William Stolp; five straight years in Afganistan Marine

| November 14, 2013

William Stolp

So we got this series of records on one William Walker Stolp, who was indeed in the Marine Corps, active duty for four years from 1999 to 2003. Now, as you can see in the photo above he claims that he is a disabled veteran, and he may be, but his disability wasn’t from combat service. He claims that he has a Purple Heart;

William Stolp Tweet about phony PH

He also claims that he spent 5 straight years in Afghanistan while he only spent 12 days with his family;

William Stolp 12 days

Stalwart fucker, ain’t he? Well, not according to his DD214;

William Stolp DD214

Notice that the DD214 only gives him credit for two and a half months of Foreign Service in Block #12f and nearly three months of sea service. And there’s no Purple Heart. Nor is it on his DD215, dated February 2008;

William Stolp DD215

Someone should tell the Marine Corps that he was in Afghanistan for five straight years, because they discharged him somewhere in the middle of that tour;

William Stolp Separation code

It looks like he supported the Afghanistan campaign, but it doesn’t look like he was actually there.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Mentally disabled because he can still play golf.

Combat Historian

Billy Boy, it’s nice that you hate jihad; it’s also nice if you told the truth about your military career…

P.S.: Five years continuous duty in Afghan…really????


It’s all a big secret don’t cha know. His real records were burned up in the fire! He was recruited right out of high school for “black ops” that he can’t talk about except on facebook. have I missed anything?


@3 I think you nailed it except for his time as a SEAL, don’t ya know….


@1 I can kind of play golf while being 90% Service Connected… have to admit after I did it Monday I could barely walk that night, but to me it was worth it. Also, I do not go promoting myself as something I am not in order to obtain freebies from WWP which this douchenozzle appears to be doing.

A Proud Infidel

Next we’ll hear him say how HE HALO’ed in and killed Bin Laden all by himself and SEAL Team 6 took the credit because he’s THAT much of a high speed seeekrit squirrel!!

I’m ready to petition for “National Beat a Military Poser Month”, during which any real Vet can pummel as many posers or embellishers as he or she pleases each day. During the rest of the year, said real Vets will only be allowed to beat or pummel 12 per day.

Green Thumb


No surprise.


Another one from the Titusville area


And how exactly did he get a waiver for award of a Sea Service Ribbon? Even if you go to the ‘Stan, you have to be deployed for a minimum of 90 consecutive days, and sonnyboy here ain’t got it.


Left a message on his twitter account demanding for an explanation. Along with his BoS and a link to this blog.


#8 0-4E beat me to the punch! Stolp and Monkress, both living/working in Titusville-FL, must be long lost brothers from different fathers….


@ 4 OldSargeUSAR:

Maybe he was a plank owner in the Force Ranger Recon Seals of Delta Team 6 (special sniper qual)?

I heard that those guys are so high speed, low drag that they can actually burn through the space-time continuum.

HS Sophomore

Douchenozzle. I have to ask, though-how exactly do you guys get the requisite information to file a FOIA on every one of these tools that you here about? I try to do a little amateur poser hunting in my spare time, but I can only file a request or check it if they do something very stupid, like post their DOB online. That can’t be how you guys get the information on all these guys. So-how do you get the requisite info. to file a FOIA? Thanks, just curious and looking to become a better valor detective. 🙂


But, but, but , but, but … ah … uh … nevermind!

just another OIF Vet

His Twitter is hilarious.

2/17 Air Cav

He capitalizes tje j in jihad and he uses a lower case g in God. He also looks like he’s taking a dump with his pants on. Either that or he carries his clubs up his butt.



That is all.


So is he taking golf lessons from that Punk guy?

Just An Old Dog

HS Sophomore,
If you have first, Middle and Last name, branch and approximate date of birth you can get a pretty good hit. Usually if someone is blabbing and has a face book, their age and birthday are out there somewhere on their timeline.

Green Thumb


Punk Lewis.



Damn! He was discharged half way through his deployment and said screw that, I’m staying and did the rest volunteer with no pay and supplying his own gear?
That, my friends, is dedication.

HS Sophomore

@19-Oh, you can use an approximate DOB? Didn’t realize that. Thanks. How precise does that DOB need to be? Like say, a year’s worth of margin of error?


hahahahaha I know this guy.

He was in my infantry company 3/8 I co. He was a turd from second platoon. This guy was literally the shit bag of shit bags in 3/8. What a fucking loser.

India Company did go to Afghanistan in 2002 as part of the 4th MEB AT, but it was chill fire watch embassy duty and absolutely nothing happened.

He was never fucking wounded and he was a gigantic shitbag. The loser would drink out of the fucking boot’s toilets during field day and fail them.

2nd platoon dirty bird shitbags.


So how exactly did he manage to pull less than 3 months deployed? Did he get out during deployment or just do a short one at some point beforehand?

Either way, I got more time on the shitter at test depth answering a backing bell eating strawberry ice cream than this guy had in the Corps.


@23, I was your Company Gunny in India 3/8. Small world.

I thought that Stolp’s name was familiar. Stolp was an immature kid. Big mouth. He damn sure was not in Afghanistan for 5 fucking years. Although now, after seeing this, I wish we had left him there. He also never got injured over there either. I do not remember if he was discharged early or not. I left India Company shortly after the deployment and went to another Company.

Sparky, we were only in Afghanistan for 3 months. We did an embassy reinforcement mission and were relieved by 3/6. Nobody on that deployment got a scratch. We guarded the embassy. Essential duty at the time, but not all that dangerous.


I was in Iraq for 6 straight years but I ALWAYS point out that I was a contractor.

2/17 Air Cav

@26. Well, I can tell your name isn’t Joe Teti, then.

Jonathan Sparks

SICKENING. HE closed his TWITTER due to exposure! His FACEBOOK is Wilcyn Walker (William-Cynthia). Hmmmm this Cynthia is probably lied to as well! A review of Seminole, Orange and Brevard Clerk and Property Appraisers shows he resides at Titusville, FL 32780 and owner of that property is Richard and Cathy Plowden at Titusville, FL 32780. They probably have no idea what trash they rent to. Their phone number is published and is 321-269-XXXX. These POSERS need to be exposed locally and nationally!!!!!!


Ya know it sucks when folks who regularily post on here not only know you, but served with your lying ass…
Know what I mean William Stolp, (another poser) pro golfer and (another not a) wounded warrior.


@28 I sent him three twitter messages telling him to knock off the bullshit. Identified myself as his former Company Gunny. I was not abusive, just told him the facts of life. He is also claiming he was a Marine Sniper too. He still has a twitter account, he just blocks those who go after him. He blocked me.

The heat is on his dumb ass now though. He is getting a bunch of negative exposure and he is in damage control. Will be fun to see how this plays out.


@30 Master Gunny, there are now four Women Marines who can probably beat the crap out of him. Maybe he should meet them up close and in person.

Or I’ll go do it. I need the exercise. 🙂

Veritas Omnia Vincit

What a giant, steaming turd…dude you really take the cake for being a sh1tbag…


What a disgrace to REAL heroes this guy is. Nice spelling too, dude!


Ok so he legitimately served his country… yet he has sprinkled some valor salt on his service jacket… F*ck this guy!

3/17 air cav

William Stolps is involved in golf tourney called fairway for warriors out of Orlando Florida. They have a Facebook page. I sent them a post concerning this pos. I suggest others do the same

3/17 air cav

Punk and Bill sit’n in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes Bill taking it in the ass. Billy boi you wanted to be famous? Well mission accomplished. Except it’s not for golf. It’s for being. A lying posing, embellishing piece of shit. Five tours my ass. Sleep well it’s going to get worse before it gets better. Enjoy


@35 Done. Looks like Billy Boi has a facebook page that hasnt been shut down yet(thanks Johnny)so lets see what he has to say for himself. Comes up as Wilcyn Walker.


What a POS! Hopefully some prosecutor out there will actually do their job and get this embellisher.

Found Hell

Well, thanks Jonathan Sparks for getting someone like myself his address. Now it will be much easier for me to kill him and his family since you posted his information. Now when they ask I can just say it came from this website and your post. Thanks brother


And if anyone messes with the guy physically, “Found Hell” – I’m certain that your IP address and a copy of the threat to the guy’s physical well-being you made above will find it’s way to the Titusville, FL, PD. Capice?

Mike Gomaz

I actually knew the person and he has never said to me he had a Purple Heart I know he was in the USMC and the did contracting work for a long time. But here is one thing I don’t think it be too smart to show up at his house because he is a bit out there and will shoot you. He had a lot of deaths in his family as of recent and is a bit of a nut job. From my experience with him those who hurt him or his family he won’t stop u till he finds you. He is on a different level right now mentally. Hope this helps


@ Found Hell. Your post, IP address and in some cases exact location are now part of history. Your comments are quite disturbing. From a law enforcement perspective, 2 types of people make such comments: #1 criminal with intent or # 2 total dumbasses.

Considering what you wrote above, for everyones sake … I hope you are just a dumbass!



@42- my money is that its Stolp himself.


teddy996: you could well be right. The IP used appears to be in the correct general area.

Interestingly enough, there seems to be another commenter on the thread today using that exact same IP address. Isn’t that right, “Mike Gomaz”?

Those are the only two times that IP address seems to have shown up in comments here at TAH.

I’m thinking sock puppetry in a lame attempt to divert attention or intimidate, or possibly to back up a contrived incident.

Word of advice, “guys”: fabricating evidence for a civil proceeding can get you serious and unwanted attention from LE. NOT something I’d recommend even thinking about.


How’s this?

Stolp, stop acting like a 2-year-old spoiled brat. Admit that you’re lying and go sit on the time-out chair.

If that isn’t plain enough, it translates to GROW THE FACK UP.

You only make things worse for yourself.

Green Thumb


3/17 air cav

I’m sure everyone who comments on this site remembers a screwup in their outfit. Be it squad, platoon or company level. Probably can even remember their name. Just when you think it’s safe to come out that screwup shows up on this site. This time it comes in the form of Stolp.


Well he is still at it and he has lied his way through the wounded warrior project. But I can say from an inside source from the Titusville PD Mr Stolp is currently being investigated by the FBI for accepting monetary gains from WWP and other veteran organizations as well as lying on his VA disability application. This guy will do prison time. What a shame and waste of a human being. If you are from the area and you see him j u st politely let him know that we all know he is a stolen valor.


I hate to say I know of this person Titusville is not a big town, I hope you are right about them investigating him if it is true, and it also has been reported to the organizations, they need to know if he is reaping benefits he isnt entitled too. The truth will come out in matter of time, lying about experiences during service is pathetic, and if the veteran has misrepresented himself for benefits it is not right. One word “karma”, if this holds to be true. I am sure he will see your post and will be a alert to him. Your right he is a stolen valor.


[…] This Ain’t Hell Blog ; http://valorguardians.com/blog/?p=38420 […]


Well still nothing has been done, how long does it take for investigations devildogchestpuller? As my last post a reply to you, I hate to say I know of this person Titusville is not a big town, I hope you are right about them investigating him if it is true, and it also has been reported to the organizations, they need to know if he is reaping benefits he isnt entitled too. The truth will come out in matter of time, lying about experiences during service is pathetic, and if the veteran has misrepresented himself for benefits it is not right. One word “karma”, if this holds to be true. I am sure he will see your post and will be a alert to him. Your right he is a stolen valor.

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