Two Tillsons & stolen valor; the victimless crime

| March 29, 2013

We got an email from Paul Tillson today, he’s not this Paul Tillson the valor thief we took down a while back;

This Paul Tillson we heard from today is also a veteran who served honorably and doesn’t embellish his records. He now owns a technology business in Oregon and because of our posts and the priority we take on the search engines, the loser Paul Tillson is damaging good Paul Tillson’s business.

Clearly, the good Paul Tillson in Oregon, who looks to be an affable fellow with whom I’d have a beer, is not the evil Paul Tillson in New Jersey with whom I’d share a throat punch;

The good Paul Tillson

We apologize to the good Paul Tillson, but even if we took down the posts about the evil Paul Tillson, they’d remain cached somewhere on the internet, so this is our humble attempt at rectifying evil New Jersey Paul Tillson’s free speech and his “victimless crime”. So if you’re one of good Paul Tillson’s prospective clients, I’d hire him in a heartbeat, just for that broad smile. If you’re one of evil Paul Tillson’s prospective clients in New Jersey, land a right hook for me, wouldja?

Our buddy Nicki has much better comparison pictures at her house.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Veritas Omnia Vincit

Victimless my 4ss, he ruined a good man’s name in the process….Jersey Tillson should be liable for damages to Oregon Tillson’s business….

Hopefully the search engines pop this article up and the Oregon good guy gets flooded with business.


Let’s hope this clears it up for folks still sending GOOD Tillson hate mail.

We do what we can.

Thanks, Jonn.


Still trying to figure out how stolen anything, to include valor, is victimless. But I am not a lawer so apparently incapable of understanding such nuance.


Jonn. How we collectively push some good reviews and business his way. Through this network. We must be able to do something. Just a thought.


Question: Was it Don Shipley (or his hair, or someone else) that was bringing suit to SV a-holes because it was damaging his business.??
(Google answers my question…”Shipley is being assisted in this effort by Tampa attorney Gene Odom” )

Maybe we should let Mr. Good Paul Tillson in Oregon know that he has a legal basis to sue Dickbag NJ Paul Tillson for Stolen Valor and how it is causing his bus9iness harm.
Maybe he can get ahold of Gene Odom and get some assistance or pro bono advise.


@ 5. Now we are thinking.

Just an Old Dog

Perhaps a disclaimer should part of every post that exposes Stolen Valor, and location and Picture ID should be a prerequisite. Common sense would dictate that a name alone shouldn’t be enough to automatically think every Paul Tilson, Tom Bruso or John Smith on the internet is the same person being busted as a poser.


Looks like the uniform isn’t the only thing that’s “fake” in that picture.

2/17 Air Cav

Paul the Good does this sort of thing for his fellow Veterans:

“Paul Tillson, a local businessman and a U.S. Army veteran dealing with service connected disabilities, dropped by the Klamath County Veterans Service office the day after we announced the fundraiser with a contribution of $500.00 and a challenge. “I challenge other veterans, veteran organizations, and the community as a whole to join me in contributing to this very needy and worthy cause”, Tillson said as he turned in his donation. Tillson’s company, TAP Enterprises LLC, offers online computer repair services through their web site” (2011)


Tillson’s company, TAP Enterprises LLC, offers online computer repair services through their web site” (2011)

“TAP Enterprises LLC located at is the best computer repair company I have ever worked with”, says a retired US Navy Master Chief. “And he sports the kickinest mustache in the Great North West”, quipped the Navy veteran.


I see that Good Paul Tillson’s company ( is a “Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB)”. That’s an important distinction in the government contracting world. Gotta keep that in mind when I work on some proposals in the future. I could have used this service personally a few weeks ago when my laptop showed every sign on going Tango Uniform.


@5 and 6….why not contact Don on this guys behalf? He normally only chews on SEAL wannabes, but maybe we can get some good ole’ fashion Brotherly assistance.

Just Wondering

Maybe use the first letter of a middle name to distinguish the two?

Paul Tillson

Thank You all for your support, I will be changing my website, to include a page that shows introductions of our crew, I will also include my Middle Initial as suggested. Thanks again for the great Ideas and the posting of this thread.

Paul from Oregon


Mr. Tillson (Oregon): thanks for what you do, and what you did honorably in the past. I’m sorry that someone with a similar name is not nearly as honorable, and that you’re catching undeserved fallout from his shitbaggery.