More IVAW questionable blather

| October 19, 2008

A reader sent me an article from OpEdNews (Google it) with an account from Matthis Chiroux of his arrest at Hofstra University last week at the presidential debates. There was one paragraph I found exceptionally deceptive;

One officer, when I brought up the prospect of speaking to a lawyer,threatened to put me in the back of the jail, where, the big boys will pop your cherry! When I asked this officer if he had just threatened an honorably discharged veteran of Afghanistan with prison rape and told him I wanted his name and rank, he refused and told me to look it up on the police report which the Nassau County Police Department has refused to provide us a copy of.

Actually, it was one part of one sentence when he referred to himself as “an honorably discharged veteran of Afghanistan”. First of all, if he did indeed refused to honor his IRR recall, went AWOL and missed movement to Iraq, he hasn’t been honorably discharged. He hasn’t been discharged at all. Unless it’s ALL a lie. Like I said the other day, if the Nassau police recognized him as a deserter, they would have turned him over to the Army. I’m wondering if he was ever recalled – either way he’s lying.

He’s also not a veteran of Afghanistan. Witness this photo of Chiroux taken the other night at the protest;

Notice on Goldsmith’s right sleeve (Goldsmith is on the reader’s left), near his wrist, he has two bars. Each one of those bars represent six months service in a combat zone. Now notice Chiroux’s sleeve. Nothing.

I blew up the picture of his ribbons, too;

No campaign ribbons. He may have spent a few days in a combat zone, but he wasn’t stationed there. He was a straphanger. A pogue. A glory hound. A staff puke punching up his resume`.

A color picture;

And I figure any ‘bubba’ in jail that night would’ve been disappointed to learn Chiroux lost his ‘cherry’ long before last week by the looks of him.

Chiroux continued;

After my arrest, the police charged their horses onto a sidewalk and unprovokedly knocked my friend Nick Morgan, a veteran of Iraq, to the ground and trampled his face. They then arrested him, put a piece of gauze on his facewound and loaded him onto a bus headed for jail with the rest of the Hempstead 15.

Isn’t that cute…they have a name for their little group reminiscient of the 60s. How would Chiroux know what happened to the little group of children after he was arrested? Is he going by the stories of his fellow alleged hate-mongers? Like those guys on “Cops” that cry out “I didn’t do nuthin'”.

There’s a more hillarious account at Micheal Moore’s website (you’ll have to Google it, because I don’t link to fat boy’s website, either). Chiroux tried to accost the same arresting police officers at a diner near the station and got yelled at. While he wimpered and wiped snot from his upper lip, the police threatened to arrest him again. Which made him whimper even more. Too bad there are pictures of his swollen eyes and quivering lips.

You’d think they were recounting their time in Abu Gahrab or something.

The three who planned on getting arrested, Chiroux, Kokesh and Goldsmith complained that their injured compadre Nick Morgan wasn’t getting medical attention and looked as if he was suffering a concussion. I submit that Morgan wasn’t wired too tight before he got trampled by a horse. In his profile at IVAW, he demonstrates how the Maryland public education system failed him;

I was deployed when I was 19 and didn’t return home until several months after I turned 21. I was overseas for a year and a week, most of my time was spent in Baghdad (BIAP).

(Emphasis mine) Must’ve been 21 in dog years.

I guess they all figure this is going to be their last chance to get any publicity since the war is winding down and they’ve got nothing to complain about. Well, with any luck, McCain will win the election and they’ll have plenty of opportunity to make asses of themselves for four more years.

TSO: For the record, I am ashamed that my co-blogger Jonn woulod attack Matthis’ heroic 6 day tour of duty in Afghanistan. Just imagine the horrors he must have faced on Baghram Airfield. Between the $15 hour massages from Kyrgystani girls, and the dangerous trips down route Disney to the Baskin Robbins, I think what Matthis did really brings honor on himself and all those he hangs with. I mean, if 6 days on a walled compund with 10,000 troops doesn’t qualify as a tour of duty in A-stan, I don’t know what does. More on this story at my other stomping grounds.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War

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Thus Spake Ortner

Jonn, I think you will find he spent 6 days in Afghanistan, and never left BAF. He was doing a report on some unit, since he was a reporter.

LT Nixon

Hey, no insulting the staff pukes! Most of us only trump up our record when it might lead to the prospect of impressing the ladies ;). But seriously, the riboons I recognize are the Miccy-Ds medal (National Defense which everyone in the military has gotten since 9/11), the GWOT medal (again, standard for everyone in the military), and the Army fruitcake ribbon which all you army yahoos get for passing bootcamp. Does anyone recognize his top 3?

Like, Jonn mentioned, he doesn’t have an A-stan campaign medal, which requires 30 days of service.

LT Nixon

What the hell is his top ribbon, this is pissing me off! It looks like a Vietnam Campaign ribbon, but I can’t tell…

Do you have higher res of his medals? Here’s the precedence chart for your research purposes.

It looks like his 3rd highest is the Meritorious Service, which is usually given to O-5s.

Jonn wrote: In descending order; Army Commedation, Army Achievement and Good Conduct Medals.

LT Nixon

Er by a higher res of his medals, I had a Kerry slip and I meant his ribbons.

LT Nixon

Drats, it would’ve been funny if he had some crazy ribbons on. And by funny I mean felonious.


Ah yes. As a proud veteran of the Civil War (I made several Patrols out of Charleston and have seen Ft Sumpter SEVERAL times) I take exception to your derision of this brave soldier’s service in the PX in OEF. Who knows what horrors he encountered in those endless 6 days? He may have broken a nail or something. (sarcasm off)

Those who have deployed, for however long, can look on their service with pride. However, as you all know, the quickest way to void your credibility with real veterans is to claim to be something you aren’t. (Of course, deserting doesn’t help much either)


Would a REAL butt-kicking by a real veteran be out of the question. Say one from the 91 Gulf War or even the current ones being waged now.I’m a little long in the tooth to be butt-kicking these days but am sure there are plenty of real vets that could take up the slack.

TSO: While I am opposed to ever hitting young women, Ms. Chiroux seems to be asking for it.

Wait…what? That’s a dude? You are [IVAW]ing me…


Oh Matty, just put some panties on your head and go away. Or maybe get naked and make a monkey pile with Goldsmith and twenty of your other best IVAW buddies. Maybe Jason “The Beear” Hurd. Your fifteen minutes is up.

Army Sergeant

Once again, Sergeant Nick Morgan IS a honorably discharged Army veteran, and he’s going to need reconstructive surgery for where his cheekbone was broken in three places. Whether or not the math on his profile adds up doesn’t make it okay.

It’d be nice to see some sympathy for someone who was completely nonviolent and was knocked down and trampled by a police horse-and yes, there’s photo and video.

Jonn wrote: Just to be clear, we’re not questioning Morgan’s discharge status, we’re questioning Chiroux’. Please read more carefully.


You FREAKIN EMO B*****’s at vets for peace( lower case intentional)sure as hell piss this ’91 vet off!!!All vets are for peace (except for a few brain damaged Rangers i used to know). What?!? Just because my Brothers (capitalization intentional) recognize that “some men just need killin” doesnt mean they wouldnt rather be at home be CONUS with their loved ones instead of running around the sand box poppin tangos, or without a limb, or dead.


…most of my time was spent in Baghdad (BIAP).

BIAP is the abbreviation for Baghdad International Airport.

No further comment necessary.