Journalists to “surge” in Afghanistan

| September 10, 2012

Seventy-five journalists from around the nation have formed an infantry company and they’re volunteering their service to the country in the war in Afghanistan. They plan on leaving for the war next week after nearly a week of training in the parking lot outside of The Military Times in Arlington, Virginia.

“We’re tired of being told by milbloggers that we’re just spectators in the war against terror,” declared Greg Jaffe of the Washington Post. “I told milbloggers at their little conference this Spring that their time has passed and that journalists have been at this war for more than ten years and we know as much about combat as they know. Now we’re going to prove it!”

The company commander, Tobias Naegele, who is also the senior editor at Military Times, said “Those milbloggers are just out-of-control these days. I’ve tried to get some of them fired but they don’t seem to work for anybody. So we’ve taken it upon ourselves to put them in their place. I’ve been a senior editor of the Military Times for 18 years, that has to count for something.”

“What’s really messed up,” continues Naegele, “Is that the milbloggers blame us for them having to do our job for us. It’s hardly our fault that we have to primp and preen most of the time and show up in our offices almost every day. Most of them are just sitting around their living rooms in their underwear. They have no fancy parties to attend, and they mostly get their product from us. All they do is punch up our stories with the research we’re too lazy to do. Sure we steal their content without giving them any credit, that’s their fault for being an open source. So who is really the bad guy here?”

Another Washington Post reporter, Thomas Ricks, explained that he was going to Afghanistan to prove that anyone can do it, so that he can confidently claim that veterans don’t deserve a 20-year-retirment. “I’ve been advocating for years that twenty years in the military is a breeze and not deserving of such a brief service period to qualify for retirement. Now I get my chance”, said the 57-year-old SAW gunner, obviously straining under the weight of his 300 rounds of ammunition and the 17 pound weapon.

Los Angeles Times editor, Davan Mahara, who famously released the “atrocity pictures” of US soldiers posing with dead bodies of suicide bombers told us that they’ve been training day and night in preparation for their anticipated deployment next week. “I used to go out to veterans’ cemeteries at night and urinate on the graves all by myself, now I go out with my peeps so we can get a real feel for what the troops are doing in Afghanistan. And we can call it “realistic training”. The camaraderie is infectious. Last night, when we finished training, I went home and tore all of the shrubbery out of my yard like a real Special Forces soldier.

Leo Shane III of The Stars & Stripes said, “We can’t take weapons to Afghanistan, but my friend, Jake Diliberto, who won a tournament for being an Afghanistan Veteran somewhere says that there have been so many deaths in the war, thousands of weapons are just lying on the ground. Surely we can find 75 that are serviceable. Matthis Chiroux confirmed that from his experience there, too.”

“This is total bullshit,” said Wendy Bigelow, an intern with the New York Times from Southern Methodist University. “I just finished a deployment as a staff sergeant with the Texas National Guard and I finally get some time to work on my education and these nimnils are making me deploy again, as a private. And all I’ve been doing is pulling ticks out of Rick Maze’ buttcrack since I got here. I was in charge of a Female Engagement Team, for Pete’s sake.”

The champagne flight to Kabul is scheduled for Wednesday next week, once all of the participants decide which medals and badges they want to earn while they’re deployed.

OK, this my first attempt at satire, so go easy on me, because the people I’ve named in the piece probably won’t.

Category: Satire

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Oh, you really had me going there for just a few seconds. I hope those named offer you the same rewards offered by Dumboat Wittlessgelding.

(Walks away laughing herself silly.)

Old Tanker

Okay, at first I thought this was a duffel blog piece so you’re in good company!!!

2-17 AirCav

I think this is a great thing they’re doing! I’m sending the named journalists each an email wishing them the best of luck. I hope others will do so too.


Fuck ’em if they can’t take a joke, Jonn.


The Duffel Blog’s loss then. Good stuff.


I liked it, especially the comments from the NYT intern at the end.

So what’s the unit patch of this new unit? A white flag? Stained underwear?

Al T.

LOL, not a bad beginning…

2-17 AirCav

I understand that they will be attached to the Hemingway Division. If you want to wish them well:

Leo Shane III:

Tobias Naegele:

Greg Jaffe:

BU3 Kyle

Keep it up, had me going for a min and laughing all the way through.



Damn. I was hoping…..


Well done Jonn. The thing is that noone would actually believe that journalists were going to Afghanistan, and so many believe the Duffle Blog is real news.

I like it and think FO should put it on his site.


**golf clap**

Well done.

CI Roller Dude

That was funny as fuck!

When I returned from Iraq, one of the cops I worked with told me: “I was going to join the Marines, but they wouldn’t let me join as an officer…but I could have done it. I’m sure it was easy for you.”

I just walked away from the retard.

Just Plain Jason

You know I am going to share this with Paul…well you probably already have, but still.

B Woodman

Wait. . What??!! It’s not Duffel Blog? And it’s not real? Damn! Job well done, Jonn.


Hey, wait a second–maybe we can get Dildoberto to tag along as a “Special Correspondent.” At least that way he can finally TRUTHFULLY say he’s been to Afghanistan.

Then again, he’ll probably pull some sort of stupid bullshit and get left behind in Pakistan again.

MSgt B

Full of Win.

Laughing Wolf

CLAP, CLAP, CLAP! Well played Sir.


Sigh…..if only it were true. We could feed them to the Taliban.


HA HA!! It’s too bad TDB rejected it. This is hilarious! They could make their own “Special” forces tab.

Old Tanker

Some of those cheese dicks have been hassling The Duffel Blog? What prissy fucks with no funny bone…must have been removed with their spine….


@23. To those folks, it’s only funny if it shows our military in a poor light.

To paraphrase Swift, Satire is best when it hits close to home. Well done, Mr. Lilyea.


I thought it was TDB as well. I liked it

Ex-Army doc

Nice one, Jonn.

Jarhead tanker

Strong work, keep up the good work…. 😉

Veritas Omnia Vincit

The problem with pretentious jagoffs is they love making fun of everyone else, but don’t enjoy being targeted all that much.

It was a funny piece, if the folks mentioned don’t get that their “stick up the ass” attitude was being tweaked a little, then I’m with; Sparky f#ck em if they can’t take a joke.


Way to go, Jonn! Looks like The Duffel Blog is going to have some competition! 🙂

JL Collins

Leave the satire to writers.

2-17 AirCav

The preliminary results are in: 29 Thumbs Up and 1 Thumbs Down, the lone dissent from a failed bubblegum wrapper writer.


[…] commits first blue-on-green attack November 5th, 2012 We haven’t checked in on our favorite journalists who surged to Afghanistan in September aboard their charter campaign flight after days of training lately. The journalists joined the war […]