Ladner & Lawyer still cling to lies

| May 8, 2013

You probably remember when we were talking about Shane Ladner, the fellow who lied about his military service to get a free deer hunt in Texas and ended up in a float/train crash in which his wife lost her leg.

EdUSMCleg sends us a link from the Cherokee Ledger News which reports that Ladner and his lawyer are still clinging to the fantasy that there are records in Fort Benning, GA and the now-defunct Gorgas hospital in Panama which will clear his name;

Ladner’s attorney, [Kevin Glasheen, of Glasheen Valles & Inderman, a Texas-based law firm] in the statement, said that a request has been submitted to Ft. Benning for the documents.

“We have also requested Shane’s medical records from the hospital in Panama where he was treated following the grenade attack,” Glasheen’s statement read. “We think it is irresponsible and reckless to publicly question Shane Ladner’s military records before the records from Fort Benning and the medical records from the Veterans Administration have been received.”

So, I checked Wiki and even they know that there is no more US-owned Gorgas Hospital in Panama;

Gorgas Hospital is located on Ancon Hill. It was managed by the U.S. Army for most of the 20th century but is now, in accordance with the Torrijos-Carter Treaties (1977), in Panamanian hands. Since October 1999, it has been home to the Instituto Oncologico Nacional, Panama’s Ministry of Health, and its Supreme Court.

So how long are we going to have to wait for those medical records? Of course, the lawyer is just delaying the inevitable;

Cherokee County District Attorney Shannon Wallace has asked the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office to investigate the allegations against Ladner….

If the sheriff’s office were to determine criminal activity took place, Garrison said the investigation would then be turned over to the county’s DA’s office. If evidence proves he forged a document to achieve a tax exemption, Garrison said Ladner could face a theft by services charge and making false statements charges.

“There is a perceived theft of the taxes that he owes on the vehicle since he received that tag,” Garrison said. “He had to sign, basically swear, to all of that being truthful.”

While I feel sorry for his wife who may or may not be innocent in all of this, but she’s the real victim of his lies, not only in the train crash, but also being saddled with his lyin’ ass after he pays his debt to society.

Category: Phony soldiers

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A Proud Infidel

Ladner’s deep in a hole, and he’s still digging at full throttle! I just wonder if his Lawyer is even thinking about the consequences of this case?


I imagine that even if the Army were to come out and say he is a lying sack of excrement, they will still cling to these same excuses.


Wouldn’t those records be warehoused by NARA?


*WRECK HIM*. Like a train hitting a parade flo… …..oh….yeah….{:-P
/too soon??

A Proud Infidel

I don’t doubt that at all, EdUSMCleg, I consider ‘tards like Ladner a crystal clear example of what Senior Chief Shipley was talking about when he said that a lot of posers “…will take their lies with them to the grave.”.


What was that line from M*A*S*H*? “…they keep piling manure on it in hopes that something beautiful will grow.”



Also if they find that the DD214 was forged can’t he be charged with counterfeit federal agency seals, and pretending to be a federal officer or employee?? Like Richard Neener??


I’m guessing that lawyer’s thinking “Oh shit, I gotta buy some time until I can figure out how to get this dumbfuck outta this mess. Buy time, buy time, buy time. Oh. I know. I’ll say wait for the documents to come back while I figure out the next dodge.”

A Proud Infidel

I’m pretty sure you’re right about that, Nik, and I’m certain he’ll try one delay tactic after another hoping it’ll go away.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

So is this the new tactic, find an abandoned/closed/sold/transferred military installation and claim that additional records were placed there and must have been lost along the way?


ChipNASA: comment 4 might have been a tad “off”.

Regarding your question in comment 7: I don’t believe there’s any Federal seal (e.g., DoD or other official emblem) on a DD214, so that’s probably out (letterhead and award certificates, on the other hand, do often have such emblems). But forging, counterfeiting, altering, or knowingly possessing a forged/counterfeit/altered military discharge certificate (like a DD214) is specifically defined as a Federal crime – see 18 USC 498.

CC Senor

Good luck with getting anything out of Gorgas. (Hint: that’s the place where they used to chain the toilet paper to the wall to keep the locals from stealing it.)


If anyone is *really* offended you certainly can delete @4.

Pineywoods NCO

“Ladner’s attorney, [Kevin Glasheen, of Glasheen Valles & Inderman, a Texas-based law firm”

Found at

Personal injury lawyers. Now, don’t get me wrong here, if it involved strictly his wife’s injuries or the injuries, I can see this group involved.

But we’re talking a whole different situation.

I’m embarrassed by the simple fact this lawyer is from my home state.

As far as the rest of the story….turds float until flushed down….and society is about to flush.


So Ladner is choosing to pay his attorney rather than do the honorable thing and pay pack the money he owes/stole.What a scumbag.


His attorney is buying time and hoping it blows over before people who could be sitting on the civil case hear about it.


ChipNASA: if anyone is seriously offended, you’ll hear about it. I’ll let Jonn decide what to do then – his site, his call.

EdUSMCleg: yeah, good luck wit dat. The railroad will doubtless hire a good attorney, and someone in that law office will know how to use Google.

Why doesn’t he provide his lawyer the NAMES of his comrades who were with him during the “Purple Heart incident” to include his Chain of Command? Also, why doesn’t he produce an NCO-ER during that timeframe? Oh, yeah, I forgot…all of the stuff he did was hush-hush…


@17. I agree. However, all this info is highly inflammatory and likely to not be allowed, unfortunately. A judge may not allow the testimony or the whole issue to be allowed.

@18- Exactly. I can get a hold of at least 10 people to back up my PH, and can dig up other things to prove it. He has had a couple weeks already and he has nothing.

JustTheFacts Ma'am

See my previous comment.
My bad. I forgot that he was not an NCO when “the incident” happened, so please scratch the NCO-ER document idea.

2/17 Air Cav

It is not the job of the prosecutor to ferret out all claims made by an accused person. A prosecutor is bound to consider exculpatory information but that is not to be confused with serving as a defense attorney. I am at a loss to know what is going on in this matter. Sim,ilarly, a guilty person cannot be compelled to assist in his own prosecution. The investigation, I assume, is ongoing, and its results will move the prosecutor to prefer a charge or not. In the meantime, the statements on the courthouse steps = Zero. (Or did I miss something here?)


The former Grogas Army Hospital is now a the leading cancer research hospital in Panama. I have a Panamanian wife with kin that works there. This exercise would be like trying to get medical records from a closed down hospital in USAEUR…


Ladner isn’t paying any attorney it has been reported he has not worked since April 5! Took 12 weeks paid disability and 12 weeks unpaid disability….Thanks to citizens of Holly Springs. Now mooching off his poor wife! Hope she sees the light soon! What a low life.


Let me see. Send a letter requesting records to a business(hospital) that is no longer in existence: that usually results in “address unknown” stamps on the envelope in the US.

I don’t know how that works for foreign addresses, but think about this: if it ends up in the dead letter pile in Panama, and if someone there looks through that for stuff to steal, it’s a wide-open opportunity for theft of Ladner’s personal info: identity theft.

That would be like me sending a request for a print of something from the archives at the Naval Photo Center in DC. It doesn’t exist any more. The base itself is completely changed, and the NPC building is now a logistics center for the Navy.

That attorney sounds like he’s not too bright. What? No research to find out if the place is still open?



EdUSMCleg: in this case, I’m pretty sure whether or not Ladner lied to get his free hunting trip would indeed be a material fact in any civil trial. Most if not all states allow consideration of contributory negligence or criminal acts when on the part of the plaintiff when considering damages in a civil case. If the railroad’s attorney can show that Ladner lied to get his free trip (which put him in the position to be injured by the train accident), then the railroad’s attorney will certainly argue (1) Ladner should not personally benefit from acts that may constitute illegal conduct that could be prosecuted as fraud, and (2) any award to him should be limited or eliminated by his contributory negligence or because it is due to Ladner’s unethical and potentially unlawful activity. They can sure as hell use that argument to argue for reducing any award to Shane Ladner, possibly to zero. And they might be able to argue that his wife’s injuries were at least partially (or in large part if not completely) the result of her husband’s illegal activities and use that argument to reduce their financial liability for her injuries as well. The rationale will be that if her husband hadn’t lied, they would never have been there and thus would not have been injured. Her husband – not the railroad – is thus primarily or solely responsible for her injuries will be the argument. Bottom line: the lawyers for the railroad will bring the matter up, to show the Ladners (1) should not have been there in the first place, (2) were there due to unethical and possibly unlawful activity on Shane Ladner’s part, and (3) the Ladners were thus at least partly if not completely to blame for their own injuries. Whether or not the jury buys that is another issue entirely. I’ve served on a jury in a civil case where a person sued a company for injuries sustained in a fall at a place of business. I can almost guarantee you the judge will allow testimony and/or documentation relating to… Read more »


these scumbags just don’t friggin stop.


Hondo, if the wife can prove that she was misled by Ladner and took his lies in good faith, resulting in her being severely injured, it almost comes up as her being defrauded by him. That does make him liable for what happened to her.

And then there’s that whole caretaker thing. In that photograph of here (somewhere around here) in a wheelchair, it almost looks like she lost her leg all the way to the hip. Is he going to stick around and do his duty to her for that?


@Hondo- Thanks for explaining that.


Not a layman lawyer or anything else but I would buy a share of that action, Hondo. It is gonna suck to be in his boots.


Delaying the inevitable, I see.


His friends are coming out of the woodwork in defense of his lies on Randy’s page still lol…

Green Thumb




Yah, there are some pathetic individuals supporting this POS on there.


Gee last time I did a PCS move I took my medical records with me, why would his be left in Panama ?

2/17 Air Cav

When it comes to causation in a tort action, matters sometimes tend to get a bit sticky at times. In this instance, assuming that buddy boy was not entitled to be on the float due to fraud or misrepresentation, the harm suffered by him had nothing whatsoever to do with the deceit. Think of it this way. If someone is shoplifting (an illegal act)at a store and, while he’s walking an aisle, an item falls from a shelf and hits him on the head, cracking his skull, his illegal act had nothing to do with the harm he suffered. On the other hand, if the same guy, while running to escape store security, slams head-on into a shelf, knocks an item from it, and cracks his skull, the injury suffered is intimately connected to his illegal act and he’s most likely SOL in a later tort action against the store. Like I said, this stuff can be sticky and tricky but I see no bar to our boy collecting for injuries incurred from being on the float. Although the ‘but for’ game is attractive (but for this, that, or the other thing, he or she wouldn’t have been where the injury was suffered) the disconnect between an act and the cause of an injury kill the argument.


2/17 Air Cav: I did say above that it was an open question as to whether or not the jury would buy the argument.

Yes, criminals and others often recover damages when the situation that caused their injury was due to their own misconduct. IMO that’s one of the great faults of our current civil justice system, and one of the reasons (if not the primary reason) so many people today view the legal profession and the courts with disgust.

Someone who commits a serious crime, whether formally convicted in a criminal trial or not, IMO should be category barred from receiving damages due to any injury or tort they receive during the commission of that serious crime. Our legal system does not do that today. It should.

I would not have much of a problem with Ladner’s wife receiving damages for her injuries – providing she was indeed an unwitting party harmed by her husband’s deceit. It’s a different story if she knew of Ladner’s apparent fraud and was therefore a willing participant. In that case, no. Same principle.

As far as Ladner goes, IMO he doesn’t deserve to get a freaking penny – either for his injuries, or for “loss of consortium” or anything else related to his wife’s injuries. He appears to have caused those through fraud. He should not profit from that.

2/17 Air Cav

@36. “He appears to have caused those [his injuries]through fraud. He should not profit from that. And I agree on a personal level. It just smells wrong. But the law is a crazy creature. I recall nearly falling out of my seat in Torts when I first heard about the economic theory of damages. In product liability, a company (Deep Pockets, Inc) can be liable for damages merely because it is in the same business as the actual tortfeasor, despite the fact that Deep Pockets, Inc did not exist when the tort occurred!


The RR case would be tried in Texas, since that is where the float meets train tragedy occurred, right? Might not be as easy for him to collect there as it would be somewhere else.


2/17 Air Cav: as I said, perhaps improperly phrased above: our current legal theory of torts and damages is FUBAR. It is IMO the primary reason that many people view many in the legal profession and the civil court system with contempt and disgust.

US tort law desperately needs reform. Unfortunately, common-sense tort reform would also break the ABA’s “iron rice bowl”. For that reason, they’ll fight it tooth and nail. And they might well prevail.

2/17 Air Cav

@38. Generally, tort law is tort law and Texas will will not be an exception. That said, the number one answer to every tort question is this: “It depends.” So, while the law is the law, the facts, the judge, the attorneys, the victim, the jury, and whether a verdict is pending before a long holiday weekend all come into play.

Pineywoods NCO

It’s sad to me that I recall this situation being addressed in a class I took nearly 25 years ago, and the same arguments for and against it. And the same frustration and disgust at back in that class. Sad that in 25 years (and probably much longer) that things haven’t changed a damn bit.

His wife, I’m sorry she was hurt and has to suffer a dramatic change in her life as result. She should be compensated. AT HIS EXPENSE!!

It’s a very complicated mess. But we’re distracting from the fact that we have another pair of turd pebbles in our mists. Both need to just face the music.

There’s no truth in lying or delaying lies from coming out.


“We have also requested Shane’s medical records from the hospital in Panama where he was treated following the grenade attack,” Glasheen’s statement read.

Funny, one’s medical records follow you throughout one’s career–just because I was treated for X at one duty station, then treated for Y somewhere else, it all ends up in MY medical record, which I pretty much have the entire thing sitting in my attic.

You’d think a guy who was combat wounded would 1–know that, 2–keep copies. Isn’t that what EVERYONE with two functional brain cells does when they get out? Make copies of everything you can and keep it just in case someday you have to come up with evidence to prove you were treated for something or developed something while in the service? Hey, what do I know???


Why would the attorney get records from a hospital when Ladner admitted he was not in panama?


Why is this poser still allowed to walk free with all of the possible charges against him. The biggest one that he is responsible for the loss of his wife’s leg and her many other injuries? Does she know that she could probably sue him for having her in danger’s way because of his lies? He should profit from nothing. He and that American Flag cane he uses should take a walk – far from his wife and let her get on with her “new normal” life.

A Proud Infidel

That assclown is SO overdue for a “Wall-to-Wall Counseling Session”! I think it’s gonna be fun to watch him unravel!


Show us the evidence – another day and more excuses. The attorney should drop him and start trying to save Ladner’s wife case. Be careful Mr.Glasheen your fee is going to be lost. You can’t pull a rabbit out of a hat. Face reality!

the colonel

My son, a lawyer, pointed out more than once that it is difficult to prove a negative. I have said before that once all the interested law enforcement agencies have secured all of Ladner’s official paperwork that is available, they, I strongly suspect, will still have nothing to support his claims. At that point, it should be up to him to provide the supporting documentation, as any of us could do, and as many on this site have already suggested. Unfortunately, as long as there is an iota of doubt, probably no one will press the case to its legal closure. In addition to the dreadful impact this is having on his wife’s family, I have already heard proud supporters of our troops indicate that they are going to be more suspicious of “war heroes” from now on- what a shame.


I am a police officer investigating the case on shane, I would like to talk to anyone who has information 678-898-7146 Thanks Jamie


[…] those secret records being stored at Fort Benning of his daring deeds somewhere south of Texas. But we said that already. The Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office says that they’ve arrested […]