Norks are coming!
According to the Associated Press, the North Korean leader, Needle Dick; the Bug F*cker, has given his military the equally impotent permission to attack US and South Korean militaries in South Korea;
North Korea warned early Thursday that its military has been cleared to attack the U.S. using “smaller, lighter and diversified nuclear” weapons, while the U.S. said it was strengthening protection in the region and seeking to defuse the situation.
Despite the intense rhetoric, analysts do not expect a nuclear attack by North Korea, which knows the move could trigger a destructive, suicidal war that no one in the region wants. It’s not believed to have the ability to launch nuclear-tipped missiles, but its other nuclear capabilities aren’t fully known.
According to the Washington Beacon, China is gearing up for a possible reopening of hostilities in the war that has been fairly stagnant for 60 years;
The Obama administration, meanwhile, sought to play down the Chinese military buildup along the border with Beijing’s fraternal communist ally despite the growing danger of conflict following unprecedented threats by Pyongyang to attack the United States and South Korea with nuclear weapons.
The buildup appears linked to North Korea’s March 30 announcement that it is in a “state of war” with South Korea after the United Nations imposed a new round of sanctions following the North’s Feb. 12 nuclear test and because of ongoing large-scale joint U.S.-South Korea military exercises.
I don’t know about the rest of you, but I can’t help but feel a little excited at the potential of millions of North Koreans presenting themselves as targets here. It’s the next best thing to the Zombie Epoch. I hope they wait until I can sight in my new Model 700. But I do have aiming stakes set up for the potential drop zone that my deck overlooks – it’s going to happen just like “Red Dawn”, right?
I hate to bring you down, but it’s probably all bluster. I’m pretty sure that the Obama Administration is loading up a plane right now with bags of money that Jimmy Carter can deliver to ND;tBF.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Jimmy Carter, North Korea
Here’s some interesting news.
1 – EU banks may have to change the way they distribute aid to Norkland.
2 – The Air Force and sequestration re: radar warning system – not so much. Looks like they’ll keep what they had, after all.
Take heart, people. More to come if raunch date is observed.
It’s 4:15 AM my time and that squatty little twit has me up and looking for him again.
The Chinese are getting tired of Short Round Li’l Kim:
and probably, it’s because China is more interested in economic growth than in housing millions of Nork refugees:
The South has raised its alert level:
The Japanese have put missile batteries in place:
Ever get the feeling that the NIMBY thing is how everyone over there feels about Norkland?
I’m gonna sue that little snot-nosed waddling pork barrel on legs when this is over.
This actually appeared on DU, but they’re about as trustworthy as a box elder bug, so I went looking for it because it appeared on this morning’s news.
Apparently, prior to the ramp-up in rhetoric, the US and the Nork ambassador met in secret to try to stop the things that are going on now.
So much for diplomacy.
If they do launch, it will be over water, not land. I’m not as concerned, anymore, since China has told him to calm his bad self and that was the 800 lb. gorilla in the room.
Here’s a news story on the same thing, from this morning’s news.
I’m not really concerned about this any more myself, either, but it’s rather fun to keep tabs on what Short Round Li’l Kim is up to.
It’s kind of like having a really bad date because the guy you’re with not only forgot his wallet, but doesn’t have anything new to say.
As much as I do not favor spanking kids, there are exceptions to that and this spoiled brat Nork is one of them.
@105: Roger that.
They’re five hours behind the US left coast, so I’ll just guess here that should they choose today to raunch a locket, it will be after daylight their time, which would be this afternoon for me.
Ronery. I’m Mistah Ronery. Ain’t got nobody to carr on da phone. Oh, I’m so ronery. I’m Mistah Ronery. Wish I had someone to carr my own. I’m a soljah, a ronery soljah, away from home thlough no fart of my own. That’s why I’m ronery. I’m Mistah Ronery. I wish dat I cuud go back home.
Okay, now I’m REALLY pissed off at that walking pile of dog doo in Norkland, because this article, about Pakistan’s successful test of a nuke-capable missile that can hit India, is part of the side effect that Li’l Kim’s strutting and posturing create.
Some of you may remember, as I do, the uncalled-for attack on a passenger airliner by the North Koreans:
In view of what is going on now, maybe something more than just diplomacy is appropriate.
Well, according to various sources, the NORK capital hasn’t evacuated and there have been no evac or air raid drills lately. The trains, planes, and ships are running as usual and the NORK reserves have not been activated. Aside from BIG TALK and a couple of NORK missiles that are expected to be test fired today or sometime over the next few days, there is no sign of war prep. ND won, I guess, to the extent that we called off certain planned exercises to avoid provocation or its appearance. A third world shithole vs. the USA. I’m glad for our folks on or near the 38th parallel, though. Such stuff isn’t good for the digestive system or a solid night’s sleep but I’m sure our people ID’ed some good and bad readiness issues for next time.
I agree with your assessment. The ‘threat’ is more like someone banging on the locker doors in the hallways at school. However, no concessions this time, no aid negotiations, none of that usual stuff means that Li’l Kim got our attention but doesn’t know quite what to do with it. So he didn’t really win.
But Li’l Kim still intends to raunch his missers, probably today, as far as I can tell. This Reuters article has a link on the righthand sidebar to an interview video with someone who sees this entire exercise as mostly attention-seeking behavior, which it is.
OK, Short Round, you got our attention. Now beat it, kid.
I really do want to give him some time on the quiet chair.
No updates, just a piece of nostalgia about the now-closed Kaesong factory complex.
Still waiting for that launch. My guess, it’ll be at suppertime (my time) or not at all. I don’t believe the Norks can handle a night-time launch like we do.
If he launches, I hope we use our interceptors. Just to tweek his little button nose.
You got that right. 🙂
I actually hope that the stupid missiles self-destruct on the launch pad!
No raunch yet. Still standing watch.
Remember what I said about a bad date?
You wish it would end… and soon, too.
This is worse.
Last post of evening 10/4/2013 21:57:00 hrs: re: G8 conference including discussions on Norkland.
No launch. No tickee, no washee. Very bad date. Boring.
Nothing new. Usual discussions in the news. Note that in this article, there is no Chinese criticism of the US for its high-tech display of weaponry.
Norkland is underway with celebrating the Kim dynasty and Grandpa Big Kim’s birthday. Rhetoric tone is dropping.
If there are medium-range Musudan missiles sitting on launch platforms – this article says up to five – and if they are fueled and ready to launch, they are more dangerous just sitting there than they are in the air. Why? Because they use liquid fuel which is very volatile. The longer it sits, the more volatile it becomes. It’s even more dangerous to remove it from the missiles.
Thanks for the update, Norkxpert.
“The longer it sits, the more volatile it becomes. It’s even more dangerous to remove it from the missiles.” Oh goodie! Do you think we could FedEx some Zippos to them today, just to help things along?
North Korea delivered a fresh round of rhetoric Thursday with claims it had “powerful striking means” on standby for a missile launch
AirCav, if I could find a way to do it, I’d send a bunch of frozen pizzas over there to drop on the countryside where nobody has any food. It all goes to the army.
This update, apparently from the Pentagon, now says that intelligence reports show that Norkland does have nuke missiles, after all.
Well, do they or don’t they? Make up your minds, already! Do not tell me, or any other taxpaying citizen, for months that the Norks and Short Round Li’l Kim have been spouting hockey pucks every time they opened their mouths, and all of a sudden, you just found out that YOUR WERE WRONG!!! you pimply-assed, butt-kissing, ticket-punching, cocktail slurping, dumb stump-sucking clowns!
Do NOT do that, and expect me, or anyone else, to believe anything you say. Did that ‘pull back, regroup and strike again’ idea come from any of you? Or did it come from your sorry excuse for a glorious leader in the Oval Office? Maybe you all should go join him, have a cocktail party together… then you could all get together for a two-go-round circle jerk.
Do I sound pissed off?
If people can actually escape Norkland in secret, and have secret squirrels covering up their tracks in the snow, then how the Hell do I do that?
Maybe the key is to go through the South, instead of waiting for my homeboys to rescue me.
The Twit in Chief got his one cent worth in on this.
Norkland is being naughty. Don’t want conflict. Everybody just calm down. Can’t we all just get along?
@109; ‘Tears of My Soul’, by Kim Hyun-Hee is a great book. Gives great insight into the mentality (brainwashing) of the Norks. It also shows how easily they could be fooled by basic techniques (watching for reactions when speaking Korean instead of Chinese, etc.) Turns out the compassionate approach is what broke her. Just treating her like a human being and taking time to show her historical proof of how wrong her belief system was is all it took to turn the tables.
In her case, I believe the South Korean government made the right call in pardoning her from death.
The Nork leadership is the cancer. Take it out, and the higher levels of the military, and the rest of the country is salvageable, IMO.
@125 – You may be right. You probably are. The trick is getting close enough to them to do that. But we have Kerry as the SecState, who says that he THINKS North Korea understands the consequences of a missile launch.
I’m sure they do understand, and they don’t care if it hurts other people. It’s what they want. That’s the advantage to being raised without a sense of right and wrong. You have no moral compass that tells you to leave your neighbors alone and get on with your own stuff.
Well, you will all be glad to know that a rag-trade rag called ‘Elle’, which is mostly a catalog for overpriced cosmetic product ads, has now officialy declared North Korea clothing to be a ‘hot’ idea for the fall line.
Bear in mind that the Nork workers who make this cheapass crap priced at $420++ get paid maybe $4 per day, which goes to — wait for it — yes! That’s right! Kim Jong-Un’s piggy bank! Needledicky not only starves his own people, he also robs them of everything they earn.
But it’s all for the good of the State, or some such twaddle, so it’s okay. He can now afford to replace Daddy Kim Jong-Il’s Daffy Duck video tapes with DVDs, or maybe even online streaming while he’s munching on steak and lobster and keeping his pudgy toes toasty.