the system. She is now petitioning Congress.. Completely bypassing HQMC.


I want to know more about this, too.

Just an Old Dog

Very one-sided article in her favor. I’ve been in the recruit training environment for 4 years.
Regardless of “stats” an asshole Bn Co can ruin a Bn. There is also the possibily that her leadership encouraged “gun-decking” stats.
One of my tours we had a Bn Co who was all about graduation rates. The Companies that didn’t drop recruits were considered “the best”.
As far as that rifle range and pft score improvement “figures lie,,, and liars figure”.


While I applaud her goal; if a male Marine Officer had said or done the things that she was found to have done (per the investigation) he would have been fired also, and there wouldn’t be a moments pause that it was the correct call.

In a perverse way, this firing is the epitome of gender equity.

Dave Hardin

Probably not. A quick Google search on General Mattis will show it more than likely would not happen to her male counterpart.

If a Male Marine Commander talks and acts like that they are just considered HARD. They are generally admired.

If a woman does the same thing she is a bitch and out of control. I am not an advocate for women in combat roles, but may I suggest we make women who want to be ‘HARD’ instead of making their male counterparts ‘SOFT’.



We live in an time where the optics of what someone does and the words that they convey are just as important (maybe more so) than the actions. If a male Marine had specific female Marines (who had met the female PT run standard but not the male requirement) stand up in an auditorium and then berate them publicly for not meeting the male standard, he would be gone. (The fact that you and I agree that there should be one standard here is unfortunately irrelevant.) If a male Marine stated that “”by drinking, you are putting yourself in a position to be sexually assaulted”, he would be gone. (While I, and probably the vast majority of people on the blog here, believe this is true is irrelevant also. It’s an idea that is delivered in an in-artful way. I expect more of both a LtCol and a practicing attorney.) If a male officer berated his subordinates for a units performance (which happened to be within the standard), and then discussed their comments negative on a command climate survey, he has set himself up to be called a “toxic leader”. (As a brigade commander or above I’d likely handle this via informal counseling if it was a isolated incident. FWIW, it appears to me that the LtCol had expended that equity already.) Like a mentioned above, I believe that she was doing the correct thing and her comments on drinking are spot on. But, if a male officer had taken similar actions or made similar statements; the higher command would likely cut them loose. I’m sure that all of us here have seen/heard of other officers being fired for less. I don’t think the LtCol’s higher had much choice, given the low bar we currently have for firing male officers for doing or saying stupid stuff. If the command didn’t fire her, they open themselves up to charges of having a double standard. Unfortunately, the real loser here is the Marine Corps. They lose an extremely capable officer, who could have served as an excellent example for female Marines for… Read more »


Fired for being honest. I am so glade to be out.

r b scott

I am on the Lt Col’s side seems like when you do the right thing and tell the truth it gets you in hot water SERMPER FI Lt Col kATE


Im still missing parts of my ass that my DI chewed off.

Sounds to me like what everyone else is saying. She had the balls to tell the snowflakes they werent all that.


This hard charging Marine needs to find an advocate in Congress who will take up a fight for her.

I like this Marine’s and the truth of the message.

The pinhead appointees who directed the inquirey can KMRIA!


Dave Hardin

I wish there were more Veterans in public office. Seems we keep finding out the few that are have either never served or embellished their record beyond recognition.

I have an idea:


(You heard it first right here on TAH)


No doubt, he would only have the best classic rock bands at the innaugural parties!

I am all in…


Where do I sign the petition?

A Proud Infidel®™

Not just Veterans, we need ones that give a fuck, NOT sellouts like McCain and Graham.


Agree 1,000%


MCPO..KMRIA? IF I Was a women I would serve under her. I just didn’t like the drinking rape part. No women deserves to be raped in or out the MILITARY…


I have no idea what you are talking about.

Dave Hardin

Isn’t there some gay guy taking over as head of the Army? Maybe he has a solution to killing fanatics that are hacking of the heads of people with some kind of softer approach.

He promised not to paint everything pink, (his words not mine).

Oh well, maybe a twink for Commandant will fix this outrageous behavior. At least there will be a new appreciation for squat thrusts.

A Proud Infidel®™

He’ll probably come up with a memo stating “OOOOKAY you guyth, no more yelling and poopy langwith, jutht a hug and thome ‘Kum-ba-yah’, and everything will be juuuutht fine!”


Wasn’t there a way higher up came out and still serves?


Berating and showing contempt to subordinates, how rude and Non-PC.

Oh my, What’s becoming of my Corps?
Mental, verbal and physical abuse was everyday in Boot Camp in 1969 (except graduation day).

My Drill Instructors took naïve, soft, unskilled, ignorant, pampered civilians, broke them down and made them Hard Corps Marines.

Demeaning, exhausting, difficult, pushed to the limits of endurance, physically, mentally and spiritually? Well yeah.

It served me well in the Corps, civilian and family life.

Women Marines have a proud History, this type of crap is indeed demeaning to all those who have, are and will serve.

How about finding 200 more like Lieutenant Colonel Kate Germano and her Drill Instructors who will build more Women Marines who strive to be the best.


There is no room in the military for warriors anymore.

If you are not a gender-bending, rainbow flag flying, SHARP/EEO preaching, special little snowflake petting, everyone gets a trophy believing, we need to lower the outdated standards pushing POS,,, then get out of the “Peoples Military” right now. YOU ARE OUTDATED.

“They” may change their minds when the Chinese, or the Russians, or ISIS, or the Iranians, etc. etc. etc. show up on their door step and there are no sheepdogs left!


Bull(*&. flag is high in the sky.
Some have said here if a male had said any of that, he would be fired. NO! I (a female) was a First Sergeant of a Combat Engineer Company in Iraq. GEN Mattis was the MEF commander. I know for a fact that he has said extremely sexist and degrading things to and about female Marines and look where he’s at. And honestly, the fact that he said he would support my Marines if they made ethical decisions was enough for me – I could handle the heat. And no, I don’t believe there is more to this story. When females are blunt and REAL (especially female Marines) NO ONE likes it. This disgusts me. I have always thought that many male Marines WANT to see females who aren’t aggressive and squared away, just so they have something to b*&ch about – AND I DON’T MEAN EVERY MALE – I put the disclaimer because I know there will be b)(*&ng and moaning about that, as well. I see nothing Lt Col Germano said as wrong. And there are a lot of ‘implications’ and ‘inferences’ in these allegations.. such crap. She LED MARINES. What’s the freaking issue? Put on your big girl panties people. There is so much more to be said about this, but it doesn’t matter. The Corps is the way it is and it won’t change – her career is toast, which I believe was the main objective here. And for the record – what she said about male Marines not listening to females – spot on and ABSOLUTELY 110% TRUE!! If you haven’t walked that path, STFU cause you don’t know what you’re talking about.


Hey, jhughop, I’m blunt and real and everyone here hates me in indescribable ways. I don’t give a shit and they know it.

If we girls are going to compete for the same jobs as men, we’d damned well better be aggressive, assertive and competitive or we get NOTHING.


Ex-PH2…..Somebody has to say it sooner or later. You make us old timers hot talking like this! PLEASE describe indescribable.


Top, I respect your personal experience with Gen Mattis, unfortunately much has changed since Mattis was the MEF commander in 06/07. Not all for the better. There was a time not so long ago when there wouldn’t be a need to have this discussion.

I’ll had also though, that the far flung corners of Iraq are a long way from the glare of the oversight spotlights at Paris Island. Words and actions that might be passable in one environment, won’t be as acceptable in another. It’s not right, it’s just the way it is.


I think there is more to this story than we have been given here. There is a difference between being demanding and being abusive.
I agree with everyone who said that telling your subordinates (recruits) to NOT get stinking, falling-down drunk is just common sense. If kids going off to college get this lecture from their own parents and from the campus welcoming committee (or whatever), why is it okay there but no okay in boot camp? That doesn’t make any sense.

Insofar as berating recruits and subordinates in public, as I recall on my first day at RTC(W) Bainbridge, everyone in my company and our sister company was subject to being screamed bloody murder by the E-2 WAVES who were there to receive us and were waiting for their own orders to new duty stations.

Boot camp is supposed to be a culture shock. You are removed from your familiar, comfortable world and put in a new one. No one has to be “nice” to you in boot. I have serious doubts that even 10% of people recruited now in any branch could have made it through the first 10 days of WAVES boot camp in 1967.

I see NOTHING wrong with demanding that these Women Marines get scores as good as or better than their male counterparts. In that respect, this LTCOL is correct. It is also correct that taking some personal responsibility on your own part is necessary to avoid sexual assault. That applies to the civilian world, too, you know.

On the other hand, if Germano didn’t know how to get things done any way other than being a screaming abusive bitch on wheels with everyone of lower rank, then she has a problem. For that reason, I think there is more here than meets the eye.

It’s the Marines, for Pete’s sake. Are they being turned into wimpussies?

B Woodman

“It’s the Marines, for Pete’s sake. Are they being turned into wimpussies?”

Apparently, yes.


Gear locker counseling was still a staple in ’75. Never even touched the foot locker when I went over backwards. That DI could throw a punch.
The times they are a changing.
Sounds like her high standards and tact were at odds with the COC.

(former) Cpl. Chuck Graham

When I went through Parties Island in ’67 on my way to two tours down south the women Marines were not to my knowledge in Combat. For a reason. Many reasons. Those reasons still stand. Political Correctness has taken over. A scourge worse than McCarthyism permiates our Country. I’ve observed first hand Navy women being slackers, watching the men do their jobs, getting pregnant to avoid deployment and on deployment, ruining men’s and supervisors careers with bogus charges and bringing down to effectiveness of their units. I could go on and on. The last bastion against Political Correctness, the USMC, HAS BIT THE DUST. This Lt. Col. was another casualty. Hate to say it but I’ve completely and utterly lost hope for this country.

(former) Cpl. Chuck Graham

Parris Island. Damn spell check.


Yeah, I like Parties Island better. 😉

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Me too, I’m thinking nice grass hut one on of the many beautiful Maldives islands…crystal clear blue water and a refreshing adult beverage in hand…party islands indeed.


If you thought it was a party your one hell of a stud and I’d hate to see where you were brought up.

A Proud Infidel®™

I saw the beginning of it in the AD Army in the early 90’s when the Clinton Curse began. Political Correctness is a cancer on any society it infects!


A single bing search took me to and I read a few details that have been ommitted in the other articles:

“Germano’s results in organizational effectiveness were below average in nine of 10 categories, the survey found.

The surveys are conducted within 30 days after an officer assumes command and at least annually after that, a Marine Corps spokesman said.”

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Wow, just wow….

At my company I will be glad to tell any employee if they are fucking up, I don’t tolerate lazy, stupid, malingering, or whining in any quantity.’

We have clients who need us at our best to take of the communications they wish to present to the world, I don’t get paid to produce poor product or programs. I get paid to get their product and message into their consumer’s hands. If you can’t hack it you’re gone. We don’t play fuck around and kiss your ass, do what we pay you to do or hit the bricks. And we’re not trying to produce warriors, just take care of private business needs.

Our Marines should be warriors, they should be hard-assed tough men and women who are not offended by being told when their performance is at maximum suck and needs to be brought into spec and onto point. I do not know why this officer pissed off the upper ranks and got herself canned. I’d like to think it’s because there’s more to this than what’s written here. But I would not be at all surprised to find out she’s just an outstanding performer who did not tolerate less than the best from her subordinates some of whom found a sympathetic ear in an upper command officer.

I’ve been called many, many foul names over the years not all of which was during my time in the service. If you can’t hack being called a giant, shit-eating, fuck-up when you are in fact being a giant, shit-eating, fuck-up you will never reach your maximum potential in any career field.

Words can’t hurt you, lousy piss poor performance on the other hand will always kill your career at some point.


She did what? Improved the survivability of those who trained under her command? Maybe even earned her pay?

How DARE she!

OK, OK, seriously – there isn’t anything in the article which justifies her being fired, her career stalled, or anything else negative. But, none of us knows what really went on, so who knows if it was perhaps justified.

If she is all that it appears that she is, she should have plenty of future opportunities for success. Too bad it must be away from the military.

Silentium Est Aureum

So a woman got fired for telling recruits what they need to hear and motivating them to succeed.

Great. So we get someone else in there who won’t make the widdle snowflakes feewings get hurt.

Right up to the point they’re filling body bags by the bushel.


Sometimes, SAE, people are hired just so that those in charge can fire them.


Oh bullshit. I know for a fact Marines don’t care about whether or not they humiliate other Marines in public and telling females they won’t be respected if they can’t keep up with the men is NOT a new thing. I’d be willing to bet top dollar that there was some other issue or behind-the-scenes politics and the rest of the brass was looking for a reason to can her.



It is exactly what it is!

She was canned for doing the job and telling the truth!

The truth under the current ADMIN … hurts bad.

Then, political appointees step in, that is how it works.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

She pushed her Marines to do better and got fired for doing it. It looks like her XO and JO’s did her in because she wanted her recruits to not just make the grade, but SUCCEED as Marines and as women.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

So I am guessing that at PI for Basic for female Marines, you will never hear a female DI yell at her Marines, “Thousands of miles of dick on the other side of that fence, and you can’t have one inch of it”?

The USMC being PC? Thought I’d never see it in my lifetime…

Ron McBarnicle

I knew her when she was a Captain (2005?) …She was, as another Captain (at that time) put it, a “train wreck.” The people who worked for her used profanity instead of “train wreck.” She was abusive, unstable, demanding and petty and absurd. I guess I’m not surprised about how she turned out as a LtCol.

Oh, and she’s all about marksmanship training, so say the news articles, how rifle range scores in 4th BN went up and everything ? That’s funny, I see she is sporting both rifle AND pistol pizza boxes–Marksman, the lowest of the three shooting badges. She can’t shoot for $hit.



The Marine responded to the relief with a GFY message that chronicled all the measured successes under her tenure.

This story is NOT going away.

Just an Old Dog

She stomped her little feet and went right to congress with her complaint. She’s a lawyer and knowes how to work the system.
No doubt she was very toxic if her XO and two of her Company Commanders (both Female) dimed her out. I would love to hear what her Sgt Major had to say about her. Her Regimental Commander Didn’t like the way she did business either.
She got outfoxed though. Though it was probably insignifigant to her relief and no one really cared about it her remarks about sexual assault and men not following women are the shit that the PC crowd shit themselves over.
They got rid of her in a way that she can’t cry to anyone about.


[…] Conservative: Expect A Big Liberal Push To Change Minds On Sanctuary Cities This Ain’t Hell: Marine LTC Kate Germano Fired Weasel Zippers: MoveOn Fundraising For Greek Bailout Megan McArdle: Frozen Custard’s Last […]


I would have happily served under her leadership. My biggest complaint about the Marine Corps is that the female leaders were twinkling snowflakes who expected us to be the same. When we ended up raped and abused they shuffled it under the counter.

Germano had the strength to call it out and actually try to help female Marines. They encourage you to drink -pressure you to do it- then they rape you. She was just trying to warn all those high-school girls what was up and they fired her for it. I guess they didn’t like her taking away the rape fodder.

So glad I’m f-ing out of the military. It was bull through and through.


News announcement this morning: TGs will be allowed to serve openly as TG in the military.

I hope that, for the sake of the sanity of other people, it will NOT become men in the women’s heads (bathrooms, for the uninformed), and vice versa.


sanity not to mention safety


Worked with her for 13 months. Absolutely abusing, overbearing, and do as I say not as I do Officer. Had her moments of great leadership, but the cloud of I’m better than you and because I am your superior u have no choice but to do what I ask, even if it’s completely outside the box led to her demise. No argument that she was a great model Marine regarding fitness, but this leader forgot all the other rewarding sides of leadership such as compassion, ethical responsibility and delivery of Marine Corps leadership to subordinates. This article is very ONE SIDED. Great Officers do not have to walk around with a chip on their shoulder to get people to do tremendous things. And having a 10 minute meeting to tell SNCO’s to focus more on shooting and adding more trainees at the range to improve WM shooting IS a great thing. Maybe she should have sat in that meeting as well as a participant.

Navy League Cadet Father.

As a father of 2 daughter’s who are only 11 and 13 right now, I would love to have a strong female leader who passes on these kinds of lessons to my girls. I sometimes find it hard to believe that more woman refuse to face the facts about life. If we truly want an EQUAL society, then everyone has to pull their weight. And making sure that MARINES whether male, female, black, white, mexican, Asian or other are prepared for combat is in the best interests of every American.