Scammers sentenced for wounded Marine training program

| July 13, 2015

Kevin Lombard and Judith Paixao

Kevin Lombard, 64, and Judith Paixao, 61 ran Wounded Marine Careers Foundation, a tax-exempt program to help wounded Marines get jobs in the film industry, but now they’re looking at 20 years each in the federal prison system, according to the Associated Press;

The Department of Veterans Affairs provided $1.2 million in vocational rehabilitation funding for dozens of wounded Marine veterans to take the classes. Authorities say some of the promised equipment and training wasn’t provided, and some of the money was diverted to the couple’s personal use, including fancy meals, a Bermuda vacation and a sailing trip around San Diego Bay.

“These defendants capitalized on the misfortune of wounded Marines in their time of vulnerability and took advantage of the VA’s commitment to serving wounded veterans to defraud the VA and enrich themselves,” U.S. Attorney Laura Duffy said in a statement.

They also scammed the Bob Woodruff Foundation out of a hundred grand.

From Fox 5 San Diego;

Paixao and Lombard claimed to have donated more than $200,000 to start the foundation, they ended up taking more than $400,000 from the foundation’s accounts over the course of two years, Duffy said.

Rather than paying the foundation’s creditors, some of whom were board members, Paixao and Lombard transferred funds to their own personal credit cards and bank accounts, Duffy said.

Although some of this money went to repay expenses they had fronted to the foundation, Paixao and Lombard ended up taking more than $100,000 for themselves, Duffy said.

I hope it was worth it for them.

Category: Phony Vet Charities

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Shit heads.



“I hope it was worth it for them.”

It always is. It *always* is….until you get caught.
Then it’s not.


These folks had balls. None of that charging $24,999 on the company card for them.

Green Thumb

A couple of potential All-Points Logistics civic outreach consultants if they can stay out of jail.


2/17 Air Cav

Who did these people think they were, anyway, heads of federal agencies?

2/17 Air Cav

“The Administrator of the General Services Administration (GSA), an agency already responsible for wasting billions of taxpayer dollars because of its mismanagement of federal property, resigned yesterday after a report revealed the agency spent over $800,000 on a lavish training conference in Las Vegas.” That was 2012. I’m especially fond of the congressional trips, the fact-finding missions to exotic places. Elsewhere, they’re called all-expense paid vacations.


That look in the poor woman’s face almost brings tears to my eyes. NOT!!!
How many times have we seen this before? It’s the look that says, “How could YOU let this happen to me? What have I done to deserve this? All I wanted was to help poor unfortunate wounded Marines. Remember, I told you this film business would not work. But NO, YOU knew it all and said this wounded Marine porno would sell like hot cakes! And silly me, I went along with it ONLY because your one friend had a ten incher and you said it would make me smile. You know how I hate men to begin with. The one Marine dressed up like a penguin was just too much. I told you it was over the top, but YOU insisted!!
I’m never going to talk to you again you loser! As a matter of fact, when I get out, I’m going to marry the one with the whopper. He can be my sponsor no matter what I think!”

Just an Old Dog

They wont be sentenced until Oct 19th. Laying odds niether one of them will actually see the inside of a cell.


Hope she meets my client in CHOWCHILLA PRISON FOR WOMEN. Sucks CHERI Lynn DALE IS INNOCENT.Governor Brown get off your ass and exonerate her. We sent you all the evidence that she was framed, MORON

Friend S. Wilkins

Not too good for Mr. Lombard, age 64. 20 years mandatory plus 64 = 84 years old. Not good. But don’t be downhearted, Mr. Lombard, here’s some real good news! 😀