Bob Geiger is completely full of IAVA

| October 10, 2008

I’m getting tired of people taking votes, twisting them around, and then portraying them to others as something they aren’t, and knowing that the vast majority of people will never know.

Take Bob Geiger, some turd writing at Huffington Post. He’s been a IAVA supporter from day 1, something that Greyhawk noted the other day. So today he’s covering more of the scorecard and he pulls a rabbit out of his ass again:

In the 109th Congress (2004-2006), when the Iraq quagmire was at its worst and Democrats were in the Senate minority, John McCain followed right along with the Republican leadership and his master in the White House, denying every effort by Democrats to help the troops, military families and Veterans.

Here’s where McCain just said “no.”
In August 2006 Republicans defeated S.Amdt. 4781 from Dick Durbin (D-IL) to support research for Traumatic Brain Injury — the signature wound of the Iraq war — with a measly $2 million in funding.

Now mind you, I just don’t have the patience anymore to check all these votes, so I selected this one at random. Then I went to Thomas and looked it up. Sure enough, McCain voted to defeat the Amendment. So did every other Republican and Democrat Senator and Medal of Honor recipient Daniel Inouye.

And why did they turn down this “measly $2 million”? [By the way Bob, GFY with this measly business, that is my money, and since I can barely afford metro fare, I don’t need you telling the gov’t how to spend my money. If you want to give more, write a f’n check and leave us out of it.]

Well, they turned down this Amendment because:

Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, I think I can say with assurance, I am probably the only Member of the Senate who has had a traumatic brain injury in connection with a jet crash in 1978. I have deep respect for the researchers who are involved in this area. But really, this is an amendment to give the University of Chicago’s research team $2 million. […] Mr. President, those 1,700 or however many you have, soldiers, aren’t going to the University of Chicago. This is simply a provision to take $2 million of the defense money for the University of Chicago for epilepsy research. As I said, we had a total of $3 billion in requests from this subcommittee for medical research from other Senators. We turned them all down. The Senator from Illinois wouldn’t take “no.” I understand his position. His position is he now wants to say other items we allowed him to earmark in other portions of the bill would be changed in order to have this go to the University of Chicago.

So the Senator for Illinois put in a $2 earmark request for the University of Chicago to do epilepsy research, and tried to sell it as being for the veterans. And this is what this Geiger clown chooses as a vote which illustrates how Democrats care more about the veterans that McCain does.

Like I said, Bob, Go F Yourself.

Oh, and that crap about the Bankruptcy bill is exactly wrong. Service Members who are deployed are covered by the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Relief Act. And that bankruptcy bill also extended to veterans. How the hell is the bank, creditor etc supposed to know if the person is a veteran? And if veterans are given extra coverage, and thus the creditor is screwed, why the hell would a creditor specifically look to provide loans to veterans and service-members if they were given extra hurdles in getting their loan back if it goes into default.

Seriously, did a Republican drop you on your head or what?

Category: Politics

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So, while Bob Geiger suffers from a heavy dose of BDS, is he also an Obama syncopath?


And thouogh I have not examined the specific provisions of these various so-called veterans medical bills, my instinct and prior experience working in the system, leads me to believe that most, if not all, of the helpful and caring provisions to increase veteran care, are actually thinly disguised earmarks for various civilian medical schools. Schools which will, in turn take the money and show their lack of sympathy and respect for any veteran who may happen by. Been there, seen that, barfed on the tee shirt.