Police and their irrational fear of veterans

| May 21, 2014

MRAP in a ditch

You guys keep telling me that most police officers are veterans, too, but I keep reading articles like this one from the UK’s Daily Mail sent us by Arby about some cop in Morgan County, Indiana’s Sheriff Department;

‘When I first started we really didn’t have the violence that we see today,’ Sgt. Dan Downing of the Morgan County Sheriff’s Department told Fox 59. ‘The weaponry is totally different now that it was in the beginning of my career, plus, you have a lot of people who are coming out of the military that have the ability and knowledge to build IEDs and to defeat law enforcement techniques.’

Of course, he’s defending his department’s purchase of a mine-resistant armored vehicle. But, I’d like to see Sergeant Dan point to one incident of a veteran building an improvised explosive device to use against the police. In fact, I’d like to see him show me one veteran who learned to build an IED. It wasn’t part of my training. Now, folks might know how to defeat IEDs, or how to be blown up by one, but I haven’t heard of any US forces using their own IEDs against the enemies in Iraq or Afghanistan. Maybe I missed that news.

‘We were actually approached when we’d stop to get fuel by people wanting to know why we needed this…what were we going to use it for? ‘Are you coming to take our guns away?’’ Downing said.

‘To come and take away their firearms…that absolutely is not the reason why we go this vehicle. We got this vehicle because of the need and because of increased violence that we have been facing over the last few years. I’ll be the last person to come and take anybody’s guns.’

And then *yawn* Sergeant Dan uses that incident in the North Hollywood bank robbery nearly 20 years ago as an excuse for his department to buy the MRAP. I don’t remember, did those guys use an IED against the police?

I’m all for the police protecting themselves, and I want them all to go home safely, but using returning war veterans as an excuse to arm themselves beyond their actual needs doesn’t make me feel good about what is shaping up to be a war against vets. It perpetuates the myth of the “crazy vets” and I think that I have a little bit of credibility of law abiding veterans in our dealings with the police. Millions of veterans didn’t even think about breaking the law yesterday.

Category: Police

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Old Trooper

Interesting that he would use military Vets as an excuse for his department purchasing something used by the military.


Especially now that the violent crime rate is half (yes, HALF) of what it was during the 1980s… they need justification for their cool toys and SWAT teams from something.


If anyone here actually watched the interview with Fox News, you would know that the MRAP was given to the Martinsville PD at no cost.


And that is what’s known as ‘picking at nits’.

‘They got it for free’ is all you can say?

Aside from the cost to the taxpayer in maintenance and repair costs, which are horrible, how about you address the central theme of complaint which is what justifies the use and ownership of these pieces of equipment to begin with?!


Nailed it. Added fuel costs, added maintenance costs…all because the sheriff wanted a new toy.

E-6 type, 1 ea

There ain’t no such thing as a free puppy.


And this is why I hate cops.


Really, because one moron opens his mouth and confirms to anyone paying attention that he, is, indeed, a moron, every cop that puts on a badge is equally deserving of your hate?
Using your “reasoning”, would every member of the military be a Sgt Bales? A Matthis Chiroux?
Of course not, so why go there? The bigger problem here is the sheriff who let this guy pin on a badge, and then speak with the department’s blessing. Not to mention, thinking that his department even needs something like this.


Corrupt Chicago cops. Excessive force from SWAT teams. Idiotic superintendents like McCarthy in Chicago. The Rampart scandal in LA. The Guerra killing. NYC cops shooting up everyone and everything except the perps in shootouts. The recent California manhunt where the cops shot multiple innocents. These are all recent and more happen everyday. The last thing any of these clowns need is more firepower.


TAH has been spotlighting a LTC who wants to take guns away from all Americans. He is a commissioned officer. Must be, by your logic, that all commissioned officers are anti-2A. Pot meet kettle.


Failed logic.

One LTC’s opinion vs so many examples of police abuse, nationwide, that listing them all here would probably crash the website.


Well, I suppose if we are looking at any and all “abuse” we could probably make a lot of hay with all commissioned officers in all branches of the service. I seem to recall a number of high profile cases in recent memory involving everyone from LTs up to General Officers. The point is the same – some people in all career fields are dishonorable, incapable, or otherwise unsat, but painting everyone with a brush (as was done by this ignorant police sergeant in Indiana) is unfair, and most importantly, completely absurd.


You just made my point for me. High profile cases with equally high profile punishment. You never see superintendents, chiefs, or Sherrifs going down for the corruption and abuse in their departments. Hell, you rarely see the cops that commit stupid and criminal acts get punished to the level that you or I would be punished for breaking the law.


Actually, the point I was making is that painting all LEOs with the same brush makes as much sense as painting all commissioned officers with the same brush. Maybe that wasn’t clear. Maybe you aren’t listening. Radio check, over?


Maybe when I meet more than one in ten officers that don’t have a superiority complex and cleave to the CYA standards that almost every officer I’ve ever met does, I’ll change my attitude. Until then I support what Mustang2LT is saying here.


Actually, you do so Chiefs, sheriffs etc going down for a lot of things these days. Police officers too. The problem is that we impart such a pure view to police and think of them as protectors and unholders of the law rather than just doing a job like any other profession. Part of that reason is the special protection the law itself imparts to LEOs, but that is a different story. But more and more LEOs are being exposed and caught for their illegal and immoral activities. Clearly this is a benefit of the information age. A great source to look at that will both sadden you for the amount of corruption and gladden you for the number that are caught and prosecuted is:


As to the charge that police don’t get the same penalties, that is not always the case either. Just a few days ago a Federal Appeals Court vacated a sentence for a cop who was convicted of assaulting a handcuffed man. The cop was sentenced to probation (ye gads) but with the Court of Appeals sending the sentencing back to the lower court, the cop is facing up to 10 years in prison.

source: http://www.abc3340.com/story/25531635/former-police-officers-sentence-vacated-by-us-court-of-appeals

It is always dangerous to paint with broad strokes.



Slight difference, we call out our own and police our ranks. Chiroux gets hammered every time he comes up for air. Bateman gets pounded flat any time he writes drivel in Esquire. Bales will spend the rest of his miserable life in prison. Petraeus resigned in disgrace. However, it is very rare to see ANY consequences for those who commit police misconduct. Your analysis is flawed.


Perhaps. Of course, perhaps you are looking from the outside in. Maybe it is just in my A/O, but in 12 years on the road, I have seen shitheads wearing a badge agressively disciplined and fired. It usually makes the local news for a night, but doesn’t go any further than that. Being a vet (and still serving in R/C), I am naturally sensitive to perceived “stigma” attached to vets from the LEOs. I honestly haven’t seen anything but respect from the thin blue line to the thin red line – at least from the guys on the road as opposed to the desk jockey supervisors. Of course, we aren’t in union territory. Speaking in general terms, I think that has more to do with behavioral problems than anything.

BTW, speaking of consequences, that LTC is still in isn’t he? No one has stepped on his junk – or did I miss something?


An opinion, like Bateman’s, however erroneous is still just that. However, he will most likely leave as an LTC and not make COL. At the end of the day, he scares me less than some John McClain wannabe with the skills of Barney Fife running an MRAP in my home state. Or playing infantryman in the local SWAT team. Or serving on a drug task force. Or writing traffic tickets. Or directing traffic. And on and on and on.


Really? He scares me more. Most likely, your John McClain wannabe will retire as a SGT or LT and not go all the way up. Does that make it okay with you?


There is zero possibility that Bateman will break down my door in the middle of the night. Idiot cops in Northwest Indiana, yeah. Besides, Bateman’s a joke that we use for amusement around here. A non – hacker shuffled off to Great Britain to do paperwork who will write columns that no one reads except to shoot holes in.


That really wasn’t an answer. Not trying to bust balls – just trying to show that generalized statements applied to specific circumstances with righteous fury is idiotic. That’s how we got the Global Warming hysteria (THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED).


Mustang did answer you. What did you miss?


Actually just got done doing rock drills with my Platoon for an MRAP convoy tomorrow. But he’s not going to change my opinion and I’m not going to change his. No biggie.


True enough, I just wanted to see if he would continue on that train of thought and further expose the weakness of his position.

Changing someone’s mind isn’t big on my agenda at that stage of a discussion, publicly solidifying the weakness in another’s argument by using them against them self will usually suffice. 🙂


And btw, hope you have a safe convoy op tomorrow.

Did my time in Iraq in 2003/04, I know how stressfull it can be.

Here’s to many safe returns.


*Waves hand*
You will go home and rethink your life.


Glad I’m not the only one. I feel like they represent everything that I hate about our gubmint. Their arrogance and god-complex sickens me.

The Other Whitey

Depends on the cop. I know plenty who would stand on our side if it ever came down to it. Then again, I don’t live anywhere near LA, New York, or Chicago. YMMV.

Common Sense

Then good cops need to speak up and clean house, or they will be tarred with the same brush.

If you follow Reason.com, you will see that there is case of out-of-control behavior by a cop almost every day. And they are almost NEVER held accountable. They use the excuse of protecting themselves almost every time. Where in “Protect and Defend” is “The Cop”?


Or read some of the recent columns Mark Stern has written on this topic.


Damn auto correct. It’s Mark Steyn.


Do some reading about the PD in Albuquerque, NM. The citizens are damn close to attacking the police on sight for a string of abused, including murder. Bad situation when the police think they’re soldiers.



Well, I was one for 27 years at the local and State level, and I don’t appreciate your stupid, ignorant remark.


There will be any number of these (read most) deadlined in the coming months simply for routine maintenance issues. I struggled to keep my MRAPS on the road with a 24 hour maintenance crew and unlimited funds for tires, AC units, engines, etc… The first time they have to replace a tire, their budget will be blown…They would be far better off to buy a small armored truck on a commercial chassis than these.. They are tool tall, too heavy and dangerous to drive if driven by an inexperienced driver. Not to mention the fact, they don’t need them for their intended purpose which is to survive IED’s…


This is exactly the kind of information that should be shared with departments considering accepting these “free” new toys. I think if the real costs were known, they would be less inclined to accept them. Also, if they take them anyway, the voters in that particular area should know how their tax dollars are being spent.


Naaah, let those cops choke on it.


Sorry, I only have time to address reasonable people.


Yet you took the time to address him by saying you only have time to address reasonable people.

Interesting. 😉


What were you saying about picking at nits in another post.


Pointing it out is not the same as saying there’s something wrong with it, lol. And I love tweaking posts over obvious absurdities.

It’s not quite the same in any case, I directly adressed both the spirit and substance of the previous comment with my observation.
In the ‘nit picking’ comment I was adressing a comment that didn’t address the central theme of the comment that was being ‘nit picked’. 🙂


If you love tweaking obvious absurdities, there are many to tweak in this thread. It’s unfortunate your bias is holding you back.

In any case, my point was made, your nit was picked. Enjoy.


No worries, yes it was, and I enjoyed the self gratification delivered by your predictability. Thank you for delivering. 😀


You must be psychic as well as a genius. Make sure you grab that parting gift all self declared winners are entitled to when they strut away.


My apologies, that should have read “I enjoyed the gratification delivered by your predictability”.

I don’t pretend to know, or care, if you find any of this gratifying.

As for declaring myself a winner, I never did. I do find it informative that you interpret my statement that way though.

A Proud Infidel®

One condition on the acceptance of these trucks by civilian PD’s is briefing and training on how easily those things roll over, one of those can turn a full size pickup truck into a steel skateboard in a rollover wreck!

A Proud Infidel®

“One condition on the acceptance of these by civilian PD’s OUGHT TO BE training…”

I need to proofread before I post!!


That is exactly what is happening. One of the more rural sheriff’s offices in my AO got an MRAP “free” from LESO. They want to use it for their HRT, and hey, it was free. They have had the MRAP for about 8 months and it hasn’t left the yard – they have no way to maintain it and no one who can drive it. They are reaching out to military sources for assistance, but are starting to see that they bit off a little more than they were expecting when they agreed to take it.


I also would love to see the crime statistics that he aluded to in his justification for the MRAP. I was unaware we had situations similar to Fallujah in America with IED’s and crazed veterans targeting the Cops apparently.


I could understand if this was Detroit PD and OCP was running the city….


Actually, OCT would probably run Detroit better than the current Mayor!



Dammit, OCP. Damn auto correct.


I’m not sure if I could build an IED or not. I accompanied EOD on some missions years ago and I think I understand how an explosive device works; you need some explosive material, a power source and a trigger, but I’m sure that it’s a lot more complicated than that. Anyway, I don’t intend to try to build one to find out-I’ve seen what happens when bomb makers screw up and blow themselves up.

However, I did know some guys who built pipe bombs many years ago in high school, just because they were adolescent boys and adolescent boys like to see things blow up, not for any nefarious reasons-and they didn’t have any military training. In fact, one of them is a cop today and has been for over 20 years. So, I think officer Downing probably has more important things to worry about.

HS Sophomore

Bombs are easy to make. Hell, the instructions are all over the internet. Buy a little chemical fertilizer at Home Depot, mix it up with some kerosene from the sporting goods store (for lanterns used while camping), put it in some kind of container. Then, take a strong battery and attach a length of copper wire to each end, rig a string contraption that will bring the two ends together in a mess of black powder inside a tight container inside the rest of the explosive. The black powder you’ve either made yourself, bought from the gun store as ammo for muzzleloaders, or more likely cannibalized it from a few firecrackers that you’ve cut apart. Then, move straight the fuck back however many feet and pull the string, bringing the copper wire together, completing the circuit, and creating sparks in that homemade black powder primer. Ba-boom. It’s not sophisticated, but it works. By the way, I didn’t even google any of this. It’s common sense for anyone who knows anything about basic chemistry and circuitry. By the way; for all the people trying to sue me and TAH currently, as well as any government agents who might be monitoring the interwebz today, I do not advocate ever actually doing this, I would never do it myself, and I don’t believe anyone else on TAH would either. I’m just highlighting how easy such a thing is.


I knew you were, The Bomb!

Sorry, I had to. Haha!

HS Sophomore

Damn straight I am, lady (smile). By the way, did you get that email I sent you? E4U gave me your address.


No, I’ve not received anything from you.

HS Sophomore

Did that do it?


I’m not sure that would work. AN/FO (ammonium nitrate / fuel oil) is a tertiary explosive and is relatively inert. Black powder wouldn’t have the umph to detonate.

Example: OKC bombing

Reference: Coursework for Incident Response at Energetic Materials Research Center, New. Mexico Tech

Pinto Nag

I think part of the problem is dealt with right here on TAH. Legitimate veterans aren’t going to employ IEDs or explosives vindictively, but what about the posers and wannabe mentality found in the fringe militia types? I think that might actually be a problem, because they do train their members to build IEDs.

The cops will assume worst case scenario: that the person with explosives has professional training on how to build and employ them. That would tend to point to either the military or some type of profession where explosives are used routinely (such as mining).

And it depends on the police culture where you live, as to whether the police department welcomes veterans in their ranks or not.


Morgan County, Indiana must be one rough place to patrol is all I have to say. If you need an MRAP to deal with the violence there, it’s off my list of places to retire. But that was tongue in cheek. This ass hat just did a great disservice to Veterans everywhere. As Jonn pointed out I haven’t heard of a single Veteran building IEDs to use for anything. I personally don’t have punji sticks pits built into my lawn for thugs or neighbor kids. (Well maybe for the neighbor’s dog that shits in my yard but…not even for him. I can wish though) This guy just wants to play Army on while on law enforcement duty and he used a piss poor example to get his community to cough up the tax dollars for it. Maybe he should have used the real threat example of gang houses, meth labs or something they probably truly deal with in their county all the time. Thanks for the black eye Sgt. Dan.


I keep seeing the words them and they but the UK article is ONE GUY. Basically, you are doing what he did. Sweet irony.


There’s no hope, guys. society is pushing indirectly for fascism. 🙁


What he doesn’t realize is that if we really wanted to “defeat” LE tactics, we would simply use our knowledge of the MRAP against them. Sorry Deputy Danno but I drove in/ rode in several variants of those beasts on three separate tours, for 12+ hours a day, seven days a week. I think I have a little better grasps of what it can/can’t do than you will get in some 40 hour post-purchase course. Oh yeah- we also know the weaknesses a lot better than you ever will.


So. I’m supposed to be afraid of myself once I get off this deployment and back to work. You see, I’ve been a police officer for 26 years. His argument is invalid on many points. The violent crime rate is going down, or so says the DOJ/FBI. That’s the biggest point. The second point is obvious. As a rule, the military doesn’t get training in how to build IEDs. I DO have personal knowledge of a vet who did build IEDs to use against the police, but that is an isolated incident. We (the military) have taken an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution. I take that oath seriously and so does everyone else I know. What I think about SGT Dan is that he’s been drinking from the same Kool Aid trough as his liberal masters.

Top W Kone

I was in a MAC Engineer unit for several years who were tasked with Route Clearance. As a Reserve Unit, we had access to an MRAP trainer (a LMTV with pretend armor) We could not get MRAP’s until we made it over seas. Every time we asked, it was “There are just not enough”.

Yet now police departments are getting first pick for “free” MRAP’s? How about issuing them to Reserve and Guard units that would actually use them? We are still using M113A2’s! (something one police department gave as why they were upgrading to an MRAP from because the M113 is almost 50 years old.)

Country Singer

Actually, they’re trying to make that happen. If MRAPs appear on your TOE, you (theoretically) will be getting them, as well as having them available at Guard/Reserve Training Centers (like Shelby, Atterbury, etc). Of course, this is going through TRADOC, so it’s taking forever. It’s all “pre-decisional” right now.


Sheriff’s are elected. Therefore the are politicians. Therefore most of what he says will be complete bullshit. I bet if you asked the professionals that work for him they would say he’s an idiot. Off the record of course.

Common Sense

Funny you should say that. Here in Colorado it’s the city police chiefs that are politicians appointed by mayors, while the sheriffs, who are accountable to the people who elected them, go above and beyond to protect our constitutional rights.

Still serving(currently in Afghanistan)

Here’s a great book about the militarization of America’s police. It scares me……



A lot of stuff like that get’s covered in Balko’s columns (first at Reason and now at Huffington Post).


Love the CATO Institute. 🙂


Still serving(currently in Afghanistan)…Thank you for serving our country. God bless and I pray you come home safe and sound.

Pinto Nag

What Sparks said, Still serving (currently in Afghanistan). Stay safe, come home soon, nd please keep in touch with us. God bless and keep you.


When I think of places where IEDs are killing people, Indiana is about as low on that list as it can get. Has anybody heard of anything larger than a stump being blown up there without the proper paperwork?


Well, Brett Kimberlin, aka “the Speedway Bomber”, was quite active in the 1970s. Of course, that was a long time ago. And Kimberlin is not a veteran, to the best of my knowledge. In fact, one of his victims was Vietnam veteran Carl DeLong.



Gotta love it when the North Hollywood bank robbery is brought up as an excuse for heavy equipment. The only thing the North Hollywood shootout proved was that the local PD was woefully undertrained, and slightly out-gunned. 600+ rounds, 20 of which hit the 2 perps, one of which finished himself off? Embarassing.

Sergeant Dan bringing it up in this context is foolish, neither of the robbers had any military experience. They were arrested with IEDs prior to the North Hollywood event, but there is no record of IED’s being used in that particular confrontation.

I still maintain there is no flipping reason for local LEO’s to maintain fleets of tactical military vehicles, none, especially not in small rural areas like my own (population under 50,000, more than 40 miles from any population center twice than that, and 80 miles from any population center greater than 150K.), where we now have two 13 ton MRAPs and two surplus hummers.

It’s my own opinion that many departments are simply engaged in a particularly pathetic display of penis envy with their distant relatives in the military community.


I know they are. I see it all the time. By the way, there are three of us police officers from the same department in this current Afghanistan deployment.

Old Trooper

You can usually tell the LEOs that are Vets from the non-Vet LEOs in several ways, including how they interact with the public and how much of a “I’m a badass” show they put on. The LEOs that are Vets aren’t concerned with all that phoney baloney and treat citizens with respect. Those aren’t the ones like this nimrod Sgt. Dan.


Bangle99…Thank you sir for serving as a LEO with integrity and in the military. Thank you for your service to our country. I was not sure from your comment but if you are currently deployed, God bless and I pray you and all tour fellow troops come home safe.


My best wishes for your safe return brother.


Thanks gentlemen. We’re almost through with this one. I’m so short I have to step up in order to get down.


More cops playing dress up because they couldn’t rate. Two terms of Bush and two of Obama created a super police state, and most Americans (including those who post here.) lifted up their skirts for it willingly.

Reap what you sow.

James in Gulf Breeze

Oh the blame goes way further back. The war on drugs was a proxy war really intended to start us down the path. How many rights did we give up to combat nasty drugs??


Of course it goes way, way back. It’s just on roids now and anyone who challenges it isn’t a true ‘murican.

I’ve never really understood this mindset of hero worship with cops in the US. I’ve literally never seen this anywhere else in the world. For such an “independent” people, Americans sure bend over fast in the face of authority.


James in Gulf Breeze I am glad to read your comment. I hope you are well and feeling better. God bless.


I hated IED construction when I went through Nuclear Power School, I mean, why bother with that when we could just scoop out some Uranium from the core, duct tape a hand grenade to it, pull the pin, and run like hell?

Poohbah, Lord High Everything Else

Dude! Keyboard alert next time!


Of course there is a reason – it’s to have that equipment when they need to bully citizens into obedience.

Planet Ord

I was trained to build and defeat IED’s as a 12B back in the 90’s. Nothing special, more of a glossing over than real training.

And there have instances of IED’s being used against police, but only twice by veterans. That was by Eric Rudolph in my hometown. Three times. The other was Timothy McVeigh.

Other times were by active shooters Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, along with that wingnut from the Aurora theatre shooting.

That being said, this jackwagon saying that there is an increased danger because of recently discharged veterans is just untrue and inflammatory. Most of the cops in my department are veterans. Some are good cops, some are not. Just like the military, there are good ones and bad ones. It is evident that this guy never served and doesn’t understand what military training is like.


I think you can throw in Spokane bomber Kevin William Harpham in the mix of one who served and wanted to blow people and things up in with McVeigh.

Also Terry Nichols (McVeigh’s accomplice) served in the Army. He served less than a year, but he technically he served.


Waste of money, Kiev showed what a dozen molotovs could do to a BTR. Just sayin….


Those only work if there’s an arm willing to throw it. I bet you couldn’t put 100 Americans together to do what is pretty much a national pastime for many European futbol fans.

Not the OWS freaks. Not the militia tards. Once American cops roll in, the fight leaves.


As a US Army VETERAN, i was hit by an IED… a few things are for sure: i would NEVER use an IED against the citizens i took an oath to PROTECT, NEVER learned to MAKE an IED, and this CHEESEDICK has a pisspoor idea of us VETERANS!


What it boils down to is the cops are afraid of someone who has better training than most of them do. That’s a generalizaiont, but it’s also true. Chicago cops are out of control and regularly figure in the news as the abusers, not the victims.

Frankly, I lay the blame for this idiotic attitude squarely at the feet of the small-minded liberal media, populated by people who are afraid of their own shadows.


Non-veteran cops who view the public as the enemy… left/liberal progressive politicians love them and give them lavish benefits and job security for some reason.

A Proud Infidel®

Are these Keystone Kops trained on how top heavy these try us are? Just an up armored HMMWV Gun Truch weighs in at a little over 10,000 pounds, what about the lawsuits from when some Cop trying to be Bo Duke behind the wheel of one wipes out into other traffic or people? Another fact about those trucks is that they exceed DOT- mandated wheel and axle weight limits for public highways, what about the extra damage they’ll do to roads and bridges, let alone when some SuperKop drives one over a lightly built bridge!

Pinto Nag

You’re saying they swim like a brick? 😀

A Proud Infidel®

More like a large anvil!

Pinto Nag

In the newest “Die Hard” movie, they drive one, or something like it, off an overpass. I think your “large anvil” description just about covers it, because that’s exactly what it looked / sounded like when it crashed!


“The weaponry is totally different now that it was in the beginning of my career…”?

“We got this vehicle because of the need and because of increased violence…”?

I call ‘Shenanigans!’.

The DoJ/FBI stats show dropping crime rates. For several decades. So unless Sgt. Downing can support his claim with facts and evidence, he’s full of feces.


Civilian LEOs with MRAPs…..it’s kinda like that Ferrari or Lamborghini that any of us have always wanted. You dream of having it for so long and then when you finally get it, you’re excited…..at first. Then the reality of owning one hits you. The hidden costs that you never thought about before. The cost of maintenance, fuel, insurance, parts for repair, the labor rate of the only shop in the area with techs qualified to work on it, etc. The fact that its cumbersome to drive on city streets in traffic and the fact that it’s not really useful for anything. Then your dream quickly becomes a nightmare. It will happen to them. I will enjoy a good laugh when it does.

A Proud Infidel®

I’ve yet to see either an MRAP or up armored Humvee that has any shielding for the engine other than its fiberglass hood, thus a good rifle marksman could immobilize one with a couple of shots from a bolt action rifle, and once again, they’re top-heavy as hell, those trucks roll over in less than half of a heartbeat!!


“you have a lot of people who are coming out of the military that have the ability and knowledge to build IEDs and to defeat law enforcement techniques”.

Apparently, us military types are the only ones who have internet access as bomb making instructions are rather easy to come by there.

Also, if the rest of his department is as sharp as he is, having a pulse is all that is needed to “defeat law enforcement techniques”.

Maybe they could hire denni-boi….


I spent almost 6 years in the Navy.

Never learned squat about explosives or anything like that.

He’s an idiot.


Most police today are gov’t unionized doughnut-eaters allowed to join only because they weren’t brighter than the average college student, expected to “execute” without discretion and let off the hook for things (like shooting housepets or the wrong person) that’d get soldiers years in Leavenworth because their “training kicked in”… it scares me that some of these folk have weapons and left/liberals trust them with ’em a lot more than veterans.


Amazing! That is almost word for word what most liberals thing of military members.


Agreed…simply amazing, he’d make that comparision. A majority of my friends are or have retired from law enforcement and are veterans or AD and none of them come even close to thinking this line of crap.


They are scared because they know a lot of veterans are trained better than they are.

When you have the defartment of homeland insecurity issuing reports that returning veterans are the enemy this is the result.


Both my parents were former police officers and I currently have a niece and nephew in the FBI. Plus I was raised with cops and still host an annual reunion for them. They all have nothing but the highest respect for our Heroes in the Military. As a spokesman for a department, this one guy’s very ill informed negative opinion was so wrong not only should he be set up with a little “retraining” but whoever allowed him to be the mouthpiece should also!

We do Not need any animosity between the two groups we look to for our protection!

2/17 Air Cav

I’m late to this party and 100 comments is too much for me right now, so I apologize if this has been said: Morgan Co Indiana is or was KLAN country. It has a very low crime rate and, I may ne wrong, but the most outlandish crime there last year involved a jail officer who had female agents strip for him in exchange for favors. I wonder how that turned out. Also, the sheriff was interviewed on local TV when the department acquired the rolling hardware and mentioned that it saved the county millions. Yeah, I like his math. You acquire something for no cost that you would never, ever have purchased and that’s a savings. What’s that thing get, five miles per gallon?


Based on the info I found, yeah about 5 mpg depending on terrain.

A Proud Infidel®

An up armored Humvee averages about 5-8 MPG on the highway, thus I’m sure an MRAP gets less than half the fuel mileage of say, a fully loaded 1955 Cadillac!


Top speed, 45MPH too….lmao!

The Other Whitey

I thought it was 5 gallons per mile…

2/17 Air Cav

Lucky guess, then. Five miles per gallon will probably mean it’s parked and stays parked a month or two before the fiscal year ends. Either that or it will be restricted for use in down hill terrorist attacks only.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’d guess about 3 or 4 city blocks per gallon!


I’m from Indiana and the only reason I can think of for Morgan County to have a need for a MRAP is if the convicts at the “Peanut Farm” in adjoining Putnam County were to riot or have a mass jail break. They sure don’t need it to patrol I-70 with.


Ya gotta hand it to this here, Sgt. Dumbass. I’ll wager a guess and say, this boy would get lost without a GPS in his grubby mitt and a full color map with the route highlighted too.

The Other Whitey

He’s probably the kind of guy who tries to steer the map.

Just Plain Jason

You don’t have to build a real IED. A box with a wire sticking out of it will have most departments jumping to justify their existence. They have to use all their toys to ensure they get the money and training.

A Proud Infidel®™

Another issue is maintenance, what will it cost a Department to train its shop crews on how to keep it up to par, let alone plenty of parts that are specific to these trucks that will cost mucho dinero to replace, like windshield panels, steering and suspension parts,… That and they do need to be driven every so often, and there’s the amount of fuel they’ll guzzle!!


Proud, my thoughts exactly. When it comes down to either making payroll for the week or a replacement steering gear box for the MRAP, which side do you think will win?

Just Plain Jason

They will beg for more money for the budget to fight crime and terrorism.

A Proud Infidel ®™

I’ve mentioned more than once that those trucks will roll over very quickly and easily, what about the cost to recover one WHEN it gets rolled over by a hotdogging wannabe as well as the cost to repair it?


The city/county/state guberments will simply raise taxes or impliment “fee’s” to cover costs…

Just an Old Dog

The Sheriff is a typical money gobbling ass-grifter. He would try to justify money for surveiance cameras in old folks homes by sayng the Old Ladies were gambling at Bingo games.


Well, it was a freebie, wasn’t it?

Besides, there’s that thing about feelings of inadequacy being offset by the size and number of toys, as in ‘my gas hog is bigger than your gas hog’.




These police departments are sissies. MY PD (when I’m running the world) will have M1 Abrams. If you’re going to terrorize the population, do it right. They need to take a page from the Red Army population control handbook. /snark