Wanted; Nate Fornwalt

| March 13, 2014

We’ve seen some pretty scummy people in the last few years since we got serious about this business, but few are scummier than Nate Fornwalt. he pretended to be a recipient of two Purple Hearts, he pretends that his medical problems come from a couple of IED blasts, but there’s nothing in his records about that, according to Don Shipley who got an expedited FOIA from the NPRC. Prosecutors are unwilling to prosecute the case, because it’s not sexy enough. You can Google Fornwalt and find no fewer than ten local stories how tough life is for the combat veteran. His records don’t even show a Combat Action Ribbon. But Fornwalt refuses to return the money that 13-year-old Matt Ott thought he was giving to a deserving vet.


Category: Phony soldiers

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Nothing like taking an otherwise Honorable Career in the USMC, and shitting all over it by lying abouut that service and ripping off a little kid, crushing his dreams in the process.


Okay, everybody, altogether now:

“Stolen Valor is victimless!”

My dyin’ ass.


Shit sack.


I would think a prosecutor wanting to make a name would jump all over this. Get his or her name on TV as the one who sent to jail the dirtbag who stole money from an innocent child.


Wonder if the Attorney General in Pa would like to check this out. Here’s someone stealing from kids.

LeRoy Jenkins

Only if he was up for reelection,it is sad to say!


Been waiting a while for this POS to float back to the surface. Nice job on the wanted posted. Stole 2k from a kid. Nice. rb325th, he did not have an ‘honorable’ career. He was busted from SSgt to Sgt and shown the door due to service limitations as an E5. Someone must have some info on why he was busted. Anyone who served with this ‘hero’ please enlighten us.


Missed the part where he had been busted… Thanks for the correction!


No problem, figured you just missed it. Sorry for the rough tone, just that this POS has had me worked up for awhile now, and no one wants to prosecute. I’d like to beat that poor sad thousand yard stare right off his skull.

Green Thumb

We should raise the money here at TAH and repay the kid.


Normally, I agree with Green Thumb, but not in this case.

Fornwalt took advantage of the generosity of a 13-year-old kid, who had nothing but doing good on his mind.

Fornwalt should be the one who pays the kid back, in cash, with a public apology and a confession of his ‘less than needy’ (certainly not injured) status. He also should admit, in public, on TV, that he is a lying, self-serving SoS, which I’m sure he won’t do. But then, I’m a realist and a cynic.

But Fornwalt definitely should pay back every cent he took from that young man, and never go near him again.


I agree with Ex-PH2. If TAH repays the kid it just lets this idiot off the hook. I know how these cretins think and he’ll just smile and pat himself on the back because he got away with keeping the money.


GT, you’ve mentioned this before. I’m in. How do we go about it?


If someone could set up a PayPal account and Jonn add it to the front page … we could donate. I’ve seen this done before, but do not how to go about setting it up.


Pineywoods NCO

I may not be able to offer much, but I am game for this.

Toasty Coastie©™

I could set it up and give the info to Jonn if he signs off on it.

While I agree with Ex-PH2 that this shit bag should be made to pay him back, but we know its not going to happen.

I think it would be a good thing to do to show the kid that not all people are like this dirt bag and maybe encourage him to keep going forward with his philanthropy in his Mom’s name and the Military, but instead of raising money to give away without any clear way to vet the recipient, maybe start some sort of Trust to pay for a service or something..I don’t know…just a rambling thought.


I would be happy to kick in a few bucks.

Toasty Coastie©™

@Jonn and Adminny Folks~
I hearby offer to set up a PayPal account for this boy and his endeavors and turn over the PayPal information to you to oversee.

Please let me know if this is a feasible offer.
Thanks 🙂

HS Sophomore

Stealing kid’s lemonade stand money…that’s crossing over into the cartoonishly evil. Jesus.


Maybe this would work as Fornwalt’s theme song:

Green Thumb

Pay pal should do it.

Figure $50-100 apiece should do it.

Would go a long way to PR, but could set a precedent. Anyway, that’s beyond me.

Did the parents take him to small claims court?


Not only pay him back for what a brother veteran did in stealing from him, but also restoring his faith in the people he is helping.


To the posters above, If you decide to set up an account to repay the young man… Count me in.



I just found the button and used it; see “Earmarked for Matt Otts.”




I will send a donation following this post. Perhaps you could update or re-post this tomorrow as most people have signed off and may not be aware of what we want to correct.

Stealing from a 13 yr. old kid, what a “sh*t bag”.

By the way, I’ve been a little remiss, and will send a donation to the website too!

Must be feeling guilty…