Michael Conley; Lawrence County salutes phony veterans

| May 10, 2015


We talked about Michael Conley late last month and we warned veterans in Bedford, Indiana that the guest speaker, First Sergeant Michael Conley, at their “Welcome Home” event yesterday was a lying fraud. But they went ahead with their plans anyway.

One of our readers was there and took pictures of Conley in his clown suit.



Of course, Conley didn’t serve in World War II or Korea, so he didn’t earn a third award of the Combat Infantry Badge. Both the Ranger Department and Special Warfare Center deny that he attended their courses of study. The NPRC says that he wasn’t a First Sergeant, but a Sergeant First Class. He was a mechanic in Vietnam who altered his records before he got out of the service.

We may have video of his performance later.

Category: Phony soldiers

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OIF '06-'07-'08

“SPLASH” in the toilet bowl.

Friend S. Wilkins

This is one of those real nasty greasy turds that requires at least 6 flushes….or maybe even one of these. 😀


As a native of the state of Indiana, I will hold my head in shame for the entire day.

Green Thumb

What a dirtbag.

I damn sure won’t be going through Bedford, IN anytime soon.

Those clowns were alerted about this bullshit artist and went ahead and honored him.

Somewhere Phoney Toney is smiling.



GT, with your permission:

Conley = Turd !!

Green Thumb

In all fairness, though, the picture above could have been a press conference and he was letting the gullible citizens of Bedford know that All-Points Logistics was about to have a job fair at the local Community College.

He very well could be their spokesman.

Hack Stone

Thanks for that literal laugh out loud comment. It’s always good to start your day with a hearty chuckle, although I have been up for five hours already.

Speaking of Commander Phil, how is All Points Logistics doing these days, contract-wise? Did they ever fill that slot for a senior executive in their Reston office that opened up almost two years ago?

Green Thumb

No clue.

When you inquire to All-Points Logistics concerning these issues they insult you, claim they do not know Commander Phil Monkress, their felonious CEO and hang the phone up on you.


What really blew me away was the citizens and Council members were in on the John Woodward scam…so if this town didn’t yank his ass after being advised by you, stinks in Bedford…


Warned a priori, and still bought his BS. What a bunch of gullible fools.


It’s this kind of gullibility from people of this event…. that makes me wonder if they are a little complicit in the da turds B.S. ??????


Active complicity would surprise me (but would not shock me). Being passively complicit – as in, “We have our doubts, but we’ve known this guy for 30 years and he’s a good guy – give him his moment in the sun and don’t ask too many questions” – would not.


Hondo, great point, why take a good service record and flush it down the crapper baffles me. And in the end some people even with the knowledge shown to them still prefer to walk blind LMAO !!!!!!



And the org leadership who looked the other way and facilitated the perpetration of Stolen Valor.


I smell a rat here. !!!!! I have a gut feeling… in the end who ever put this BBQ together is either personally connected to.. Or is very BAT SHIT STUPID !!!!!!! The later I don’t believe….


Failure to believe and or recognize the obvious (for what ever-reason).

It is referred to as “Group Thin”k. Several people KNEW but went along full knowing he was a fraud.

Group Think took down Space Shuttle Challenger.

A Proud Infidel®™

That or a herd mentality, as soon as one went that way, the rest simply said “MOO” and followed.

A Proud Infidel®™

So instead of investigating, they rolled over and enabled him to continue his con game. What a bunch of snot-spined Shitbirds!


I’ve never seen a tabbed SF guy not wear the SF regimental crest for his regimental affiliation. In fact, generally the only way that you can tell the SF guys in the Pentagon when they’re wearing the Class B is the SF regimental affiliation, since the real guys don’t go full retard and put every ribbon and badge that they’ve earned on their Class Bs. This asshat decided that he’d rather wear the 121 IN Rgt, GA ARNG, as his regimental affiliation. That’s just one of many things wrong with that uniform.


Wow, bobo. How did you ID that?


I know guys in the regiment, so the bandaged kidney is not an uncommon regimental affiliation for me.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Another real deal anal buttsekks warrior…

Club Manager

Here is the mayor’s contact information. BTW, she is one hot momma, check out the city web page at, http://www.bedford.in.us/MayorsOffice.aspx

We need to fill the mail box of any city official that permits a fraud to dishonor veterans.

Contact Information:
Phone: 812-279-6555
Fax: 812-275-1608


Not after a weekend at the infantry barracks….


Damn I think… Crap I reported my comment WTH !!!! LOL…. 🙂

Friend S. Wilkins

You reported your own comment???


It was a Bo Bo….. Lol…


Now that is a very funny joke!

And if it is not a joke … even better!


What the hell is that? So Glamor Shots provides pictures for mayors now?

Dave Hardin

You might want to let them know you don’t need a ride anywhere but they could go pick this idiot up and take him to get his uniform fixed.


HMCS(FMF) ret.

Big hair” must be back in style in small town America… I like it


Not by 1980s standards dude.


Holy alimony check waiting to happen !!!!!!!

A Proud Infidel®™

*WHOOOT!* Forgive me Father, I suddenly want to sin…
She makes the center of Mt. Kilauea seem like ice!


Those aren’t her real teeth, you know. They’re too big for her upper jawline. And that represents a helluva lot of money spent at the cosmetic dentist’s office.

Your Creepy Uncle



You ARE creepy!

A Proud Infidel®™

AWWW C’MON Ex-PH2, I and many another TAH Regular remember how you and the other Lionesses of TAH®™ went gaga over the new SMA like he was Elvis in the 1950’s! :p


I remember that has a Crush on the SMA…..

A Proud Infidel®™

Yep, she and other Lionesses of TAH®™ were going gaga over him like 1950’s girls at an Elvis concert!

Climb to Glory

I’d rather look at that mayor than that shitbag in his Bernathian/Dullass like uniform.


Holy crap! She is a looker alright!

I just might apply for a DPW job in her sleepy little hamlet just for the possible opportunity that I could be ordered to empty her trash can.


The good Mayor is on Facebook.

Good Luck with being friended though. She already has 4,500 plus “Friends”.


Damn I want to say something but my wife said I’ll lose my tablet for a week. 🙂

A Proud Infidel®™

“LEAD ME NOT into temptation, for I can find it just fine and dandy all by myself !”

Guard Bum

I volunteer to do you guys a solid and go see her myself….course I might need a little per diem and what not.


They could have honored him along with others who actually did serve, but to honor the lie? What a strange bunch of ethics in this town.

A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO, everyone who had a part in making Michael Conley their ceremonial speaker without vetting him mudsucked themselves and Bedford, IN.


That ALL fell on the group that planned, coordinated and executed the ceremony and the surrounding festivities. That group would be the Lawrence County Veterans Service Office.

I spoke with (2) different people there including the actual paid County VSO (head of the office) and he blew me off in the worst way. How hard would it have been for him to just say: “Hey man, I understand your concern and will definitely take a look at what you have” then if he blew that off, I wouldn’t care as much. At least give the appearance that you might care.

He also questioned my right/qualifications to investigate the problem, made fun of my 20 years in the Navy with the verbatim statement of: “Oh, you were in the NAVY?!, all of that tough combat time you saw must have been sooooo difficult.” Now imagine that being said to you dripping with sarcasm.

Followed up later by: “It’s people like you that haven’t done anything that call out the people that have done a lot.”

I attempted to present the facts and he turned a blind eye. The local paper is now tracking the story and have a reporter assigned to cover it.

Apparently there was a flood of calls made to various people here in Bedford concerning this case………..

Oh yeah, before I forget, did I mention that the VSO is also running for Mayor of Bedford?

Green Thumb

They must have all been “Children of the Corn”.

Green Thumb


The polesmokery runs deep with some of these folks.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Polesmokery… got to add that to vocabulary.

Climb to Glory

He had an honorable career and then this shit. Everybody wants to be infantry/Ranger/SF until it’s time to do infantry/Ranger/SF things. Shitbag.

Green Thumb

Preach it, brother.

Preach it.


Straight up !!!!!


Nope, never had a desire to be Infantry / Ranger / SF, I already knew I was never badass enough for that stuff!


You have hit it on the head !!!!!
When I entered service I was already in my 30s and full of Hooah !!!!!
After picking up my first Mos I’ll never forget what a DI told me… Think smarter and not harder so a opportunity came up to re-class I was on it….
So being a professional sweeping crap under the rug… And fixing issues and investigating people doing Dumb shit…. Well it was fun I wish I could have gotten frequent flyer miles for all the traveling I did !!!!!
But nothing to be ashamed off


Good post Skippy. Why can all not have to embellish themselves; but just be proud of the job they did? Regardless as to what your MOS was,if you did it well, there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of and have to exaggerate. By now you know the PTSD group would like to kick this idiot’s ass for his imaginary combat ride. We differ in the fact that genuine combat veterans seldom spend much time in discussing difficult times. Brings back too many bad memories. As usual, the HERO is found out to be a ZERO.


Didn’t need it either. I had enough CS to stop two Soviet Motorized Rifle Divisions.

The powder is also good at keeping pesky neighbor cats from crapping in your flower beds.

John Robert Mallernee

In Viet Nam, we used it to get the cockroaches and rats out of our hooches.


Roger That!

3/17 Air Cav

CTG……….more true words were never spoken!

3/17 Air Cav

Climb………being a draftee, I really didn’t have a choice. 11B I was. I remember going out the first time. After that I remember saying to myself ” I’ve got a year of this” not real happy at the time. I would have given anything for that dream job back at base camp. The opportunity came to get out of the bush, and fly. God was I thankful!

Flying could be dangerous, but at least at night I was inside the wire


3/17 had to laugh this a.m reading your post. How many of us thought, “man, I wish I had that door gunner job. Get to go home everyday”. Many re-upped for that one year to become door gunners because you got to go back to base. Grunt mentality considering the amount of DG’s that where wounded and killed. Nope, not supply, admin, something a lot safer. Door gunner. I commend you for your choice. Only a Line Doggie would think being a door gunner was safe. Welcome home!


Just sent a short message to the Honorable Mayor, asking if anybody in her administration could tell me why this fool was allowed to speak at that event.
Will let you know if I hear back from her.
Thank you, John, for keepin’ after these clowns.

Rob J


I live right up the road in the greater Smithville urban area 🙂 this guy is just sad. Makes me feel sad for him.


It would be great if someone just flat out assaulted his ass and whooped the shit out of him.


The local press was notified and seem interested. We’ll see what happens.

Green Thumb


I hope they hook this dude up.

Virtual Insanity

Especially since the county VSO is apparently engaging in a high level of dipshittery. Be a shame if that came back to bite him in his ass during his ru for mayor.


Hmm. Wonder if his potential opponent(s) know about this little escapade? Or if they know any people in the local press?

2/17 Air Cav

“Some Veterans on a blog are saying that our hero is full of crap. This could be embarrassing if it’s true.”

“Yes, very, but you said the operative word.”

“I did? Which one?”

“If. Look, we put him up there on that podium as our hero. So, he’s a hero–unless someone or other starts looking under rocks.”

“But what about the truth? Shouldn’t we at least–”

“Don’t touch the rocks. Ever.”


Just shows us in a blaring spotlight just how frigging stupid and lazy politicians and bureaucrats are now-a-days. This shit nugget should have been shit canned and possibly publicly flogged, not honored. Bunch of idiots.


Sent an email to Her Honor the Mayor and received a nice reply. She sounds as though the City had little to do with this, although she did sing the National Anthem.
She did point me in the direction of some other officials.


Why oh why guys..please tell this dumbass former plain old peace-time (1977-1989) Army guy why we can’t honor a vet who was a RTO, or a supply clerk, or a finance guy, or a cook. Why do folks who never served always fall for this black ops CIA underwater demolition laser guided crap.


Thanks for your service, no matter what your MOS was. The answer to your question is this: If by your own choice you did not serve your country, then stay the hell out of political office. It’s the silver tongued devils who schmooze their way into office in spite of never having served and never having a clue. Problem solved.

jenna Johnson

I am his son’s girlfriend. His whole excuse for being a POS father who was also married to two women at the same time was his military career. This is just awful to have to tell him but I have to. After he sent his son the book I had to find out about this guy. I ended up here..


So we can add polygamy to his BS? Jenna, everyone here will tell you that Stolen Valor/Military Fakery is always just the tip of the iceberg. Finding out that this ass hat was married to two women at once does not shock me in the least. It merely saddens me that I know there are people out there that will still insist that stolen valor isn’t a bi deal.


*big deal, not bi deal. stupid key board.


Yes I was sad to have to tell Shannon about this, but in a way not because this man has let his children believe this lie, this grand scale epic lie. Michael Conley has never been there for any of his three children then fills their heads full of this bullshit! Now he will no longer be able to make Shannon feel like he a disappointment. A fraud in every aspect of his life! It sickens me! I told Shannon to drag him to Dr Phil or something, expose this ass to the whole world…I would have already confronted the bastard if he were my father. 350 Buford Westwood, Canton Ga 30115 is Michael Conley’s address if anyone would like that info.